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61. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Aristotle | Cameron, David Contact details and biography plus parliament jobs and committees, voting record and entries in the Register of Members' Interests of the Shadow Minister for Local Government Finance and MP for Witney. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/person/0,,-6188.html | |
62. The Philosophy Of Aristotle - Page 1 I. The Life of aristotle. aristotle (picture aristotle died in 322. BC, at Chalcis in Euboea. II. The Works of aristotle. aristotle, whom http://radicalacademy.com/philaristotle1.htm | |
63. 20th WCP: Aristotle's Reform Of Paideia Article by Evelyn Barker, arguing that the principal aim of aristotle's Organon was to reform the contemporary paedagogical role of dialectic. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Anci/AnciBark.htm | |
64. Aristotle S Life Much of what is Western thought today evolved from aristotle s theories and experiments on rhetoric. aristotle s Life. aristotle s Writings and Philosophies. http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/gallery/rhetoric/figures/aristotle.html | |
65. ClassicNotes: Aristotle aristotle. Biography of aristotle. About the Author. aristotle was born in 384 BC, in Stagira, near Macedonia at the northern end of the Aegean Sea. http://www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Authors/about_aristotle.html | |
66. The Ethics Site. Aristotle And Virtue Ethics. Discussion forum, lectures, and links to texts on aristotle's ethical theories, and a survey of its influence on modern virtue theory. http://ethics.sandiego.edu/theories/aristotle/ | |
67. History For Kids! Overview includes sections on myth of his suicide, writings, and bibliography. http://www.greekciv.pdx.edu/philosophy/aristotl/wooderso.htm | |
68. The Universe Of Aristotle And Ptolemy The Universe of aristotle and Ptolemy The celestial sphere that we introduced previously is a convenient fiction to locate objects in the sky. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/retrograde/aristotle.html | |
69. The Internet Classics Archive | Physics By Aristotle Part of the Internet Classics Archive at MIT. aristotle's ideas held sway for 1500+ years, and there is still reference to Aristotelian thinking in education circles today. Read what it's all about. http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/physics.html | |
70. The Medical School - Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki Providing the history of the university with information on publications,conferences and news and an extensive GreekEnglish and English-Greek dictionary of medical terms. http://www.med.auth.gr/indexeng.html | |
71. Aristotle. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. aristotle. ( r´´ st t´ l) (KEY) , 384322 BC, Greek philosopher, b. Stagira. 1. Life. aristotles father, Nicomachus, was a noted physician. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ar/Aristotl.html | |
72. Theophrastus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Philosopher of the Peripatetic school, successor to aristotle at the Lyceum. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/t/theophra.htm | |
73. The Works Of Aristotle At LibertyOnline The Works of aristotle. aristotle is the first important figure in the history of individual liberty. It is primarily aristotle s http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/Aristotle/Default.htm | |
74. Aristotle Web Design: Award-Winning Website Design & Marketing Webpage design and hosting services by HTML authors and graphic design artists. Portfolios for reference, rates, and contact information provided. http://www.resultswithstyle.com/ | |
75. Aristotle - Poetics aristotle s Works are best viewed with Netscape 2.0. The Works of aristotle makes extensive use of Netscape 2.0 s Frames feature for maximum enjoyment. http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/Aristotle/Poetics.html | |
76. The Internet Classics Archive | On The Soul By Aristotle De Anima On the Soul. One of the first western statements on psychology, and still influential. Full text online. http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/soul.html | |
77. Aristotle Et Al. Center. aristotle et al. Readings for Philosophers and Catholics. Philosophy. aristotle and the Christian Church by Brother Azarias (1888). http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/aristotl.htm | |
78. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Aristotle | Prescott, John Voting record, jobs and committees, election history, full biography, Andrew Roth profile and contact details for the Hull East MP, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/person/0,,-4254.html | |
79. Www.lance.colostate.edu/auth/ This is the aristotle Page.aristotle (384322 BC). aristotle philosophers. aristotle was born at Stagira, in Macedonia, the son of a physician to the royal court. http://www.lance.colostate.edu/auth/ |
80. Aristotle's Metaphysics aristotle's notions of category and substance; by S. Marc Cohen. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-metaphysics/ | |
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