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         Allende Isabel:     more books (101)
  1. Cuentos de Eva Luna by Isabel Allende, 1995-05-02
  2. El plan infinito by Isabel Allende, 1995-05-02
  3. El Bosque de los Pigmeos (Spanish Edition) by Isabel Allende, 2005-09-01
  4. Retrato en Sepia: Una Novela (Spanish Edition) by Isabel Allende, 2002-11-01
  5. Conversations with Isabel Allende (Texas Pan American)
  6. La Ciudad de las Bestias (Spanish Edition) by Isabel Allende, 2003-09-01
  7. Isabel Allende: Recuerdos para un cuento / Isabel Allende: Memories for a Story by Raquel Benatar, Patricia Petersen, 2004-05
  8. Aphrodite by Isabel Allende, 2005-02-07
  9. Tosca by Isabel Allende, 2007-01-31
  10. The Sum of Our Days LP: A Memoir by Isabel Allende, 2008-04-01
  11. Ritratto In Seppia by Isabel Allende, 2001
  12. El Reino del Dragon de Oro (Spanish Edition) by Isabel Allende, 2004-09-01
  13. Isabel Allende: A Critical Companion (Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers) by Karen C. Cox, 2003-05-30
  14. Isabel Allende: Life and Spirits by Celia Correas Zapata, 2002-08

41. Isabel Allende
Translate this page Home_Page isabel allende (1942), Novelista y periodista chilena nacida en Lima, Perú, donde su padre se encontraba destinado como diplomático.
Isabel Allende
N ovelista y periodista chilena nacida en Lima, Perú, donde su padre se encontraba destinado como diplomático. Asistió a diversos colegios privados y viajó por varios países antes de regresar a Santiago de Chile para concluir sus estudios y trabajar en la Organización para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), organismo de las Naciones Unidas. Posteriormente trabajó como periodista, escribió artículos sobre temas sumamente polémicos y también hizo cine y televisión. Allende se exilió en 1973 y buscó refugio en Caracas, Venezuela, cuando su tío Salvador Allende, presidente de Chile, murió durante el golpe militar encabezado por el General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. En el exilio escribió su primera novela La casa de los espíritus (1982), una crónica familiar ambientada en el torbellino de cambios políticos y económicos acontecidos en Latinoamérica. La novela fue bien acogida por la crítica, que vio en ella ciertos elementos propios del realismo mágico, una técnica literaria que consiste en mezclar lo real con lo sobrenatural y cuyo principal exponente es el novelista colombiano galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura Gabriel García Márquez. Esta novela fue llevada al cine por el director danés Bille August. Allende continuó su exploración sobre cuestiones personales y políticas en sus dos siguientes novelas De amor y de sombra (1984) y Eva Luna (1987), y en la colección

42. Isabel Allende - Littérature Sud Américaine
Littérature Latino isabel allende. isabel allende.
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Isabel Allende
Achats de livres possible Isabel Allende, bien que Chilienne, est née en 1942 à Lima au Pérou, où son père occupa un poste diplomatique. Elle abandonne le Chili après le coup d'état qui, en 1973, renversa son oncle, le Président Salvador Allende. des milliers de Chiliens meurent assassinés dès les premiers jours du coup d'état. D'autres sont emprisonnés, et nombreux sont ceux qui disparaissent durant la dictature du général Augusto Pinochet. De nombreux Chiliens se verront obligés de suivre le chemin de l'exil. Isabel Allende fait partie de ceux-là. Elle s'exile à Caracas au Venezuela. Elle fait de la télévision, écrit des chroniques journalistiques sur différents sujets, mais aussi des oeuvres de théâtre et des contes pour enfants.

