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81. Gustavo Kuerten, Tennis Masters Cup, Interviews, ASAPSports FastScripts, Quotes, gustavo kuerten If I stop and just think about what I ve done for tennis,I think it s very important. If I m going to play Sampras http://www.asapsports.com/tennis/2000mascup/120200GK.html | |
82. Conti Group - Corporate Web Site Igor Gorbenko has handed the main trophy of tournament Saint Petersburg Open2003 to gustavo kuerten and has invited the Brazilian tennis player to visit our http://english.contigroup.ru/articles.asp?showartic1397 |
83. |-| Guga Fans |-| The Gustavo Kuerten Fanlisting |- Welcome! You ve come across the one and only fanlisting for the awesomeBrazilian tennis player gustavo kuerten, our Guga. This http://fan.unfloopy.net/guga/ | |
85. Photosport ® | Stock Photos - Masters Series Indian Wells - Mens Tennis Photos iw030370.tif gustavo kuerten, Pacific Life Open, Masters Series Indian Wells,07 MAR 2003. PHOTOSPORT.COM Your best bet for men s tennis photos. http://www.photosport.com/mtennis/mtennis43.htm | |
86. Tennis Masters Madrid 2003 Translate this page gustavo kuerten TÃtulos 2003 1 (Auckland) kuerten es uno Las pistas del TennisMasters Madrid podrÃan ser un buen escenario para su resurgir tenÃstico. http://www.marca.com/tennis-masters-madrid/jugadores/kuerten.html | |
87. Le Web De L’Humanité: Gustavo Kuerten Du Bout Des Nerfs - Article Paru Le Translate this page mou des fantassins de la raquette, gustavo kuerten avait fait pour qui se souvientavoir vu kuerten sabrer le quand trop de champions de tennis ne pensent qu http://www.humanite.presse.fr/journal/2000-06-12/2000-06-12-226818 | |
88. RaiSport - 25 Aprile '99 - Tennis: Kuerten Vince A Montecarlo tennis di Montecarlo e stato vinto da gustavo Kuertenil brasiliano (testa di serie n.13) si e aggiudicato la finale del http://www2.raisport.rai.it/news/sport/tennis/199904/25/37231e5006eb9/ | |
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90. Beckett.com Magazine Subscriptions Hobby Newsletter Web Specials. 2003 NetProTennis 6 gustavo kuerten. http://www.beckett.com/estore/_item_detail.asp?Action=View&ItemID=29156155&Area= |
91. Pravda.RU Yevgeny Kafelnikov Defeats World Number One Gustavo Kuerten Yevgeny Kafelnikov has defeated in three sets world number one tennisplayer gustavo kuerten thus reaching the US Open semifinals. http://english.pravda.ru/sport/2001/09/07/14488.html | |
92. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results tennis vendredi à Flu. . . http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?q=Gustavo Artigas-Gorocica&refid=kuns |
93. The US Open 2003 - Grand Slam Tennis - Official Site By IBM - Players John van Lottum) - - http://www.usopen.org/en_US/bios/ms/atpk293.html |
94. Court-Central - Le Magazine Du Tennis Translate this page tennis sur Court-Central ATP, WTA, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, tournois, résultats, classement, directs http://www.courtcentral.fr/fr/tennis/atp/fiches/kuertengustavo.html | |
95. ATP Tennis Show RELEASES. AUDIO PLAY OF WEEK ATP tennis SHOW. PLAYER GEAR. GustavoKuerten. Choose one of these options to view video clip. RealPlayer http://www.atptennis.com/en/tvshow/?AssetID=148 |
96. -= Ik Wil Het =- Startpagina Tennis: Jouw Gids Op De Digitale Snelweg! = Ik Wil Het =- Startpagina tennis Jouw gids op de digitale snelweg!, tennis, tennis,tennis.ikwilhet.nu, tennis Heren, Rankings Heren, tennis Medisch, Prof. http://www.ikwilhet.nu/index2.asp?siteid=465 |
97. Tennis - The International Tennis Federation's Official Website of stars in attendance including all four Grand Slam champions Andre Agassi, GustavoKuerten, Marat Safin and Pete Sampras, the inaugural tennis Masters Cup http://www2.itftennis.com/html/new/itf_world/i13/i13_fairytale.html | |
98. Abierto Mexicano De Tenis 2004 Translate this page La página que esta buscando no esta disponible en este momento. http://www.abiertomexicanodetenis.com/noticiasdraws.html | |
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