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Navratilova Martina: more books (26) | ||||||||
21. The Grand Slam Of Tennis The Grand Slam of tennis See Also Gentleman s Grand Slam. Year. Seles.1990. Steffi Graf. Monica Seles. martina navratilova. Gabriela Sabatini. http://www.geocities.com/prosportshistory/grandslam-wt-table.html | |
22. Info Tennis - Photos - Joueuses - Navratilova Martina Translate this page Espace de discussion 100% tennis. GALLERIES PHOTOS tennis. navratilova, martina,Voir profil du joueur. Photos 1 Ã 3 sur 3. Joueurs. Joueuses. Affiches. Roland Garros. http://www.infotennis.com/photos/joueuses.php?id=navratilova&nom=Navratilova&pre |
23. Info Tennis - Joueuses WTA - Martina Navratilova Translate this page Le magazine du tennis sur Internet, jeudi 13 mai 2004. FICHES JOUEUSES WTA. MartinaNAVRATILOVA Photos de la joueuse, Liens vers des sites de fans. Biographie http://www.infotennis.com/joueuses/navratilova.php | |
24. LookSmart - Directory - Martina Navratilova martina navratilova Find a collection of fan tributes and mediapages dedicated to legendary tennis star martina navratilova. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317828/us317851/us10126520/us261692/u | |
25. Martina Navratilova Translate this page numéro un mondial. A la fin de la saison, martina navratilova dominele tennis mondial à lÂâge de 22 ans. Une suprématie qu http://perso.club-internet.fr/leroyy_f/tennishistoire/championne-navratilova.htm | |
26. Tennis Great Retires tennis Great Retires. by Beth Corbin martina navratilova has beendescribed as the greatest female athlete of this century. She is http://www.now.org/nnt/01-95/martina.html | |
27. BBC Sport Academy | Tennis | Features | What Makes A Tennis Legend? Borg, navratilova and McEnroe. Ever wondered why people talk so highly of Bjorn Borg,martina navratilova or John McEnroe? People often talk about tennis legends http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/tennis/features/newsid_3223000/3223342. | |
28. BBC SPORT | Tennis | Wimbledon 2003 | Navratilova Equals Record A SPORT. Select. ll definitely be back next year playing or not. martina Navratilovaafter her http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/tennis/wimbledon_2003/3049972.stm | |
29. Tennis Bomis Report Ranking Page 60, (55), navratilova, martina, 30, martina navratilova. 61, (60), Razzano, Virginie,26, Virginie Razzano. 67, (67), Rafter, Patrick, 16, Patrick Rafter. ALL, (), tennis,6242. http://www.bomis.com/bomisreport/tennis.html | |
30. Advocate, The: Martina Navratilova - Brief Article - Interview to know that the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Rightswas the first gay event martina navratilova had ever Playing tennis made me http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1589/2000_April_30/61692742/p1/article.jhtml | |
31. Martina Navratilova At 1992 U.S. Open Championship; Tennis; September 3, 1992; A martina navratilova My game hasn t gone away that much It is just really rough onme to be able to turn it on and play great tennis, you know, first or second http://www.asapsports.com/tennis/1992usopen/090392MN.html | |
32. Martina Navratilova, Tennis Masters Series - Rome, Interviews, ASAPSports FastSc Q. A little better than now. martina navratilova What was it for the week? The tennisis the product is good, I don t think there s anything wrong with it. http://www.asapsports.com/tennis/2003itopen/051503MN.html | |
33. Advantage Tennis - Photo Of Martina Navratilova. Photos Of Tennis Players Taken Advantage tennis Photo of martina navratilova. Photos of Tour. Buya tennis photo of martina navratilova in various sizes. Sorry http://www.advantage-tennis.com/navratilova/ | |
34. Www.news.ch - Tennis: Martina Navratilova Erhält Wildcard In Paris Translate this page Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2004 / 231122 tennis martina navratilova erhält Wildcardin Paris. tennis martina navratilova erhält Wildcard in Paris weiter http://www.news.ch/detail.asp?ID=177814 |
35. Libération : Tennis: Navratilova En Simple à Roland-Garros martina navratilova a reçu une invitation pour disputer en simplela prochaine édition des Internationaux de France de tennis, a annoncé la http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=205489 |
36. CBS.SportsLine.com - Tennis Navratilova Granted Wild Card To Play Singles At Fre martina navratilova has not played singles at the French Open since a 1994 firstroundloss. (AP), If I could even think about playing tennis at that age, it http://cbs.sportsline.com/tennis/story/7327037 | |
37. CBS.SportsLine.com - Tennis Martina Navratilova martina navratilova Country United States Height 58 Weight 145 Plays L,Born 10/18/1956 Birthplace Prague, Czechoslovakia Resides Aspen, Colo. http://cbs.sportsline.com/tennis/players/playerpage/387336 | |
38. Eurosport, Tennis, Live, ATP, WTA, Tour, Masters Series, Davis Cup, Australian O So bleibt martina navratilova eine Legende für alle Zeiten, die der Sportwelt hoffentlichnoch lange erhalten bleibt. TVHinweis tennis pur auf EUROSPORT. http://www.eurosport.de/sport.asp?LangueID=1&SportID=57&StoryID=454469&eventid=5 |
39. Salon :: :: People :: Bc :: Martina Navratilova, By Steve Kettmann :: Page 1 April 18, 2000 I f it weren t for the quick cut to the tennis court, you mightat first have trouble recognizing martina navratilova in the new Subaru http://www.salon.com/people/bc/2000/04/18/navratilova/ | |
40. Martina Navratilova - Tennis Women Legends Sports Speakers Bureau martina navratilova. Category tennis, Women Legends. In brief, If therewas a record in tennis, chances are martina navratilova broke it. http://www.allamericanspeakers.com/speakerbio/Martina_Navratilova.php | |
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