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44. Isabel Allende En

45. Carpe Librum - Isabel Allende: PAULA "Lebensroman" -- Bücher - Schmöker - Reze
Rezensiert von Ulrich Karger in carpe librum.
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Isabel Allende
PAULA "Lebensroman"
Bestseller. Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.. 488 Seiten. ISBN: 3-518-40694-9
Dieses Buch Freunden weiterempfehlen. Dieses Buch kaufen bei Buy Isabel Allende: PAULA "Lebensroman" at (USA) Weitere Buchbesprechungen bei Spätestens nach der Verfilmung von "Das Geisterhaus" dürfte Isabel Allende als Autorin von Weltrang selbst Lese-Banausen ein Begriff sein. Mit "PAULA" hat sie nun ihren "Lebensroman" vorgelegt.
"Hör mir zu, Paula, ich werde dir eine Geschichte erzählen, damit du, wenn du aufwachst, nicht gar so verloren bist."
mißbraucht, aber nicht "vergewaltigt" habe, ein "zärtliches Gefühl" . Da hilft es dann auch nicht, wenn dem Mann zwei Tage später von vielleicht nicht ganz unbekannter Hand der Schädel eingeschlagen wurde. Darüber hinwegzulesen fällt schwer, auch wenn der überwältigende "Rest" einmal mehr ein Leseabenteuer ersten Ranges ist. Ulrich Karger
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46. Holt Uncensored #289:: 12/18/01
Holt Uncensored, column number 289 (12/18/01), an interview with the author by Pat Holt.
by Pat Holt Tuesday, December 18, 2001
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ONSTAGE WITH ISABEL ALLENDE - PART I Two big surprises awaited the crowds who packed the Herbst Theater in San Francisco recently to see Chilean author Isabel Allende. First, although I was given the happy job of interviewing Allende onstage for City Arts and Lectures, I had to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor like everyone else when she admitted that she has always "lacked self confidence" and never felt that she "belonged," even and especially in her adopted country, the United States. "I stand out like a sore thumb," she said. "I don't look like anybody else, I don't talk like anybody else, I have a heavy accent and I don't understand jokes or politics. To me Republicans and Democrats look alike." Well, you're right about the last part, but what a statement! Not only has Isabel Allende achieved unprecedented success with one bestseller after another ("The House of the Spirits," "Eva Luna," "Paula," "Daughter of Fortune," "Portrait in Sepia" and others), she is one of the funniest, most passionate and original authors to burst upon the fiction scene in many years. But "all this vulnerability" changed, she said, after the events of September 11, 2001, a date that, she told the astonished audience, has weighed heavily on her mind and heart for the last 28 years.

47. Allende
allende, isabel. (19941997) n. pag. Online. Britannica Online. 24 October 1997. Book of the Year (1996) Biography allende, isabel. (1994-1997) n. pag.
Isabel Allende Biography I sabel Allende is one of Latin America's foremost female writers. Through translation, her work has received acclaim in the United States as well. Allende was born in Lima, Peru in 1942, but moved to Chile at the age of three. Two years after her uncle, Chilean President Salvador Allende, was assassinated in 1973, she fled with her husband and children to Venezuela. She published her first novel, La casa de los espiritus The House of the Spirits ) in 1982, followed by De amor y de sombra Of Love and Shadows ) in 1984, Eva Luna in 1989, El plan infinitivo The Infinite Plan ) in 1991, as well as a collection of short stories, Cuentos de Eva Luna The Stories of Eva Luna ) in 1990. Allende writes in Spanish, combining sometimes harsh, realistic, and political fiction with the surreal in the tradition of magical realism. Feminism A llende is considered to be part of the Latin American feminist literary awakening. History and culture have influenced the way in which she writes about her experiences. Historically, female subordination is evident in every Latin American social institution, in large part due to the conception of the Virgin Marynurturing, passive, and sexually pureas the ideal woman. The political realm, therefore, is in role conflict with this image. In fact, there is the perception that women are passive to political issues, and vote merely out of civil duty. In her writing, Allende deals with politics, history, and social institutions in a way that is all but passive.

