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41. Allesklar Webkatalog: Goran Ivanisevic
Translate this page 1. goran ivanisevic - Umfassende Informationseite über den bekanntenund erfolgreichen tennisspieler. http//

42. Allesklar Webkatalog: Goran Ivanisevic
Translate this page 1. goran ivanisevic - Umfassende Informationseite über den bekanntenund erfolgreichen tennisspieler. http//

43. Goran Ivanisevic, The Masters Series, Tennis, Interviews, ASAPSports FastScripts
goran ivanisevic Great. After last year, everything feels great, you know.But I playing very good lately. I m having more fun, playing good tennis.
An interview with: GORAN IVANISEVIC

44. CroLinks: Sports, Page 3
tennis tournaments in Zagreb and Losinj. Croatia Futures. goran ivanisevicThe official goran ivanisevic site. Webmaster, goran ivanisevic.
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    Sport / Sport Specifications Contact Site Link(s) Tenis / Tennis Hrvatski teniski savez
    Stranice Hrvatskog teniskog saveza. Rangliste, kalendar natjecanja, pravilnik o bodovanju. Webmaster
    Hrvatski teniski savez Hrvatski teniski savez: Sluzbene rangliste
    Croatian Tennis Association: Official rankings Official CTA rankings ProTennis
    Najsavrsenija stranica u vezi tenisa na Hrvatskom jeziku.
    ProTennis ALPLAN , Zagreb, Croatia, 14-19. ožujka 2000.
    Europe/Africa/Middle East Invacare World Team Cup Qualification ALPLAN Marli Open Biograd , Biograd n/m, 5. - 8. kolovoza 2000. Marli Open Zagreb Open 2000 , May 13-21. Webmaster Hrvatski English Croatian Bol Ladies Open 1. - 7. May, 2000.
  • 45. French Open '99 Interview - Goran Ivanisevic
    goran ivanisevic This kind of match, yes, but finally I play tennis. This iswhat I supposed to play. When you lose like this, then is nothing to say.
    Goran Ivanisevic
    25 May 1999 Q. First three sets it seemed it was a good match. What did you think?
    Yeah, it's the best match I ever play here in the French Open, and best match this year by far I play. I could win all three sets. Lot of breakpoints, I played shots I never played before, down the line. Very, very good tennis. Then in the end I was a little bit tired. I went too quick for the points. I wanted to hit too much. Too many errors. The conditions
    were a little bit slow. It was not easy. I missed a couple of easy shots, easy shots, but a couple centimeters. Breakpoints, a little bit unlucky. If I could win maybe a little more breakpoints, could be different match. But we both played great tennis. After all, this five months of struggling, finally I'm happy the way I play tennis. Today, this was tennis. The five months, I don't know what I was doing, but today I play tennis. Q. And concerning your concentration as well, it seems it was very good.
    : Yeah, everything was fine, really good. No, I save a lot of breakpoints with some very smart play. Was really good tennis for both of us. I mean, we both play good tennis. Bad luck that we played each other. Q. Fourth set you were tired?

    46. Tennis 1995
    From tennis (December 1995 When i met with goran ivanisevic in the lobby of the HotelInterContinental in Paris, he looked as friendly and as uncomplicated as
    From TENNIS (December 1995)
    Interview conducted and translated by Josip Navakovic. Josip Navakovic teaches writing at
    the University of Cincinnati and is the author of Yolk and fiction Writer's Workshop. When i met with Goran Ivanisevic in the lobby of the Hotel Inter-Continental in Paris, he
    looked as friendly and as uncomplicated as a lanky college kid on spring break. Although I had never met him, I had the sensation of seeing a friend, perhaps because we are both Croatians coming together in another part of the world; I had to restrain myself from tapping him on the shoulder. We sat in heavy leather armchairs in this Versaillesque palace-turned into a hotel- and
    Ivanisevic surprised me with his unpretentiousness. He spoke in a Dalmatian dialect which to us from the continental parts of Croatia, sounds as
    quaint as a Sotherner drawl does in the States. The rest of Croatia admires Dalmatia, located
    along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, for its leisurely pace and good humor. In this native
    Croatian language he seemed comfortable, at home, unlike in English, where he sometimes
    searches for words and says whatever ready-made phrase he can rememember, all in the

    47. Tennis Heroes - A Photographic Encyclopaedia Of Tennis Players, Grand Slam Winne
    ivanisevic, goran, Croatia, Wimbledon 1998 (RunnerUp). ivanisevic, goran,Croatia, Wimbledon 2001 (Winner). tennis Player, Country, Page Details.

