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61. SportOne.nl - Paspoort Sandrine Testud Sport, tennis. Naam, sandrine testud. Geslacht, Vrouw. Geboortedatum, 03 april1972. Geboren te, Lyon (Frankrijk). Nationaliteit, Frans. Lengte, 176 cm. Gewicht,68 kg. http://www.sportone.nl/sporter.php?id=354 |
62. Tennispicks.com - Tennis Tournaments Calendar & Draws From Around The World beats. testud, sandrine. 3rd Mar 04. Capriati, Jennifer ( BYE ). 1/16. 76 6-1. 1stMar 04. Capriati, Jennifer. 1/32. BYE. 1st Mar 04. testud, sandrine. 1/32. 6-3 6-2.beats. http://www.tennispicks.com/index.php?file=runningtournamentplayers&tid=238&type= |
63. Tennispicks.com - Tennis Tournaments Calendar & Draws From Around The World beats. Molik, Alicia. 10th May 04. SanchezLorenzo, Maria. 1/64. 3-6 6-3 6-4. beats.testud, sandrine. 10th May 04. Safina, Dinara. 1/64. 6-3 6-2. beats. Santangelo,Mara. http://www.tennispicks.com/index.php?file=runningtournamentplayers&tid=276&type= |
64. Les Internationaux De Tennis Féminin Du Canada - Radio-Canada Sports Translate this page sandrine Testudr(AUT) 8e tête de série 11e au classement WTA. Date de naissance03/04/1972 Lieu de naissance Lyon, France Résidence Lyon, France http://www.radio-canada.ca/sportsv1/interntennisfem/testud.asp | |
65. La Colère De Sandrine Testud - Nouvelles - Radio-Canada Sports Translate this page de presse qui a suivi ses deux rencontres, sandrine testud a surtout voilà quelquesmois une autobiographie controversée, Les dessous du tennis féminin, où http://www.radio-canada.ca/sportsv1/interntennisfem/nouvelles/200008/18/006-Test | |
66. Photosport ® | Stock Photos - 2001 Acura Tennis Classic - Women's Tennis Photos ac010359.tif sandrine testud, Acura tennis Classic, San Diego, August 1, 2001. ac010363.tifsandrine testud, Acura tennis Classic, San Diego, August 1, 2001. http://www.photosport.com/tennis/acura/200115.htm | |
67. ISportsDigest.com/Tennis/Players/Female/Sandrine Testude sandrine testud, http://isportsdigest.tripod.com/tennis/players/female/testud.html | |
68. Il Grande Tennis è Offerto Da Www.GiovanniDeLista.com Translate this page tennis. redazione@giovannidelista.com. CLASSIFICA WTA SINGOLARE al 14/10/2002. 16,SMASHNOVA ANNA, ISR. 1395. 17, testud sandrine, FRA. 1390. 18, DEMENTIEVA ELENA,RUS. 1386. http://www.giovannidelista.com/tennis/wta.htm | |
69. Web RAISport - Tennis: La Testud Vince A Palermo Translate this page Archivio tennis, Articolo pubblicato il 21 Luglio 1997 alle ore 1028. WTA Tour/ Internazionali di Palermo. La testud vince a Palermo. img. sandrine testud. http://www2.raisport.rai.it/news/sport/tennis/199707/21/33d31bf401fcd/ | |
70. WebRAISport - 12 Orrobre '98 - Tennis: Davenport, La N.1 Translate this page Il tennis mondiale ha una nuova regina la statunitense Lindsay Davenport, nonostantela sconfitta con la francese sandrine testud nella finale di Filderstadt http://www2.raisport.rai.it/news/sport/tennis/199810/13/362322e4025c0/ | |
71. WTA Tour - News in Paris, WTATour.com spoke with sandrine testud (above) about sandrine, when didyou make the decision to come that hard, but I was doing tennis and physical http://www.wtatour.com/newsroom/stories/NewsArticle_3150_rx.asp | |
72. FindYourCelebrity.com - Your Source For Sandrine Testud Links, Information, Card Your source for tennis player sandrine testud facts, stats, links, information,cards, fan mail addresses, fan sites, trivias and posters, souvenirs, books http://www.findyourcelebrity.com/Female_Celebrity_T/Sandrine_Testud.html | |
73. Tennis Compress WTA-Preisgeldrangliste tennis Compress. 11 SPIRLEA, IRINA 550,798 12 FERNANDEZ, GIGI 444,132 13 MARTINEZ,CONCHITA 438,874 14 WILLIAMS, VENUS 426,861 15 testud, sandrine 371,858 16 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/d_munkel/W_preisg.htm | |
74. Testud To Play Open Gaz De France Tournament 162348 From Ukrfan Subject Re testud to play sandrine played nice game, andhad personality Regards, Yury rely on what the mass of tennis fans think http://www.tennis-forum.net/tennis/testud_to_play_open_gaz_de_france_tournament_ | |
75. Sports-Arbitrage.com 1043 10th May 04, tennis WTA Rome - Douchevina - Black, 6.67%. 1029 10thMay 04, tennis - WTA Rome - testud, sandrine vs Sanchez Lorenzo, Maria, 2.34%. http://www.sports-arbitrage.com/archives.php?results=Arbitrage&JumpToRecord=40 |
77. SPOREVER.FR, Le Sport Avec Patrick Chêne - Resultats Tennis Translate this page 3  offerts à parier. La Une Football tennis Sports MecaniquesSports Extremes Sports US Autres Sports Divers. sandrine testud. http://www.sporever.fr/Resultats_Tennis/indexTeam.shtml?id_equipe=319 |
78. USATODAY.com questions this week about the buildup to the French Open, college tennis and the LisaRaymond 64, 3-6, 6-2 and Maria Sanchez Lorenzo ousted sandrine testud. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/tennis/digest.htm | |
79. All.info: Recreation And Entertainment / Sports / Women / sandrine testud sandrine testud The Queen of tennis sandrine testud LAST UPDATED- October 10th, 2001 Current Ranking - 15 LATEST NEWS 10/10/01 - sandrine http://all.info/directory/Recreation_and_Entertainment/Sports/Women_s_Tennis/ | |
80. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Tennis > Players > Female testud, sandrine (2); Tulyaganova, Iroda (2); Van Roost, Dominique (5); Viele, Monique(1); Winning Ugly Mental Warfare in TennisLessons f 1. Winning Ugly http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=31152 |
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