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81. The Norton Anthology Of English Literature: The Romantic Age: Topic 4: Texts And william beckford, from Vathek. william beckford (17601844) has alreadybeen briefly introduced in the headnote to the Vathek pages http://www.wwnorton.com/nael/romantic/topic_4/beckford.htm | |
82. {Bentley's] Standard Novels. No.XLI ... and or, Help. {Bentley s Standard Novels. No.XLI beckford (william), HoraceWalpole, and MG Lewis. {Bentley s Standard Novels. No.XLI Richard Bentley. http://rarebooks.blackwell.co.uk/servlets/rb?f=display&k=beckfordwilliamhoracebe |
83. William Beckford (1709-1770), Lord Mayor Of London National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for william beckford including williambeckford by John Kirk, william beckford by John Dixon, william beckford by http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp05065 |
84. Namnlöst Dokument The Englishman william beckford (17591844) was 19 years of age when his love affairwith william Courtney, the heir to Powderham Castle, 16, was revealed and http://www.users.wineasy.se/hattom/Fonthill.html | |
85. William Beckford A brief page on william beckford, his novel Vathek, his inspirations and influenceson other artists, including Byron, Meredith, Disraeli, and Wilde. http://pluto.scs.ryerson.ca/~monica/beckford.htm | |
86. Cheap Books, Horror, Authors, A-Z, ( B ), Beckford, William Home. Books. Horror. Authors, AZ. ( B ). beckford, william. Bates,Michael. Beach, Lynn. beckford, william. Been, Dwight. Bellairs, John. Benson,E. F. http://www.online-selection.com/books/Horror/Authors-A-Z/B/Beckford-William/ | |
87. Magazine Littéraire - Un Anglais Perverti, William Beckford Translate this page Le Grand Larousse Universel du siècle dernier, où les noms commençantpar B occupent tout un volume, ne mentionne pas beckford (william). http://www.magazine-litteraire.com/archives/ar_371_1.htm | |
88. William Beckford - EBook Titles - Software Technology william beckford. william beckford eBooks Selected Titles by william beckford. TheHistory of Caliph Vathek. william beckford. The History of Caliph Vathek. http://www.ebookmall.com/alpha-authors/b-authors/William-Beckford.htm | |
89. Valdemar Translate this page http://www.valdemar.com/default.php?manufacturers_id=25 |
90. Oak Knoll Books & Oak Knoll Press Featured. New Additions. All catalogues. Sale Books. New Publications.Advanced Search. Oak Knoll Press. Oak Knoll Books. News. Virtual Tour. http://www.oakknoll.com/detail.php?d_booknr=22088 |
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