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81. Nathalie Dechy Match Summary (Australian Open 2002- VS Sandrine Testud) Nathalie Dechy vs sandrine testud Australian Open 2002 1st RoundNathalie won this match 7-5, 4-6, 6-3. Here is the match summary http://www.chesco.com/~nvayn/tennis/dechy/stats/testud.htm | |
82. Sport.be Belgium Fed Cup. Davis Cup in Doornik. Proximus Diamond Games. Proximus DiamondTennis Night. Ze versloeg sandrine testud in twee sets. . Roland Garros. http://www.sport.be/nl/tennis/2003/ |
83. Tennis International - La Boussole - Www.boussole-fr.com Translate this page Seles, Monica Anglais. testud, sandrine Anglais. Van Roost, Dominique Anglais. Ressources,magazine moteurs internes. Slam tennis Anglais. Magazine. http://www.boussole-fr.com/tennisw.htm | |
84. Women On Tour! sandrine testud (pronounced testu in English) is another player who hails from France,along with She is 5 9 , a good height for tennis, and weighs about 68kg http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/8322/3/testu.htm | |
85. Tennis Female - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Stevenson, Alexandra (2); Tanasugarn, Tamarine (1); testud, sandrine (3); Tulyaganova,Iroda (1); 5. The Women of tennis Fan page with photo galleries of tennis http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Tennis/Female |
86. Home Of The 2004 Dubai Tennis Championships Dubai, UAE, February 18, 2004 As tennis fever grips Dubai, one of the WTA Frenchstar sandrine testud missed the entire 2003 season after delivering her first http://www.dubaitennischampionships.com/news18.htm | |
87. Tennis-center.de >> The Vision Of Tennis Q. The third set, did you feel you were the better player? sandrine TESTUDIt was nothing special. It was some solid tennis, but nothing more. http://www.tennis-center.de/interview_loader.php?intid=123&sex=WTA |
88. BBC SPORT | Tennis | Australian Open | Womens Seeds | 9. Sandrine Testud Cricket, Rugby Union, Rugby League, tennis, Statistics, Australian Open, FrenchOpen, Wimbledon, Text Only. Feedback. Help. EDITIONS, Change to World. 9. SandrineTestud. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/australian_open/womens_seeds/1751008.stm | |
89. BBC SPORT | Tennis | French Open | Womens Seeds | 8. Sandrine Testud Cricket, Rugby Union, Rugby League, tennis, Statistics, Australian Open, FrenchOpen, Wimbledon, Text Only. Feedback. Help. EDITIONS, Change to World. 8. SandrineTestud. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/french_open/womens_seeds/1984663.stm | |
90. Sandrine Testud July 5th 2002 Very surprising news as it was announced that SandrineTestud was retiring. Indeed, she is one and a half months http://www.tennisrulz.com/players/testud/ | |
91. Justine Henin Débute Contre Sandrine Testud - La Libre Translate this page ROLAND GARROS. Justine Henin débute contre sandrine testud belga. sandrinetestud a annoncé fin octobre 2003 son retour sur le circuit. http://www.lalibre.be/article.phtml?id=2&subid=111&art_id=167464 |
92. Country Club - Tabellone Principale Singolo 1997. RUANO-PASCUAL Virginia, 54, SPA (6), testud sandrine 7-5 6-3. http://www.neomedia.it/country/singolo.html | |
93. Turbo Tennis - 1999 Pilot Pen Championships Photos Turbo tennis 1999 Pilot Pen Championships Photos Latest Turbo tennis Article.Turbo tennis Archive. The tennis Server HOME PAGE. tennis FEATURES http://www.tennisserver.com/turbo/pilotpen99photo.html | |
94. RomaOne: Speciale Tennis http://www.romaone.it/statiche/tennisf/teste/16.html | |
95. Lukol Directory - Sports Tennis Players Female Fed Cup Official Site from the International tennis Federation. Dedicatedto Marion Bartoli A fanpage dedicated to the French tennis star. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Sports/Tennis/Players/Female/ | |
96. Gimenei >> Sports >> Tennis >> Players >> Female Gimenei.com, Search for Scope All Words, Results per page 10.Request Timeout 2, http://www.gimenei.com/directory/top/Sports/Tennis/Players/Female/ | |
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