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         Artaud Antonin:     more books (100)
  1. En compagnie d'Antonin Artaud ;: Suivi de, Poemes (French Edition) by Jacques Prevel, 1994
  2. The Dramatic Concepts of Antonin Artaud (Literary Criticism) by Eric Sellin, 1975-06
  3. Antonin Artaud, 1896-1948: Leben u. Werk d. Schauspielers, Dichters u. Regisseurs (Batterien ; 3) (German Edition) by Elena Kapralik, 1977
  4. Antonin Artaud und das "nouveau theatre" in Frankreich (Acta romanica) (German Edition) by Karl Alfred Bluher, 1991
  5. Antonin Artaud: euvres sur papier : Musee Cantini, 17 juin-17 septembre 1995 (French Edition) by Antonin Artaud, 1995
  6. Der lebendige Schatten: Untersuchungen zu Antonin Artauds "Theatre de la cruante" (Heidelberger Beitrage zur Romanistik) (German Edition) by Hanspeter Plocher, 1974
  7. Antonin artaud, écrivain du sud
  8. Antonin Artaud, ce desespere qui vous parle: Essais (Fiction & Cie) (French Edition) by Paule Thevenin, 1993
  9. Antonin Artaud: From Theory to Practice (Greenwich Exchange Literary) by Lee Jamieson, 2007-07
  10. Le poete et la modernite: Poetiques de l'individu de Gerard de Nerval a Antonin Artaud (Collection L'ouverture philosophique) (French Edition) by Thierry Galibert, 1998
  11. La naissance de la poesie--Antonin Artaud (Collection L'Elementaire) (French Edition) by Jean-Michel Rey, 1991
  12. Le monde d'Antonin Artaud, ou, Pour une culture cosmopoetique (Le Regard litteraire) (French Edition) by Kenneth White, 1989
  13. Antonin Artaud: Figures et portraits vertigineux (Theorie et litterature) (French Edition)
  14. Antonin Artaud: Four Texts by Antonin Artaud, 1982-07

41. Antonin Artaud. Libros En Español
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Autor: Artaud, Antonin

English version Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: Nació el 4 Sept., 1896, en Marseille, Francia Falleció el 4 Marzo, 1948, en Ivry-sur-Seine Vida y obras: Artaud, Antonin (1896-1948), poeta, dramaturgo y actor francés, cuyas teorías y trabajos influyeron en el desarrollo del teatro experimental. Nació y se educó en Marsella. Artaud se trasladó a París en 1920 y se hizo actor teatral. Fue co-fundador del Théâtre Alfred Jarry en 1927, en el que produjo varias obras, incluyendo una suya The Cenci (1935), una ilustración de su concepto de Teatro de la Crueldad. Artaud utilizó este término para definir un nuevo teatro que debía minimizar la palabra hablada y dejarse llevar por una combinación de movimiento físico y gesto, sonidos inusuales, y eliminación de las disposiciones habituales de escenario y decorados. Con los sentidos desorientados, el espectador se vería forzado a enfrentarse al fuero interno, a su ser esencial, despojado de su civilizada coraza. Impedido siempre por enfermedades físicas y mentales crónicas, Artaud fue incapaz de poner sus teorías en práctica. Su libro El Teatro y su Doble (1938; trad. 1978) describe fórmulas teatrales que más tarde, sin embargo, se convirtieron en las señas de identidad del movimiento de teatro en grupo, el teatro de la crueldad, teatro del absurdo, teatro ritual y de entorno.

42. Antonin Artaud. Biography And Complete Works
Author artaud, antonin, en español Versión en español. Date and Place of birth b. Sept. 4, 1896, Marseille, France d. March 4, 1948, Ivrysur-Seine.
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Author: Artaud, Antonin
Date and Place of birth:
b. Sept. 4, 1896, Marseille, France d. March 4, 1948, Ivry-sur-Seine Life and Works:
Artaud's parents were partly Levantine Greek, and he was much affected by this background, especially in his fascination with mysticism. Lifelong mental disorders sent him repeatedly into asylums. He sent his Surrealist poetry L'Ombilic des limbes (1925; "Umbilical Limbo") and Le Pèse-nerfs Nerve Scales ) to the influential critic Jacques Rivière, thus beginning their long correspondence. After studying acting in Paris, he made his debut in Aurélien Lugné-Poë's Dadaist-Surrealist Théâtre de l'Oeuvre. Artaud broke with the Surrealists when their leader, the poet André Breton, gave their allegiance to communism. Artaud, who believed the movement's strength was extrapolitical, joined another defecting Surrealist, the dramatist Roger Vitrac, in the short-lived Théâtre Alfred Jarry. Artaud played Marat in Abel Gance's film Napoléon (1927) and appeared as a friar in Carl Dreyer's classic film La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc Artaud's Manifeste du théâtre de la cruauté (1932; "Manifesto of the Theatre of Cruelty") and

