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61. Beckett (Samuel) http://www.proverbes-citations.com/beckett.htm | |
62. Samuel Beckett Short biography; message board. http://www.littlebluelight.com/beckettframe.html |
63. Literary Encyclopedia: Beckett, Samuel beckett, samuel. (1906 1989). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Novelist, Playwright, Poet. Active 1931 - 1989 in Ireland, France http://www.literarydictionary.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5161 |
64. MSN Encarta - Beckett, Samuel Translate this page beckett, samuel. 1. Présentation. beckett, samuel (1906-1989), romancier, auteur dramatique et poète irlandais. 2. Débuts entre prose et poésie. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761570941/Beckett_Samuel.html | |
65. Warten Auf Godot Zusammenfassung des St¼cks von samuel beckett. http://ausloeschung.spirgi.com/godot.html | |
66. Beckett's Prose Fiction Discussion of the postmodernity of the author's prose fictions. By Brian Finney. http://www.csulb.edu/~bhfinney/beckett.html | |
67. Samuel Beckett Life Stories, Books, & Links Two biographical essays about the playwright's life and works. Requires free registration to read full articles. http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/samuel.beckett.asp | |
68. Samuel Beckett Resources And Links Online essays, reviews, analyses and various other material related to the author and his works. http://www.samuel-beckett.net/ | |
69. Beckett, Samuel. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. beckett, samuel. (b k´ t) (KEY) , 190689, AngloFrench playwright and novelist, b. Dublin. http://www.bartleby.com/65/be/Beckett.html | |
70. Literary Encyclopedia Samuel Beckett Biography, literary impact, and works. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5161 |
71. Beckett, Samuel. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002 2002. beckett, samuel. An Irishborn twentieth-century French author who is best known for the play Waiting for Godot. (See also theater of the absurd.), 1. http://www.bartleby.com/59/5/beckettsamue.html | |
72. Magazine Littéraire - Beckett, Inconnu Et Inconnaissable Translate this page beckett, inconnu et inconnaissable. Par John Montague In magazine littéraire n° 35 Décembre 1969. samuel beckett, Prix Nobel. Le http://www.magazine-litteraire.com/archives/ar_372.htm | |
73. BBC - Books - Author Profile For Samuel Beckett BBC profile and photograph of the Irish writer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/books/author/beckett/ | |
74. Samuel Beckett, Une Biographie Succinte, Club Des Poètes http://www.franceweb.fr/poesie/beckett2.htm | |
75. The Beckett International Foundation Administers and coordinates the academic and bibliographical resources of Reading University Library's samuel beckett Collection. http://www.library.rdg.ac.uk/colls/bif/index.html | |
76. Samuel Beckett Translate this page Die Krefelder Referate Homepage www.krref.krefeld.schulen.net. samuel beckett Der irisch-englische Dramatiker samuel Barclay beckett wurde am 13.4. http://www.krref.krefeld.schulen.net/biographien/b0138t00.htm | |
77. Glossary: Beckett, Samuel Glossary entry for beckett, samuel. He died in Paris on Dec. 22, 1989. More information available at The samuel beckett Endpage. http://www.harbour.sfu.ca/~hayward/van/glossary/beckett.html | |
78. Waiting For Godot A synopsis and analysis of the play by samuel beckett. http://www.theatrehistory.com/french/beckett002.html | |
79. Beckett, Samuel beckett, samuel, bek it Pronunciation Key. beckett, samuel , 190689, AngloFrench playwright and novelist, b. Dublin. Illustrating samuel beckett. http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE005123.html | |
80. Endgame: A Synopsis And Analysis Of The Play By Samuel Beckett A synopsis and analysis of the play by samuel beckett. http://www.theatrehistory.com/french/beckett003.html | |
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