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61. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: B behn, aphra. LoveLetters Between a Nobleman and His Sister; The Works of aphra behn, Vol. II; The Works of aphra behn, Vol. III. Bellamy, Edward. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_B | |
62. Aphra Behn: Women's History back, behn, aphra (16401689). aphra behn was a dramatist, novelist, and poet. Using the pen name Astraea, she was the first woman http://www2.worldbook.com/features/whm/html/whm098.html | |
63. Books & Literature/Poetry/B/Behn, Aphra Listings. Home Books Literature Poetry B behn, aphra. A Thousand Martyrs I Have Made A Thousand Martyrs I Have Made by aphra behn. http://search.able2know.com/Books___Literature/Poetry/B/Behn__Aphra/ | |
64. Aphra Behn In Cyberspace aphra behn IN CYBERSPACE AT BCCC Introduction to the Novel. aphra behn in Cyberspace. Welcome to our class page on aphra behn. http://www.bucks.edu/~darrahs/alphra.htm | |
65. The San Antonio College LitWeb Aphra Behn Page The aphra behn Page. ( 16401689 ). Major Works. About behn Victoria Sackville-West, aphra behn The Incomparable Astraea. Viking, 1928. aphra behn Society. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/behn.htm | |
66. WWP Text List Barber, Mary Poems on Several Occasions, 1734 $16.00 Bath, Elizabeth Poems, On Various Occasions, 1806 $10.00 behn, aphra The Amorous Prince, 1671 $10.00 behn http://www.wwp.brown.edu/texts/printlist_author.html | |
67. Title-Level URLs For WWO Occasions, 1806. http//www.wwp.brown.edu/texts/behn.discovery.html, behn, aphra, A Discovery of New Worlds, Translator s Preface, 1688. http http://www.wwp.brown.edu/texts/license/titleURLs.html | |
68. Aphra Behn Bio aphra behn July 1640 April 16, 1689, London aphra behn broke every rule. From 1670 until her death in 1689, aphra behn enjoyed commercial triumph. http://www.nyct.net/cosmicleopard/Behn_bio.html | |
69. The Mediadrome - Poems Of The Week: Aphra Behn Poems of the Week aphra behn. by John Stringer. aphra behn continued to write plays, and really this is what her fame really depended on. http://www.themediadrome.com/content/articles/words_articles/poems_aphra_behn.ht | |
70. Aphra Behn: A Brief Chronology Molly Brown. aphra behn a brief chronology. 1680 The Revenge, attributed to aphra behn. 1681 The Rover Part II; The False Count; The Roundheads. http://www.okima.com/cast/behn.html | |
71. Aphra Behn & The Noble Savage: Oroonoko - Notes & Online Sources aphra behn (1640?1689) the Noble Savage . Henri Matisse (1869-1954) National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. aphra behn (1640?-1689). http://music.acu.edu/www/iawm/pages/african/behn.html | |
72. Aphra Behn (1640-1689) Writer 30 of the Most Influential Women of the Millennium Women s History Month 2001, aphra behn (16401689) Writer. aphra behn (1640-1689). http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/whm2001/behn.html | |
73. ChooseBooks - Millions Of Used Books, Ephemera Waiting For You! aphra behn behn, aphra (attributed to) The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the second part The Confession of the Newly Married Couple New York; Privately http://www.choosebooks.com/info_search_87.jsp |
74. Aphra Behn: A Who2 Profile aphra behn Writer. Name at birth aphra Johnson In The aphra behn Society For serious scholars, some background and a syllabus, The http://www.who2.com/aphrabehn.html | |
75. Results In Early English Prose Fiction behn, aphra The Fair Jilt (1688); behn, aphra The History of the Nun (1689); behn, aphra LoveLetters Between a Noble-Man And his Sister, Part 1 (1684); http://www.letrs.indiana.edu/eepf/browse.html | |
76. Gender Inn: Thematischer Suchindex Translate this page Wurzel des Thesaurus Disziplin 115 Literaturwissenschaft AutorInnen und Werke 113 behn, aphra 519 behn, Abdelazer, or, Moor´s Revenge 520 behn, Adventure of http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/n/suchindex?w=1d&id=113 |
77. Aphra Behn, Oroonoko Jones. LC SUBJ HDG behn, aphra, 16401689 Criticism and interpretation. LC SUBJ HDG behn, aphra, 1640-1689 Biography. Authors http://faculty.goucher.edu/eng211/aphra_behn_oroonoko.htm | |
78. Behn, Aphra Renaissance Research Ranch behn, aphra Renaissance Research Ranch Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOne Page Version. Ahoy mate! Welcome to the behn, aphra Clic Renaissance Research Ranch. http://renaissances.com/z/ypoetsd/Behn,Aphrahall/shakespeare1.html | |
79. Behn, Aphra Poetry Renaissance Research Ranch behn, aphra Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch POETRY RANCH If ye would like to moderate the behn, aphra Renaissance Research Ranch, please drop http://renaissances.com/z/ypoetry3d/Behn,Aphrahall/shakespeare1.html | |
80. Aphra Behn Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about aphra behn s life and Loveletters between a Nobleman and his Sister, Oroonoko, or, the Royal Slave, Poems, Secret Life, Theatre. http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/aphra.behn.asp | |
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