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Home - Authors - Benedikt Michael |
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1. Green Apple Books: Benedikt Michael by author. Current Search benedikt michael in fields author. ResultsFor +Benedikt +Michael , http://www.greenapplebooks.com/cgi-bin/mergatroid/results?searchfield=author&sea |
2. For An Architecture Of Reality Michael Benedikt Title For an Architecture of Reality benedikt michael Michael Benedikt SubjectLiterature Classics Category Art Architecture Photography Architecture http://www.iancrosbie.co.uk/Michael-Benedikt-For-an-Architecture-of-Re-906-091-9 | |
3. Michael Benedikt Philosophischer Empirismus Band 3: Spekulation Translate this page Michael Benedikt Philosophischer Empirismus Band 3 Spekulation. Band 3 Spekulationin 2 Teilbänden benedikt michael Michael Benedikt Medium Broschiert http://www.geheimnisvolle-welten.de/Michael-Benedikt-Philosophischer-Empirismu-6 | |
4. Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Roessner Professor of Architecture. Director, Centerfor American Architecture and Design School of Architecture http://www.chairetmetal.com/bene-bio.htm | |
5. Michael Benedikt Home. Information, People, Courses, Research, Events, Login . MichaelBenedikt. M. Contact Information. University of Chicago 1100 E 58th http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/people/benedikt | |
6. Seb's OpenMind: Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Seb s OpenMind Diary Preferences edit Unwritten Entries Unwritten Entries Categories. http//www.ar.utexas.edu/Faculty/benediktf.html http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~paquetse/cgi-bin/om.cgi?Michael_Benedikt |
7. Karel Frederik Emich Meinrad Benedikt Fidelis Maria Michael Gerold Van Hohenzoll Translate this page Sigmaringen, Duitsland Died - Father Frederik Willem Ferdinand Joseph Maria ManuelGeorg Meinrad Fidelis benedikt michael van Hohezollern Mother Margarita http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~gomes/Europese adel/publicaties/Adel2/g | |
8. Michael Benedikt - Consumerium Michael Benedikt. From Development Wiki of Consumerium Project. See wMichaelBenedikt and general theory of value. An interview http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/index.php/Michael_Benedikt | |
9. Michael Benedikt: 'THE THESAURUS & OTHER NEW VERSE' (from 'OF:' --Manuscript-In- michael benedikt. From OFA Collection of Poems In Progress. Of is a collectionof poems in progress by muchpublished contemporary US poet michael benedikt. http://www.angelfire.com/ny/MichaelBenedikt/ind2.html | |
10. Cyberspace: First Steps (Michael Benedikt) Review of a collection edited by michael benedikt. http://dannyreviews.com/h/Cyberspace_First_Steps.html | |
11. Michael Benedikt 'OF AN ONLY CHILD'S WORLD'--From OF: (mss.-in-progress) MiniSite by michael benedikt. Last Modified 5/15/02. Webversion © l998 michaelbenedikt. Revisions © 2002. From manuscript-in-progress entitled OF Top. http://www.angelfire.com/ny/MichaelBenedikt/onlychld.html | |
12. Michael Benedikt - The Academy Of American Poets michael benedikt The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. Some pages also include RealAudio clips of the http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=90 |
13. Untitled Document michael L. benedikt, Director, Center for American Architecture and Design; Background Professor benedikt's research focuses on innovative theories of architecture including http://www.ar.utexas.edu/Faculty/benediktf.html | |
14. GAIN 2.0: An Interview With Michael Benedikt Interview with author michael benedikt on his philosophy and work. http://gain.aiga.org/content.cfm?alias=michaelbenedikt |
15. Michael Benedikt--Early Poetry Books: THE BODY (l968) & SKY (l970). (Wesleyan U. michael benedikt Early Books of Poetry benedikt, l998. michael benedikt has published five collections of poetry, most recently The Badminton at Great http://members.tripod.com/~MichaelBenedikt/ind2.html | |
17. Michael Benedikt's Homepage Has Moved michael benedikt s homepage has moved here . Please jot down the new addresss. http://www.bell-labs.com/user/benedikt/ | |
18. 'Spooky Poems For Halloween (& All Year Round)' By Michael Benedikt. From Book, Features poetry from U.S. poet michael benedikt. http://members.tripod.com/~MichaelBenedikt/indhallogo.html | |
19. MICHAEL BENEDIKT: 'Poems From Boston & Cambridge' (from TRANSITIONS, A Work In P Narrative poetry by New Yorker re Boston academic sojourn as Guest Poet, Boston U. English CW Dept. Author US Poet, many books, PARIS REVIEW former Poetry Ed. From 'TRANSITIONS ' mss.in-work. http://members.aol.com/benedit1 | |
20. The Prose Poem. Michael Benedikt--Brief Prose Poems & Critical Prose Prose Poems by michael benedikt Brief Prose Poems Critical Prose. michaelbenedikt TALKS ABOUT PROSE POETRY . Interviewer Dennis Stone. http://members.aol.com/benedit4/ | |
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