43. MSN Encarta - Artaud, Antonin
Translate this page artaud, antonin. 1. Présentation. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pour artaud, antonin, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher artaud, antonin.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Artaud, Antonin Pr©sentation Artaud, Antonin (1896-1948), po¨te, essayiste, auteur dramatique, acteur et metteur en sc¨ne fran§ais dont les th©ories et l’œuvre ont suscit© le... « Je ne suis n© que de ma douleur » « Les lambeaux regagn©s sur le n©ant complet » L’homme de cin©ma Le « th©¢tre de la cruaut©Â Â» Retour   la sc¨ne Le Th©¢tre et son double Un « th©¢tre total » « Une saison en enfer » Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu Les h©ritiers rebelles M©dias S©lection de sites Web Antonin Artaud (Club des po¨tes) 1 ©l©ment Encadr©s Th©¢tre

44. Creative Quotations From Antonin Artaud (1896-1948)
. . antonin artaud (18961948) born on Sep 3 French dramatist, poet, actor. Search millions of documents for antonin artaud. Highbeam Research,
CQHome Search CQ CQ Indexes CQ E-books ... creative
Creative Quotations from . . . Antonin Artaud 1896-1948) born on Sep 3 French dramatist, poet, actor. He was theoretician of the Surrealist movement; tried to replace "bourgeois" classical theatre with his primitive ceremonies of "theatre of cruelty." Search millions of documents for Antonin Artaud
Creative Hats
Tshirts African Cichlids When we speak the word "life," it must be understood we are not referring to life as we know it from its surface of fact, but to that fragile, fluctuating center which forms never reach.
But how is one to make a scientist understand that there is something unalterably deranged about differential calculus, quantum theory, or the obscene and so inanely liturgical ordeals of the precession of the equinoxes. There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him. Never tire yourself more than necessary, even if you have to found a culture on the fatigue of your bones. Written poetry is worth reading once, and then should be destroyed. Let the dead poets make way for others.

45. Artaud, Antonin
encyclopediaEncyclopedia artaud, antonin, äNtônaN ärtO Pronunciation Key. artaud, antonin , 1896–1948, French poet, actor, and director.
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46. Quotez - Artaud, Antonin
Author Index artaud, antonin.
Artaud, Antonin
"There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him." - of Van Gogh Quotez - a selection of quotations
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47. Artaud, Antonin. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. artaud, antonin. (äNtôn N´ ärt ´) (KEY) , 1896–1948, French poet, actor, and director.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Artaud, Antonin

48. 4244. Artaud, Antonin. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
ATTRIBUTION antonin artaud (1896–1948), French theater producer, actor, theorist. repr. in Selected Writings, pt. 33, ed. Susan Sontag (1976).
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations The Columbia World of Quotations PREVIOUS ... AUTHOR INDEX The Columbia World of Quotations. NUMBER: QUOTATION: There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him.

49. : Artaud, Antonin (1896-1948)
Selection of links about antonin artaud. Online books, poems, critical texts, biographies and bibliographies. artaud, antonin (18961948).
org HOME WEB DIRECTORY ART DIFFUSION WEB SERVICES ... Writers (20th Century) Artaud, Antonin (1896-1948) Main Directory Suggest a Site Random Link Search Options the entire directory this category only Links:
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    3 or 4 small texts and 3 drawings by Artaud. Includes "The Theatre and the Plague", performance by Antonin Artaud in april 1933 at the Schoolroom of the Sorbonne in Paris, as told by Anais Nin...
  • Mad as Hell: Antonin Artaud's Pictures -
    An article by Luc Sante about the exhibition of Artaud's drawings at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1996.
  • Antonin Artaud - Webiste -
    Website in French only. Features texts, documents, and many photos of Antonin Artaud.
  • Antonin Artaud - Website -
    A bibliography, a slideshow gallery, excerpts from pivotal texts by and on Artaud and links to other related sources.
  • Antonin Artaud - Website -
    Website in French and English. News, bibliography, online texts by and about Antonin Artaud. List of links to other sources.
  • About Artaud -

