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13. Info Tennis - Joueuses WTA - Tamarine Tanasugarn Translate this page Le magazine du tennis sur Internet, jeudi 13 mai 2004. FICHES JOUEUSES WTA. TamarineTANASUGARN Photos de la joueuse, Liens vers des sites de fans. Biographie http://www.infotennis.com/joueuses/tanasugarn.php | |
14. Info Tennis : Les Joueuses Silvija, tanasugarn, tamarine, Tauziat, Nathalie, Testud, Sandrine, http://www.infotennis.com/joueuses/ | |
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16. Wauu.DE: Sports: Tennis: Players: Female: Tanasugarn, Tamarine Translate this page tanasugarn, tamarine Tennisrulz Offers photos, news, discussion forumand results. http//www.tennisrulz.com/players/tanasugarn/. http://www.wauu.de/Sports/Tennis/Players/Female/Tanasugarn__Tamarine/ | |
17. CBS.SportsLine.com - Tennis Tamarine Tanasugarn tamarine tanasugarn 2003 Player Info. tanasugarn won the first WTA tournamentof her career in Hyderabad, India. Pilot Pen tennis. Rd, Opponent, W/L, Score. http://cbs.sportsline.com/tennis/players/playerpage/201729/2003 |
18. BBC SPORT | Tennis | Australian Open 2004 | 31 Tamarine Tanasugarn CHOOSE A SPORT. Select. 31 tamarine tanasugarn. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/australian_open_2004/3387489.stm | |
19. BBC SPORT | Tennis | Wimbledon 2003 | Seeds Guide | 32 Tamarine Tanasugarn CHOOSE A SPORT. Select. 32 tamarine tanasugarn. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/wimbledon_2003/seeds_guide/2995412.stm | |
20. Tennis-center.de >> The Vision Of Tennis Translate this page Profil. Name, Vorname tanasugarn, tamarine. Geburtsdatum 24.05. 1977. Turniersiege0. Ergebnisse 2004. Ergebnisse 2003. Interessiert bei tennis-center zu werben? http://www.tennis-center.de/profil_loader.php?sex=WTA&spid=141&fromsiteid=8 |
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