48. LESELUST - Isabel Allende - Die Stadt Der Wilden Götter  *** Jugendbuch - Süd
Das erste Kinderbuch der Autorin, vorgestellt von Daniela Ecker in OnlineMagazin Leselust.
LESELUST eigene Meinung schreiben
Isabel Allende - Die Stadt der wilden Götter
Roman / Jugendbuch. Suhrkamp Verlag, 325 Seiten, ISBN: 3518413503 / € 22,-
oder Jugendbuchausgabe: Hanser Verlag, 360 Seiten, ISBN: 3446201882 / € 16,9
Ersch. 2002 unter dem Titel "La ciudad de las bestias"
Aus dem Spanischen August 2002 von Svenja Becker
Die Autorin:
Isabel Allende , 1942 in Lima / Peru geboren, hat seit ihrem achtzehnten Lebensjahr als Journalistin gearbeitet. Nach Pinochets Militärputsch ging sie ins Exil, wo sie ihren Weltbestseller "Das Geisterhaus" schrieb.
Weitere Titel : Das Geisterhaus / Eva Luna / Von Liebe und Schatten / Der unendliche Plan / Paula / Fortunas Tochter / Portrait in Sepia Die Stadt der wilden Götter
Wer "Die Stadt der wilden Götter" kaufen oder lesen will, weil er ein typisches Allende-Buch erwartet, sollte sich über eines im Klaren sein: dieses Buch ist ein Kinderbuch. Es ist keine Familiensaga, beinhaltet nichts, was man normalerweise in einem Allende-Roman findet, es ist eine Abenteuergeschichte, und, ich wiederhole mich, ein Buch für Kinder beziehungsweise Jugendliche. Was natürlich nicht ausschließt, dass man auch als Erwachsener daran seinen Spaß haben kann. Entsprechend soll hier auch darauf hingewiesen werden, dass das Buch zeitgleich in zwei verschiedenen, unterschiedlich teuren Ausgaben erscheint: Einmal als qualitativ höherwertige gebundene Suhrkamp-Ausgabe, einmal ebenfalls gebunden, aber für Kinder aufbereitet bei Hanser.

49. Isabel Allende
isabel allende. isabel allende went into exile after her uncle, Chilean president Salvador allende, was overthrown in a CIAassisted coup in 1973.

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Isabel Allende went into exile after her uncle, Chilean president Salvador Allende, was overthrown in a CIA-assisted coup in 1973. She traveled, worked as a journalist, and wrote her books, "The House of the Spirits," "Of Love and Shadows," "Eva Luna," and "The Stories of Eva Luna." Her latest novel, "The Infinite Plan," is set, as is she, in Northern California. Q: You've lived all over the world and traveled extensively. Now that you've married an American and you live here, what do you find surprising about the United States? A: I realize that there is much more to it than I ever thought. It is a very complex societymultiracial, multicultural, with many languages. Americans have a warrior's mentality, most of them. That's how this society was built. The fact that you own a gun and shoot to defend your life is a very American way of thinking.

50. Holt Uncensored #290:: 12/21/01
Holt Uncensored, column number 290 (12/21/01), an interview with the author by Pat Holt.
by Pat Holt Friday, December 21, 2001
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ONSTAGE WITH ISABEL ALLENDE - PART II see #289 In one of the many unexpected twists of that night, Allende had turned from the idea of "an excess of patriotism" that can rise up after a tragedy such as the attacks of September 11, 2001, to the Orwellian nightmare that overtakes a country following a military coup. Few writers could be more attuned to the signs of this kind of nationalistic fervor than the Chilean writer. Having witnessed a similar "you're for us or against us" message from the right-wing terrorists who took over the democracy of Chile - and who assassinated her uncle, then-president Salvador Allende, in 1973 - Isabel told the audience how it felt to watch a dictatorship of language, as well as government, overtake the culture. "In 24 hours, words were forbidden by decree," she said. "You couldn't say the word 'companero,' which means companion; you couldn't say 'democracy' without adding an adjective - 'conditioned democracy,' 'authoritarian democracy,' even 'totalitarian democracy,' which was incredible. "You had to be careful with the word 'people.' There were euphemisms to explain reality. That's why when I hear the language of patriotism, I'm so distressed. Words have this enormous power. We must use them properly. In writing, in the choice of the words I use, as a novelist I have the power to paint a scene. I decide what color I want by the way I tell it."

