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41. Knowledge ª¾ÃѺô "¤Ú©Ô¥d Baraka, Imamu Amiri (1934.10.7~)" ¤å¥óº The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.knowledge.idv.tw/Document.asp?DocumentNo=7253 |
42. Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry: Bibliography baraka, imamu amiri, 1934 1961, Preface To A Twenty Volume Suicide Note . baraka, imamu amiri, 1934- 1982, Reggae or Not! http://efts.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/AAP20/AAP20.bib.html | |
43. Amiri Baraka advocate scientific socialism. Having been converted to the Kewaida sect of the Muslim faith, he assumed the name imamu amiri baraka. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/baraka.htm | |
44. Imamu Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones) Quotations imamu amiri baraka (Leroi Jones) Quotations. The further jazz moves away from the stark blue continuum and the collective realities http://www.memorablequotations.com/baraka.htm | |
45. Imamu Amiri Baraka - American Writer imamu amiri baraka LeRoi Jones Learn More About imamu amiri baraka A rich man told me recently that a liberal is a man who tells other people what to do with http://www.quotemeonit.com/bakara.html | |
46. Imamu Amiri Baraka, Famous Quotation/Quote Quote from imamu amiri baraka. By imamu amiri baraka (click for more quotes by imamu amiri baraka or books by/about imamu amiri baraka). Source in Kulchur. http://quotes.telemanage.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes/0d2c0a6c2d2a740785256c7d005b597a | |
47. Detailed Record LeRoi Jones (imamu amiri baraka) a checklist of works by and about him By Letitia Dace Publisher London, Nether Press, 1971. http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/9db97c80a52a3b9f.html | |
48. I Love Music By Imamu Amiri Baraka can be. can be. can be. aggeeewheeuheeaggeeee. aggrrr rrruuuaggg. imamu amiri baraka. ABRAXAS 20 BRIGHT MOMENTS. Return to ABRAXAS Catalog. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/4614/baraka.html | |
49. PAL: Amiri Baraka / LeRoi Jones (1934- ) ed. imamu amiri baraka (Leroi Jones) a collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall, 1978. imamu amiri baraka. American Drama. ED. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap10/baraka.html | |
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51. Ka 'Ba - Imamu Amiri Baraka - Poem Ka Ba by imamu amiri baraka .. A closed window looks down on a dirty courtyard, and black people call across imamu amiri baraka, http://www.poemhunter.com/p/m/poem.asp?poet=24388&poem=260477 |
52. World Of Quotes - Imamu Amiri Baraka Quotes. imamu amiri baraka Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. 1 Quotes for imamu amiri baraka in the Database. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Imamu-Amiri-Baraka/1/ | |
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54. Imamu Amiri Baraka Full of hate and spite. Written by imamu amiri baraka , amiri baraka , William J. Harris Published by Thunder s Mouth Press (December 1999) ISBN 1560252383 http://cinemabooks.org/search_Imamu_Amiri_Baraka/searchBy_Author.html | |
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