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Augustine Of Hippo: more books (112) | ||||||||||
21. Creationism And The Early Church Home Page Dedicated to the study of the early church interpretation of Genesis 111 from the close of the New Testament up until the death of augustine of hippo. http://www.robibrad.demon.co.uk/ | |
22. Augustine Of Hippo - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia augustine of hippo. (Redirected from Saint Augustine). Peter Brown, augustine of hippo (Berkeley University of California Press, 1967) ISBN 0520-00186-9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Augustine | |
23. Untitled Document Information about the worldwide Augustinian Order; the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova; Augustinian spiritual father Saint augustine of hippo and his many writings; Augustinian patron Saint Thomas of Villanova, a bishop dedicated to the poor and marginalized; The Augustinian way of life; their publications; their commitment in foreign and home missions; their care for their elderly friars; their preparation of their young men to follow the Augustinian ideal. http://www.augustinian.org/ |
24. CIN - Augustine Of Hippo John Paul II AUGUSTINUM HIPPONENSEM. augustine of hippo. Apostolic Letter of the Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II August 28, 1986. To the Bishops, priests http://www.cin.org/jp2ency/augustin.html | |
25. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Alypius St. Alypius, close friend of St. augustine of hippo. Like Augustine, Alypius was baptized by Ambrose. St. Alypius became bishop of Tagaste. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01374c.htm | |
26. Augustine Of Hippo, Bishop And Theologian the Life of the souls that love thee, and the strength of the hearts that serve thee Help us, following the example of thy servant augustine of hippo, so to http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/50.html | |
27. Monnica, Mother Of Augustine Of Hippo We know about Monnica almost entirely from the autobiography (the Confessions) of her son Augustine, a major Christian writer, theologian and philosopher (see http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/153.html | |
28. Western North African Christianity/ Augustine Of Hippo augustine of hippo. After he became a Christian, Augustine found himself drafted into become the bishop of Hippo Regis in North Africa. http://www.bethel.edu/~letnie/AfricanChristianity/WNAAugustine.html | |
29. Saint Augustine Of Hippo Saint augustine of hippo. General Information Augustine (1986); Smith, Warren Thomas, Augustine His Life and Thought (1980). Saint augustine of hippo (354430). http://mb-soft.com/believe/txn/august.htm | |
30. The Ecole Glossary Brief profile, by Elise M. Bender. http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/glossary/augustine.html | |
31. Island Of Freedom - St. Augustine Biography, quotes, and links to English translations of works by augustine of hippo. http://www.island-of-freedom.com/AUGUST.HTM | |
32. The Classical Library - Augustine Of Hippo augustine of hippo (354430). Augustine died on August 28, 430, as the Vandals were besieging his own earthly city of Hippo. Confessions (AD 401). http://www.classicallibrary.org/augustine/ | |
33. Augustine Of Hippo Biography and Readings for St. augustine of hippo, commemorated August 28, according to the Episcopal Church. Last updated 27 July 2002. augustine of hippo. http://www.satucket.com/lectionary/Augustine_Hippo.htm | |
34. Philosophers : Saint Augustine augustine of hippo. Platonist and Christian Philosopher. 354430. Augustine, a voluminous writer on the subject of philosophy and its http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/augustine.html | |
35. Personal.stthomas.edu/gwschlabach/aug.htm The Ecole GlossaryThe Ecole Initiative The Ecole Glossary. augustine of hippo. Augustine (354 430 CE), bishop, Doctor of the Church, and the most influential http://personal.stthomas.edu/gwschlabach/aug.htm |
36. Augustine Of Hippo Early Church.org.uk, augustine of hippo. Download Acrobat Reader 5.0. augustine of hippo (from André Thevet). augustine of hippo (from André Thevet). http://www.earlychurch.org.uk/augustine.html | |
37. Augustine Of Hippo augustine of hippo. St. augustine of hippo, born AD 354, Tagaste; died August 28, 430, Hippo Regius (modern Bone, now Annaba, Algeria). http://www.fact-index.com/a/au/augustine_of_hippo.html | |
38. Saint Augustine Of Hippo Saint augustine of hippo is generally considered the greatest thinker of Christian Antiquity, and his writings were exceedingly influential to medieval thought http://historymedren.about.com/library/who/blwwaugustine.htm | |
39. Augustine Of Hippo Bestselling TextsPeter Brown augustine of hippo A Biography, Revised Edition with a New Epilogue Publication Date November 2000. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/1110001.html | |
40. Augustine Of Hippo - Encyclopedia Article About Augustine Of Hippo. Free Access, encyclopedia article about augustine of hippo. augustine of hippo in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. augustine of hippo. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Augustine of Hippo | |
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