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1. Basho Matsuo Previous Page. Chapter 2 basho Matsuo (1644 ~ 1694). basho Matsuo is known as the first great poet in the history of haikai (and haiku). basho. http://www.big.or.jp/~loupe/links/ehisto/ebasho.shtml | |
2. Basho The Commentary on basho page of The Poetry Store Archive is linked to The Poetry Store which sells poetry books and recommends selected poetry see God in a flea as flea. basho discovered this in http://www.poetrystore.com/commenta.html | |
3. Basho's Life Biography of the Japanese poet. http://hkuhist2.hku.hk/Nakasendo/basho.htm | |
4. Basho The Poetry of basho. Waking in the night; the lamp is low, the oil freezing. It has rained enough to turn the stubble on the field black. http://members.aol.com/markabird/basho.html | |
5. Biography Of Basho basho. When he felt the need for solitude, he withdrew to his bashoan, a hut made of plantain leaves (basho)-hence his pseudonym. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/5022/bashobio.html | |
6. Blue Moment Arts, Home Of Steffen Basho-Junghans & Robbie Basho Archives, Main-i Website of guitarist, composer Steffen bashoJunghans - archives, biography, discography, reviews, and listening room. http://www.bluemomentarts.de/ | |
7. Project Basho Based on its communal darkroom, Project basho attempts to bring photographers together in Philadelphia area and generate the appreciation of the photographic medium through offering workshops and other projects. http://www.projectbasho.org | |
8. Home Page Zen Buddhists, The Orchard Sangha, offer a spiritual site for interfaith dialogue and teachings. Poetry, newsletter, meditations, books, and links featured. http://www.prajnaparamita.com/ | |
9. mÔibashoDBj 年表ãå¥éãé¢ä¿è ãªã©ãåé²ãããã¼ã¿ãã¼ã¹ã http://www.ese.yamanashi.ac.jp/~itoyo/basho/basho.htm | |
10. Haiku Haiku Techniques Jane Reichhold. Another Definition of Haiku - Jane Reichhold. Haiku Rules That Have Come and Gone - Jane Reichhold. ARTICLES ON HAIKU WRITING. Metaphor in basho's Haiku - Jane Reichhold. That Lovable Old Issa - Often one finds this in translations of basho's haikai taken out of context from a renga http://www.ahapoetry.com/haiku.htm | |
11. æ±æ±åºèèè¨å¿µé¤¨ æ±äº¬é½æ±æ±åºãæ½è¨æ å ±ãåºæ°å¯¾è±¡è¬åº§ãå ¨å½ä¿³å¥å¤§ä¼ã®æ¡å ã http://homepage3.nifty.com/basho-museum/ | |
12. History Of Haiku Written by Ryu Yotsuya in Tokyo, Japon. History from basho Matsuo to Koi Nagata. Written by Ryu Yotsuya. Index. Before basho (The 1516th centuries). http://www.big.or.jp/~loupe/links/ehisto/ehisinx.shtml | |
13. Basho basho, pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa (164494), is considered the master of the haiku form. In his youth basho was a samurai, but after 1666 he devoted his life to writing poetry. http://www.randomviolins.com/~dwap/literati/renga/basho.htm | |
14. Haiku By Basho basho. How very noble! One who finds no satori in the lightningflash. On New Year s Day each thought a loneliness as winter dusk descends. basho S DEATH POEM. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/5022/basho.html | |
15. Basho's Life The master haiku Poet Matsuo basho by Makoto Ueda, Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1970. basho's Life. One day in the spring of 1681 a banana tree was being planted alongside a modest hut in a rustic area http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/life.html | |
16. Basho's World http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho | |
17. Basho-ki Index bashoki. old pond a frog leaps in water s sound. basho s death poem Sick on a journey, my dreams wander the withered fields. http://members.aol.com/Vanpire13/bk.htm | |
18. "Haiku Poet's Hut: Haiku And Haiku Related Poetry By Soji" Haiku by Soji, aka Gary Barnes, haiku by the masters, basho, Buson, Issa, and by a number of contemporary practitioners of the art in English. http://www.haikupoetshut.com | |
19. Grand Inspiritors: Matsuo Basho Links to a variety of sites about the Japanese poet in English and Japanese. http://opening.hefko.net/gi_basho.html | |
20. Basho's Life The master haiku Poet Matsuo basho by Makoto Ueda, Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1970. basho s Life. Yet basho s career began in an ordinary enough way. http://www.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/life.html | |
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