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Akers Brian Dana: more detail | |||||
41. Search > Author > Svatmarama, Brian Dana Akers (Translator) RootsLink Search Results Thelma at Maroochydore 2002. brian dana akers / Autobiography The autobiographyof brian dana akerspublisher, translator, and author. http://www.priceclash.co.uk/search/author/Svatmarama, Brian Dana Akers (Translat | |
42. Links The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The classic manual on Hatha Yoga by brian dana akers.http//www.YogaVidya.com/hyp.html. Last update 14.7.01 © 2000 Spirit Speaks. http://www.angelfire.com/or2/spiritspeaks/links.html | |
43. Author WebPages Science Fiction/Fantasy Authors. (A) akers, brian dana Allston, Aaron Asimov,Isaac (B) Barker, Clive Beckett, Terri Boyett Compo, Charlotte (C) Carl http://www.vivianbeck.com/authors/pages.htm | |
44. Ecampus.com - 0971646619 - The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Tell A Friend, The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Author(s) Svatmarama; akers,brian dana ISBN 0971646619 Format Paperback Pub. Date 5/1 http://www.ecampus.com/bk_detail.asp?isbn=0971646619 |
45. ECampus.com - New & Used Books And Textbooks... Cheap! 4. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Author(s) Svatmarama; akers, brian dana / ISBN 0971646600/ Hardcover / 6/1/2002 New Copy In Stock Usually Ships in 2448 Hours, http://www.ecampus.com/category.asp?cat1=Health & Fitness&cat2=Yoga |
46. LookSmart - Directory - Futurism Articles And Essays akers Falling Forward Science fiction writer brian dana akers examines popularnotions about the future and offers an opinion on what will and won t happen. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317911/us53880/us62764/us117 | |
47. The Wordwizard Word Portal - SF Links Adams. akers, brian dana; Allston, Aaron; Anderson, Chris authorof A Step Beyond, a novel about the first manned trip to Mars. http://www.wordwizard.com/SFlinksa.htm | |
48. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Free Online Book Yoga Asanas, poses, photos, Pranayama, Mudras, Samadhi. Translated by briandana akers. Translated by brian dana akers. Pranayama, Mudras, Samadhi. http://spiritdimension.com/yoga/free-book-hatha-yoga-pradipika.htm | |
49. > > Compare UK Book Prices. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika , Svatmarama, Brian Dana Ak Find the cheapest book prices at UK online shops. Author Svatmarama, briandana akers , Title The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Svatmarama, brian dana akers. http://www.123pricecheck.com/cgi-bin/aws/displayitem.cgi?code=0971646619&Format= |
50. Authors: A - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, Akenside, Mark (1), Andahazi, Federico (1), Asimov, Isaac (25). akers,brian dana (1), Andersen, Hans Christian (48), Astor, John Jacob (1). http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/A | |
51. Coalfields Telephone Website - Directory Page 5859. akers BENNIE 672 SANSOM FRK, dana, KY, (606)4781737. akers 2425.akers brian 1066 KY ROUTE 3379, GRETHEL, KY, (606)587-2463. akers http://www.coalfields.net/directory.html?start=60&end=90&letter=A |
52. Cheap Shopping (me) UK - The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Book Product Details Publisher YogaVidya.com Artist(s) brian dana akers ReleaseDate 15 May, 2002 Edition Print on Demand (Paperback) Sales Rank 24,291 http://www.cheap-shopping.me.uk/info-0971646619.html | |
53. :: Ez2Find :: A 5) Agee, James (3) Agnon, Shmuel Yosef (1) Agustini, Delmira (1) Ag¼eros, Jack(1) Aiken, Conrad (4) Akenside, Mark (1) akers, brian dana (1) Akhmatova http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/A/ | |
54. SFWA Members' Pages A-C Add an URL A B C DF GI JL MO PR SU VZ. A. ab Hugh, Daffyd;Abraham, Daniel; akers, brian dana; Aldiss, brian; Allen, Roger MacBride; http://www.sfwa.org/links/members_a.htm | |
55. PRESS RELEASE: Classic Yoga Book Reborn Yoga Pradipika in the fifteenth century CE Now brian dana akers has carefully editedthe original Sanskrit and written a new, accessible English translation. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2002/9/prweb46198.htm | |
56. Yoga Links From Yoga At Work Making Yoga Work For You faithful reproduction is an impressive and highly recommended reference for studentsand devoted practitioners of Hatha Yoga. brian dana akers the translator http://www.yogaatwork.co.uk/yogalinks.htm | |
57. Arts, Literature, Authors, A Yosef (1); Ag¼eros, Jack (1); Agustini, Delmira (1); Aiken, Conrad(4); Akenside, Mark (1); akers, brian dana (1); Akhmatova, Anna http://www.klevze.si/browse/Arts/Literature/Authors/A/ | |
58. C - Members SFWA Members Web Pages Add an URL A B C DF G-I J-L M-O P-R S-U V-ZA ab Hugh, Daffyd Abraham, Daniel akers, brian dana Aldiss, brian http://variety.members.c.palasma.com/ |
59. Books / Authors / A Curtis Ailes, Roger Ainsztein, Reuben Aird, Alisdair Aitee, James Aitken, RobertAitken, Will Aitkin, R Ajami, Fouad akers, brian dana Aksyonov, Vassily Akunin http://www.aaabooksearch.com/browseauthorsA.aspx | |
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