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21. Tennis-center.de >> The Vision Of Tennis Translate this page Profil. Name, Vorname pierce, mary. Geburtsdatum 15.01. 1975. Turniersiege0. Ergebnisse 2004. Ergebnisse 2003. Interessiert bei tennis-center zu werben? http://www.tennis-center.de/profil_loader.php?sex=WTA&spid=36 |
22. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Pierce Mary joueuse de tennis française mary pierce. http//membres.lycos.fr/marypierce/. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Pierce_Mary.html | |
23. MSN Encarta - Pierce, Mary Translate this page pierce, mary (1975- ), joueuse de tennis, première Française (dÂorigine américaine)de lÂère Open à avoir remporté les Internationaux de France. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_921500010/Pierce_Mary.html | |
24. Info Tennis - Photos - Joueuses - Pierce Mary Translate this page GALLERIES PHOTOS tennis. pierce, mary, Voir profil du joueur. Photos 1 Ã 9 sur 24.Voir les photos suivantes. 1 2 3. Voir les photos suivantes. Joueurs. Joueuses. http://www.infotennis.com/photos/joueuses.php?id=pierce&nom=Pierce&prenom=Mary |
25. Info Tennis : Photos - Joueuses - Mary Pierce Translate this page Le magazine du tennis sur le web. Galleries de photos. mary pierce Voir profilde la joueuse, Photos 1 Ã 20 gallerie 1. JOUEURS. JOUEUSES. http://www.infotennis.com/photos/joueuses/Pierce.htm | |
26. Pierce, Mary In UK Directory: Sport: Players N-R pierce, mary Peruse through this collection of onlineresources for French pro tennis player mary pierce. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705475,40045,40442,932282,1166791,101 |
27. Advantage Tennis - Photo Of Mary Pierce. Photos Of Tennis Players Taken At The A Advantage tennis Photo of mary pierce. Photos of tennis Players WTA Tour.Buy a tennis photo of mary pierce in various sizes. Sorry, a http://www.advantage-tennis.com/pierce/ | |
28. Advantage Tennis - Links To Other Tennis Web Pages Photo of mary pierce playing tennis at the Ford Australian Open Thommo s mary pierceAppreciation Page (pierce) mary pierce the best pictures Chandra Rubin http://www.advantage-tennis.com/links/wta.htm |
29. Tennis - Mary Pierce Tennis Rookie Card mary pierce tennis Rookie Card. http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs1-43371-mary/pierce/tennis/rookie/card.htm | |
30. AskMen.com - Mary Pierce Pictures personality talent, 86. mary pierce has unquestioned talent onthe tennis court that is. When not hampered by an injury, as she http://www.askmen.com/women/models_100/128b_mary_pierce.html | |
31. CBS.SportsLine.com - Tennis Mary Pierce mary pierce Country France Height 510 Weight 150 Plays R, Born 01/15/1975Birthplace Montreal, Canada Resides Sarasota, Florida Turned Pro 1989, http://cbs.sportsline.com/tennis/players/playerpage/201697 | |
32. CBS.SportsLine.com - Tennis Mary Pierce mary pierce 2004 · 2003. 2003 Player Info. pierce won her second Fed Cup in Moscow,Russia. 4, Anastasia Myskina, L, 67 (2-7), 1-6. Porsche tennis Grand Prix. http://cbs.sportsline.com/tennis/players/playerpage/201697/2003 | |
33. Mary Pierce - Tennis - Sport - CélébriNET tennis, mary pierce. Sites, Wallpaperset News L annuaire de vos célébrités Sport tennis mary pierce. http://www.celebrinet.com/fr/sport/tennis/mary_pierce/ | |
34. Mary Pierce, Photos Et Posters (1.70 Gallerie de photos 2 Histoire du tennis Dick s Sporting goods. http://www.glacombe.com/mary.html | |
36. MARY PIERCE & Her Competitors ? PlayStation2 ?GAMEBOY · !. mary pierce her competitors MGROOVE tennis, HOME. http://www2n.biglobe.ne.jp/~TM_03822/ | |
37. VoiStars : Pierce Mary Sites Officiels Et Amateurs, Photos Et Biographie. Translate this page de tennis women pendant Rolland Garros. De vastes galeries vous y espèrent. http//www.ifrance.com/titi2000/titi2000/index.htm.La page de de mary pierce http://www.voistars.com/photos-Pierce-Mary.html | |
38. Tennis Express Directory Pro Player Fan Links Female Mary tennis Express Directory Pro Player Fan Links Female mary pierce tennis Web directory. Use the world s first complete Internet http://www.tennisexpress.com/directory/Pro_Player_Fan_Links/Female/Mary_Pierce/i |
39. Sports.fr - Tennis - Fiche Technique Mary PIERCE Translate this page tennis à la Une sur Sports.fr ATP, WTA, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, tournois, résultats, classement, directs http://www.sports.fr/fr/tennis/wta/fiches/piercemary.html | |
40. Tennis-Galaxy.de - Kurzprofil Von Mary Pierce Translate this page SIG Sportler-Register - Personenprofil. Kein Bild, mary pierce. geboren,am 15. Jan 1975 in Montreal. Nationalität, Frankreich. Sternzeichen, Steinbock. http://www.tennis-galaxy.de/register/sportler_1024,0,53010,6914.htm | |
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