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61. Minnesota Zen Center Matsuo basho and Zen Haiku. And, like a priest, basho wore the black robes of the Buddhist monk, a habit he would retain for the rest of his life. http://www.mnzencenter.org/sangha/matsuo.html | |
62. Steffen Basho Junghans - Epitonic.com: Hi Quality Free And Legal MP3 Music Steffen basho Junghans Strange Attractors Audio House . buy this music. musicians Steffen basho-Junghans (acoustic guitars). similar artists http://www.epitonic.com/artists/steffenbashojunghans.html | |
63. Basho's Narrow Road Matsuo basho (164494) is considered Japan s greatest haiku poet. Narrow Road basho S NARROW ROAD SPRING AND AUTUMN PASSAGES. Two Works http://www.stonebridge.com/BASHONARROW/basho.html | |
64. Basho And Kukai basho and Kukai. Lines within a pair of hooklike parentheses are basho referring to Nanzan Daishi , which was the compellation of Kukai . http://prof.mt.tama.hosei.ac.jp/~hhirano/favor/to_john.htm | |
65. Basho's basho s. JOURNEY. This translated. The occasion it had been written is clear, for Matsuo basho left record on a volume of sheets. http://prof.mt.tama.hosei.ac.jp/~hhirano/favor/basho.htm | |
66. Poems By Basho Poems by basho (16441694). Summer grasses all that remains of great soldiers imperial dreams. From The Essential basho, Translated by Sam Hamill. http://hjem.get2net.dk/civet-cat/poetry-stories/basho.htm | |
67. Basho In Yamagata, A Proposal basho in Yamagata, a Proposal. Go down to the Japanese part. 47700-2028-7 Translated by Donald Keene and illustrated by Masayuki Miyata. Other basho Home Pages. http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/logos/basho/plan.html | |
68. Basho-Ensemblen http://www.basho.se/ |
69. Runker Room : Japan : Sumo Canada Basho 1998 an error occurred while processing this directive http://www.angelfire.com/sports/runkerroom/SUMO/sumo.htm | |
70. Basho 1. Robbie basho. 2. Steffen bashoJunghans. Steffen basho Junghans released so far guitar records in mostly three different styles http://psychevanhetfolk.homestead.com/Basho.html | |
71. Basho Strategies Sales Training Prepare to Learn the Practice of Greater Sales http://www.bashostrategies.com/ |
72. Strategic News Service - News Item The fragrant blossoms remain. A perfect evening! basho Stock markets echo The sudden Fall of my Once robust portfolios. Larry Roshfeld basho http://www.tapsns.com/haikuall.shtml | |
73. Matsuo Basho - Wikipedia Translate this page Matsuo basho. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Matsuo basho ( ,1644 - 28 de noviembre de 1694), era el pseudónimo http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsuo_Basho | |
74. Matsuo Basho Matsuo basho. Matsuo basho (, 1644 November 28, 1694), the pseudonym of Mastuo Munefusa, was a Japanese poet. basho died in 1694 in Osaka. http://www.fact-index.com/m/ma/matsuo_basho.html | |
75. 1998 Sumo Canada Basho 1998 Sumo Canada basho. Sumo 101. After Memories of the Sumo Canada basho. Yaocho Is this photographic evidence of a fixed bout? Parmesh http://www.magma.ca/~sumo/bashcont.htm | |
76. // :: Kaze No Fuku Basho Fl :: \\ Click here to enter the website. http://knfb.zor.org/ | |
77. Doug, Basho, And Axel Thu The Winter of 1991 was the most stressful time in my life so far. I would not have gotten through it without my friends basho and Axel Thu. basho was my cat. http://www.dougshaw.com/essays/thu.html | |
78. Advice From Doug's Favorite Pussycat Ask basho. An advice column written by a cat, for human beings. basho in a sink. Wow! I never expected so many people to write in to ask basho questions! http://www.dougshaw.com/askbasho/ | |
79. Basho's Frogger - "Pataphysical Software Company game and try again. basho s Frogger was produced as a response to Derek Beaulieu s ((plop)), a manuscript of basho translations. http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/hennessey/data/basho_frogger/ | |
80. Basho basho, Matsuo 164495 Poet, born in Ueno, Japan. Influenced by Zen Buddhism he became a master of the haiku and started his own http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/literature_n2/4For.html | |
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