51. Isabel Allende - Autoren Auf Der Bücherwurmseite
Kurze Biographie und Bibliographie der Autorin auf der B¼cherwurmseite. Links zu einigen Leseempfehlungen.

52. Isabel Allende
In this archived interview from 1993, allende talks about her family and work.

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Isabel Allende went into exile after her uncle, Chilean president Salvador Allende, was overthrown in a CIA-assisted coup in 1973. She traveled, worked as a journalist, and wrote her books, "The House of the Spirits," "Of Love and Shadows," "Eva Luna," and "The Stories of Eva Luna." Her latest novel, "The Infinite Plan," is set, as is she, in Northern California. Q: You've lived all over the world and traveled extensively. Now that you've married an American and you live here, what do you find surprising about the United States? A: I realize that there is much more to it than I ever thought. It is a very complex societymultiracial, multicultural, with many languages. Americans have a warrior's mentality, most of them. That's how this society was built. The fact that you own a gun and shoot to defend your life is a very American way of thinking.

53. Allende, Isabel
encyclopediaEncyclopedia allende, isabel. allende, isabel, 1942–, Chilean novelist. Related content from HighBeam Research on isabel allende.
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    Allende, Isabel Allende, Isabel, Allende Gossens, Isabel Allende, who has lived in California for many years, is among the most notable contemporary Chilean writers. Allende's fiction is distinguished by its fusion of traditional realism with political (including feminist) concerns. Her first and best-known novel, The House of Spirits (1982, tr. 1985), which reflects the influence of Gabriel , tells the story of a Chilean family over three generations. Allende's fiction also includes Of Love and Shadows (1984, tr. 1987); Eva Luna (1987, tr. 1988); The Infinite Plan (1991, tr. 1993), her first work set in the United States; Daughter of Fortune (1998, tr. 1999); and Portrait in Sepia (2001, tr. 2001). See her memoirs, Paula (1994, tr. 1995)

54. Isabel Allende: Eva Luna
Inhaltsangabe und eigene Wertung von Natalie Mareth.

55. Las Mujeres :: Isabel Allende
Go to Albita.
Go to Albita Allende, Isabel Alvarez, Julia Belli, Gioconda Benitez, Sandra Cisneros, Sandra Cruz, Celia De la Cruz, Sor Juana Ines Esquivel, Laura Kahlo, Frida
:: General Information
Dancing with Allende

Review of a musical based on Eva Luna. The Amazon Queen
Isabel Allende shares her travel experiences. :: Books Daughter of Fortune
The latest novel by one of the most internationally appreciated writers draws on two of the environments about which Allende knows much: Chile, her native land, and California, where she currently resides. Allende proves she has learned history well and that she knows characters instinctively as she reaches back into both Chile's and California's past to construct a story of family
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Isabel Allende

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Isabel Allende, Paula

56. Isabel Allende Fortunas Tochter
Buchempfehlung von Manuela Haselberger bei Bookinist.
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57. Isabel Allende. Libros En Español
Translate this page Vida y obras de isabel allende. Libros electrónicos gratuitos, enlaces y todo tipo de recursos. Autor allende, isabel, English version English version.
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Autor: Allende, Isabel

English version Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: Nació el 2 de Agosto de 1942 en Lima, Peru Vida y obras: Escritora chilena incluída en la tradición del llamado realismo mágico, y considerada una de las novelistas de mayor éxito de Latinoamérica. Trabajó como periodista en Chile (en la revista femenina “Paula”, en la publicación infantil "Mampato”, y en algunos programas para televisión y documentales) de 1964 a 1973, cuando se vió obligada a exiliarse en Venezuela después del asesinato (1973) de su tío, el presidente de Chile Salvador Allende Gossens. (1982). Le siguieron las novelas De amor y de sombra Eva Luna El plan infinito Cuentos de Eva Luna ... El plan infinito , sin embargo, transcurre en los Estados Unidos, y el protagonista es un hombre. Paula Afrodita Hija de la fortuna Retrato en sepia ... La Ciudad de las bestias Haz click para acceder al contenido de Rastreador / 122x75 / Caja de busqueda pequeña Sitio web oficial de Isabel Allende Descargue aquí nuestros buscadores de libros.