50. Artaud, Antonin
artaud, antonin. French actor, theatre director, and theorist. Although his play Les Cenci/The Cenci (1935) was a failure, his passionate
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54. Artaud, Antonin
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55. PALATINE Directory: Artaud, Antonin
artaud, antonin. Suggest a Link for artaud, antonin. antonin artaud (offroads). Artist s Official Site Details Maintained by Arnaud Hubert, updated August 1998.
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Artist's Official Site
Details: Maintained by Arnaud Hubert, updated August 1998.
French version available.
REVIEW: Difficult site to access, the bibliography is ‘under construction’, some pages are in French and the value of the written material is difficult to discern quickly as it has little introduction. Two useful sections are a shortened version of an MA thesis on the Theatre of Cruelty and the family romance (from 1995) and a talk on ‘The Reinvention of the Human Face’. In practical terms, download times are sometimes disconcertingly long (sometimes fail to load) and, as with the site as a whole, the links page is a little diverse in content (which matches the surrealist content of many of the links) and it contains English, Spanish, German and French sites.
Reviewed March 2001, by Stuart Andrews. Rate link
Antonin Artaud (

56. Browse By Artist: ARTAUD, ANTONIN
Artist artaud, antonin. Title Watchfiends Rack Screams. Label EXACT CHANGE. Format Book. Price $15.50. Catalog EC artaud. Among
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Artist: ARTAUD, ANTONIN Title: Label: EXACT CHANGE Format: Book Price: Catalog #: EC ARTAUD "Among Antonin Artaud's most brilliant works are the scatological glossolalia composed in the final three years of his life (1945-1948), during and after his incarceration in an asylum at Rodez. These represent some of the most powerful outpourings ever recorded, a torrent of speech from the other side of sanity and the occult. In this collection, the most complete representation of this period of Artaud's work ever presented in English, and the first new anthology of Artaud published in the U.S. since Helen Weaver's 1976 Selected Writings , cogent statements of theory are paired with the raving poetry of such pieces as 'Artaud the Momo,' 'Here Lies,' and 'To Have Done with the Judgement of God.' These are translated with drama and accuracy by Clayton Eshleman, whose renditions of Vallejo and Césaire have won widespread acclaim including a National Book Award." Previous Page Index of Artists Next Page

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59. ARTAUD, ANTONIN - Prometeo Libros - Libreria De Ciencias Sociales
Translate this page artaud, antonin,Libros de las Ciencias Sociales. Usted buscó Autor artaud, antonin. Se encontraron 14 títulos. 1, CARTAS A JEAN-LOUIS BARRAULT. artaud, antonin.

60. Carcasse | Antonin Artaud - Loucura E Lucidez, Tradição E Modernidade
Translate this page antonin artaud. Loucura e Lucidez, Tradição e Modernidade. antonin artaud. O Suicídio é uma Solução? (resposta a uma enquête surrealista).
A ntonin A rtaud
L oucura e L ucidez, T radição e M odernidade
m O Teatro e seu duplo , obra na qual apresenta o conjunto de idéias que constituíram o teatro da crueldade, Antonin Artaud defende uma linguagem que pudesse exprimir objetivamente verdades secretas . Uma linguagem mais concreta que a utilizada para falar da esfera psicológica: mudar a finalidade da palavra no teatro é servir-se dela em um sentido concreto e espacial, combinando-a com tudo o que o teatro contém de especial e de significação em um domínio concreto; é manipulá-la como objeto sólido, capaz de abalar as coisas inicialmente no ar, e em seguida em um domínio mais misterioso e mais secreto Por isso, o teatro da crueldade é um ritual, valorizando o gestual e o objeto, trocando o lugar de palco e platéia. Em outras de suas obras, como Heliogábalo, o anarquista coroado e Viagem ao país dos Taraumaras , criou uma recíproca desse teatro, uma espécie de semiologia onde as coisas têm significado e formam discursos. A leitura de

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