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61. Wild Heart: A Life: Natalie Clifford Barney's Journey From Victorian America To Wild Heart A Life natalie clifford barney s Journey from VictorianAmerica to Belle Epoque Paris Suzanne Rodriguez. Wild Heart A http://www.wstewart.co.uk/Suzanne-Rodriguez-Wild-Heart-A-Life-Natal-993-631-342- | |
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67. Ohio Center For The Book At Cleveland Public Library : Ohio Authors Online natalie clifford barney , Dayton Died Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Ohio ConnectionBirth Awards Established a prize in honor of English poet Renee Vivien in http://www.ohiocenterforthebook.org/OhioAuthors.aspx?id=72&mode=detail®ion=no |
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73. Lespress 122003 Zeitreise: RomaineBrooks natalie clifford barney. http://www.lespress.de/122003/texte122003/zeitreise_Brooks_2003.html | |
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75. Romaine Brooks' L'Amazone (Natalie Barney) com. Notes See more on Romaine Brooks. Above natalie clifford barney Romaine Brooks Photo Below As painted by Romaine Brooks, http://www.jssgallery.org/Other_Artists/Romaine_Brooks/L_Amazone.htm | |
76. Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney Par Natalie C. Barney Translate this page I found that previously unpublished text by natalie clifford barney on her brother-in-lawin the Laura C. Dreyfus-barney Collection of the French Bahai http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/2385/publications/hippolyte_dreyfus-barney | |
77. ReadingGroupGuides.com - Wild Heart: A Life By Suzanne Rodriguez Wild Heart A Life natalie clifford barney and the Decadence of Literary Parisby Suzanne Rodriguez List Price $13.95 Pages 448 Format Paperback ISBN http://www.readinggroupguides.com/guides3/wild_heart1.asp | |
78. Natalie Barney Romaine Brooks Works Cited and Consulted. barney, natalie clifford. Adventures of the Mind(Aventures de lesprit). New York New York UP, 1992. . Foreword. http://www.ac.aup.fr/cschenck/pwaw/ch16teal.htm | |
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