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41. BEHN-APHRA-(1640---1689) Translate this page behn, aphra (1640 - 1689), BBC History. «aphra behn stars in the canon of English literature as the first known English woman to earn her living by the pen. http://www1.universia.net/CatalogaXXI/C10056PPESII1/E152631/ | |
42. Quotez - Behn, Aphra Author Index behn, aphra. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/6517/85.htm | |
43. MSN Encarta - Behn, Aphra Translate this page behn, aphra. behn, aphra (Wye, Kent 1640 ca. - Londra 1689), scrittrice, poetessa e commediografa inglese. Web Center. Trova altre informazioni su behn, aphra, http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761557465/Behn_Aphra.html | |
44. Behn, Aphra Forum Frigate behn, aphra Forum Frigate Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOne Page Version. Welcome to the behn, aphra Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion http://jollyroger.com/zz/ypoetry3d/Behn,Aphrahall/shakespeare1.html | |
45. Espionage - Spy - Behn, Aphra aphra behn. aphra spies. It is believed by some that aphra behn was born near Canterbury and that her real name was aphra Johnson. http://www.angelfire.com/dc/1spy/Behn.html | |
46. Aphra Behn @ Catharton Authors aphra behn is often said to be the first professional female writer although like most of her contemporaries very little hard evidence about behn s life exists http://www.catharton.com/authors/2.htm | |
47. Saggi Storici Lesbici E Femministi Di Maria G. Di Rienzo - Aphra Behn (1640-1684 Copertina della biografia di aphra behn scritta da Janet Todd. http://digilander.libero.it/giovannidallorto/saggistoria/mgdr/mgdrbehn.html | |
48. Aphra Behn Bibliography aphra behn Bibliography. behn, aphra. aphra behn/Oroonoko, The Rover, and Other Works. Janet Todd, ed. London Penguin, 1992. The Rover. http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ENGL/courses/engl710b/behnbib.html | |
49. British Academy PORTAL A-Z Index: B - Behn, Aphra To Bridges, Robert PORTAL AZ Index B behn, aphra to Bridges, Robert. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. http://www.britac.ac.uk/portal/subjinde1/b2.html | |
50. BBC - History - Aphra Behn (1640 - 1689) aphra behn stars in the canon of English literature as the first known English woman to earn her living by the pen. aphra behn (1640 1689). http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/behn_aphra.shtml | |
51. Sukipot.com: The Sign Of Angellica An aphra behn Web Site. The Incomparable Astrea An Introduction to aphra behn. Selected Bibliography. The Incomparable Astrea An Introducton to aphra behn. http://www.sukipot.com/angellica/astrea.html | |
52. Sukipot.com: The Sign Of Angellica the sign of angellica. an aphra behn web site. The Incomparable Astrea An Introduction to aphra behn. Just as you might expect, a http://www.sukipot.com/angellica/ | |
53. Behn, Aphra Forum Frigate behn, aphra Forum Frigate POETRY FLEET Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOne Page Version. DR. Welcome to the behn, aphra Forum Frigate. http://carolinanavy.com/fleet2/f2/zpoetry/Behn,Aphrahall/shakespeare1.html | |
54. Learning To Give - Quotation Database LEARNING TO GIVE Quotation Database. Author - behn, aphra . Result s 1 - 1 of 1. He that knew all that learning ever writ, Knew http://learningtogive.org/search/quotes/Display_Quotes.asp?author_id=50&search_t |
55. Behn, Aphra In UK Directory: Lifestyle & Auto: Authors A-C behn, aphra Find works by and commentary on this pioneering 17thcentury poet, playwright and novelist. Web Search behn, aphra. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705473,705575,671399,670347,1166392,9 |
56. The Old Aphra Behn Society Homepage The Old aphra behn Society Homepage. Last Update 3/7/01. The behn Society Page Has Moved!! Please change links to http//prometheus.cc.emory.edu/behn/index.html. http://locutus.ucr.edu/~cathy/behn.html | |
57. Michigan State University Department Of Theatre - Theatre Archives aphra behn (16401689). Home. Dramatists. Picture published prior to 1923, in public domain. http://www.theatre.msu.edu/Academics/TheatreArchive/Behn, Aphra/behna.html |
58. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Aphra Behn (1640-1689) Selected Poetry of aphra behn (16401689). from Representative Poetry On-line Prepared by members of the Department of English at http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poet21.html | |
59. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile Size . behn, aphra (1640 1689), Click For External Online Reference English Writer. Quotations By This Source. Jealousy. http://www.crystalclouds.co.uk/search.php?option=ThisSource&searchbioid=816 |
60. British Library Images Online - Item aphra behn Click on the image to enlarge further or add to your basket by clicking the basket icon above the record. Author behn, aphra. Illustrator . http://ibs001.colo.firstnet.net.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id= |
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