58. Isabel Allende Porträt In Sepia
Rezension von Manuela Haselberger bei Bookinist.
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Lesezitat nach Isabel Allende - Porträt in Sepia

Zerrissen zwischen Chile und Chinatown

Isabel Allende - Porträt in Sepia ange Jahre ihrer Kindheit wird Aurora immer von demselben Albtraum gequält. Und wenn sie ihre Großmutter Paulina del Valle nach ihrer Herkunft, nach ihren Eltern, fagt, erhält sie nur ausweichende Antworten. Starb ihre Mutter tatsächlich bei ihrer Geburt? Die Identität ihres Vaters erfährt sie erst viele Jahre später auf dessen Sterbebett. "Meiner Träume wegen bin ich anders, so wie die Menschen, die wegen eines Geburtsfehlers oder einer körperlichen Missbildung ständig Kraft und Mühe aufwenden müssen, um ein normales Leben führen zu können." Erst mit der Kamera, die Aurora mit dreizehn Jahren von ihrem Patenonkel Severo del Valle geschenkt bekommt, gelingt es ihr, Ordnung in ihren Wahrnehmungen zu schaffen. Lange versucht sie, ihre beängstigenden Träume in ein Bild zu bannen. "Die Fotografie und das Schreiben sind Versuche, die Augenblicke zu packen, ehe sie vergehen, die Erinnerungen festzuhalten, um meinem Leben einen Sinn zu geben." Isabel Allende erzählt in ihrem Roman "Porträt in Sepia" wieder auf ihre ganz besondere Art, ausschweifend, sinnlich und sehr lebensnah, die Geschichte einer ungewöhnlichen, jungen Frau. Sie knüpft damit einerseits direkt an ihren vorigen Roman an: Auroras Großmutter mütterlicherseits, bei der sie fünf unbeschwerte Jahre ihrer Kindheit in Chinatown verlebt, ist Eliza Sommers, die Hauptperson aus

59. Isabel Allende. Biography And Complete Works
Author allende, isabel, en español Versión en español. Date and Place of birth born Aug. 2, 1942, Lima, Peru. Search the Web. isabel allende s official site.
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Author: Allende, Isabel
Date and Place of birth:
born Aug. 2, 1942, Lima, Peru Life and Works:
Chilean writer in the magic realist tradition who is considered one of the first successful woman novelists in Latin America. In 1981 she began writing a letter to her terminally ill grandfather that evolved into her first novel, (Spain 1982; The House of the Spirits ). It was followed by the novels De amor y de sombra (Spain 1984; Of Love and Shadows Eva Luna (Spain 1985), and El plan infinito (Spain 1991; The Infinite Plan ) and a collection of short stories entitled Cuentos de Eva Luna (Spain 1989; The Stories of Eva Luna Allende's works are written in the style of magic realism, which is the use of fantasy and myth in realistic fiction, and often portray South American politics. Her first four works reflect her own experiences and examine the role of women in Latin America. El plan infinito , however, is set in the United States, and its protagonist is male.

60. Alibris: Isabel Allende
Used, new outof-print books by author isabel allende. Offering browse BOOKS, Browse for author isabel allende matched 57 titles. Sometimes, Isabel
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Browse for author " Isabel Allende " matched 55 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 3 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Daughter of fortune more books like this by Allende, Isabel During the California Gold Rush, Eliza Sommers, raised as an adopted daughter in a wealthy Chilean family, follows her flamboyant lover to Californiapartly as a way of beginning her life over again. Allende's historical adventure novel touches on feminist themes such as the repressed upbringing of girls in Chile, the disgraceful treatment of... buy used: from buy new: from House of the Spirits more books like this by Allende, Isabel

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