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41. Martina Navratilova If there was a record in tennis, chances are martina navratilova brokeit. When she defected from Czechoslovakia to the United States http://www.rainbowcard.com/history.html | |
42. ESPN.com: TENNIS - Navratilova In Politics? 'I Have The Muscles' LEIPZIG, Germany martina navratilova plans to get into public I have the muscles, said navratilova, a Czech She ranks among the greatest tennis players ever http://espn.go.com/tennis/news/2003/0924/1622558.html | |
43. Wauu.DE: Sports: Tennis: Players: Female: Navratilova, Martina Search DMOZVerzeichnis All Categories Categories Onlye. Links URLhinzufügen. A martina navratilova Fan Site Pictures and links. http://www.wauu.de/Sports/Tennis/Players/Female/Navratilova__Martina/ | |
44. Martina Navratilova Born on October 18, 1956, near Prague, Czechoslovakia (now in Czech Republic), MartinaNavratilova played in her first tennis tournament at eight years of age. http://www.queertheory.com/histories/n/navratilova_martina.htm | |
45. Tennis - Martina Navratilova Lesbian 8x12 Photo promises beginning clever Sebastian proof there Shakespeare socialism Anyone AmelieMauresmo Photo *Lesbian* martina navratilova Classic tennis Photo LINDSAY http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs33-430-martina/navratilova/lesbian/8x12/pho | |
46. Tennis - Tennis Martina Navratilova Sports Card tennis martina navratilova Sports Card. Ca above for the usa, global priority19, 1983 item has Sports Illustrated tennis martina navratilova. http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs42-430-tennis/martina/navratilova/sports/ca | |
47. HickokSports.com - History - Tennis - WTA/Virginia Slims Championship The Women s International tennis Association (now the WTA) established the VirginiaSlims Championship as its season 1975, Chris Evert, 64 62, martina navratilova. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/wtachamp.shtml | |
48. Martina Navratilova martina navratilova won Wimbledon nine timesa record. She retired in 1994but she still plays team tennis and does exhibitions sometimes. http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/womenenc/navratilova.htm | |
49. Rankings Women WTA Tennis @ TennisGifts.com tennis Information. WTA Computer YearEnd Rankings. BRIEF HISTORY. Rank.2002. 2001. 2000. 8. Anke Huber. Mary Joe Fernandez. martina navratilova. http://www.tennisgifts.com/info_women_rankings.htm | |
50. WEB.DE Portale - Sport - Tennis Translate this page Paris (dpa) - tennis-Legende martina navratilova darf 20 Jahre nach ihrem letztenSieg bei den French Open ihr Comeback im Einzelwettbewerb feiern. http://portale.web.de/Sport/Tennis/?msg_id=4795170 |
51. Le Matinternet -- L'actualité Au Moment Où Vous La Voulez -- 24h/24h -- Www.ma ,tennis - martina navratilova se retirera à la fin de l année. http://matin.qc.ca:8060/sports.php?article=20040517201230 |
52. Knitting Circle Martina Navratilova on page 129. The greatest of all women tennis players? Few wouldargue against martina navratilova s claim. Teddy Tinling, whose http://myweb.lsbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/martinanavratilova.html | |
53. Terra - Specials - Sports Icons Of The 20th Century 1 ranking in the world 9 Times a winner at Wimbledon 7 Grand Slam mixeddoubles titles. tennis martina navratilova martina navratilova http://www.terra.com/specials/sportsicons/navratilova_en.html | |
54. Martina Navratilova & Monica Seles Match In Richmond, Va || Teamwta.com - Unoffi martina navratilova Monica Seles Match in Richmond, Va. D oeuvres, as well as minglingwith martina and Monica a community initiative that uses tennis to bring http://www.sportnetwork.net/boards/read/s133.php?f=132&i=368&t=368 |
55. NavratilovaÂs Wild Card And Seles Called Off || Teamwta.com - Unofficial Womens tennis veteran martina navratilova received a wild card for the FrenchOpen singles competition. At her request she was granted http://www.sportnetwork.net/main/s133/st52170.htm | |
56. Spinal Tap A To Zed : Martina Navratilova Spinal Tap A to Zed. navratilova, martina Pro tennis player who bought rightsto two Tap songs when Ian Faith secretly sold the bandÂs catalog. http://spinaltapfan.com/atozed/TAP00361.HTM | |
57. Martina Navratilova - Tennis martina navratilova tennis. tennis legend martina navratilova at theHuman Rights Campaign dinner 9 October 1999 in Washington, DC, USA. http://gaysport.ozboxing.org/profiles/martina_navratilova.htm | |
58. Martina Navratilova tennis great martinanavratilova. Game, Set and Match, martina ! A martina navratilova fan site. http://www.danielafrenchsite.com/navratilova.htm | |
59. HistoryForSale - Tennis Autographs a sample of autographs you ll find in our tennis category William Budge, John McEnroe,Michael Chang, Steffi Graf, martina navratilova, martina Hingis, Monica http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=61&sort=&signer=N&dpp=15 |
60. HistoryForSale - Tennis Autographs MARTINA NAVRATILOVA martina navratilova SIGNATURE(S) - DOCUMENT 225301. martina navratilova.Signature martina navratilova , 5x3 card. By her retirement http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=225301&start=1&page |
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