    48. Wimbledon-Star Goran Ivanisevic Verriet Jetzt:Trotz Verletzungen Zum Sieg - Dank
    Translate this page Mit Beten und mit Vioxx“, lautet die Antwort von goran ivanisevic, dersich in diesem Jahr die begehrteste tennis-Trophäe der Welt erkämpfte.
    Leser fragen - Experten antworten
    Ausnahme-Tennisspieler Goran Ivanisevic: So präsentiert er sich auf seiner Internet-Seite Möchten Sie mehr zum Thema Schmerzbekämpfung mit Vioxx lesen? Bitte klicken Sie auf das Sie interessierende Thema: Arthrose: Nicht resignieren, es gibt neue Behandlungsstrategien! Rheumamittel:Wirksam – aber manchmal tödlich: Alarmierende Studie wurde jetzt in London vorgestellt / Risiken von Schmerzmedikamenten offenbar stark unterschätzt / Lichtblick: Neues Medikament mit dem Wirkstoff Rofecoxib Neue Behandlungsstrategie bei Rheuma:Nur noch halb so viel Magen-Darm-Nebenwirkungen! Volkskrankheit Arthrose: Bald leidet jeder fünfte daran - Neue ...
    Arzneimittel-Generation lindert den Schmerz und schont den Magen
    Wimbledon-Star Goran Ivanisevic verriet jetzt: Trotz Verletzungen zum Sieg - dank modernem Schmerzmittel Neue Studien bestätigen hohe Zufriedenheit von Arthrose-Patienten Wie gewinnt man Wimbledon mit einer höllisch schmerzenden, verletzten Schulter und einer Stressfraktur im linken Fuß? „Mit Beten und mit Vioxx“, lautet die Antwort von Goran Ivanisevic, der sich in diesem Jahr die begehrteste Tennis-Trophäe der Welt erkämpfte. In der kroatischen Sportzeitung „Sportske novosti“ verriet der Tennis-Star jetzt: „Ich habe schon verschiedene Schmerzmittel ausprobiert. Jetzt nehme ich Vioxx und diese Tabletten helfen wirklich. Ohne sie könnte ich nicht spielen.“

    49. Tennis Collectables - Posters - Goran Ivanisevic
    of goran ivanisevic. All items are in very good condition unless otherwise stated.As stock is continually changing please email tennis Collectables with a
    Tennis Collectables Home


    Tournament Programmes
    Contact Us
    Goran Ivanisevic This section contains a selection of posters and photographs of Goran Ivanisevic. All items are in very good condition unless otherwise stated As stock is continually changing please email Tennis Collectables with a list of the item(s) you are interested in and we will then get back to you with details of postage costs. All prices include postage within the UK; overseas customers will be charged additional postage. Posters
    All posters are in colour and unfolded unless otherwise stated. A description of the picture is given, together with approximate size, publisher (where known), estimated date of publication and price. Scans give an indication of the picture - most do not show the complete image as they are too large to scan fully. © does NOT appear on the actual items). 1. Full length, playing forehand between legs. 42x30 cms. Wimbledon Museum 1998. £5.50 in tube
    (approx $9.35)

    50. Eurosport, Tennis, Live, ATP, WTA, Tour, Masters Series, Davis Cup, Australian O
    Vor dem Match gegen goran ivanisevic glaubte keiner an exklusiv Mein Sieg gegengoran Alex Waske Zusammen für Deutschland Deutsches tennis 2004 Kühnens
    OAS_AD('Top'); FuŸball Motorsport Motorrad Tennis ... ATP MœNCHEN Pr¤sentiert von Roland Garros
    ATP-Saison 2004 Diese Woche:
    World Team Cup

    ATP St. P¶lten

    ATP Casablanca
    Letzte Woche:
    Masters-Series Hamburg

    Indesit ATP Race


    ATP Kalender
    WTA-Saison 2004 Diese Woche: WTA Madrid WTA StraŸburg Letzte Woche: WTA Rom WTA-Rankings WTA Kalender Interaktiv Stars hautnah Exklusiv-Interviews Waske-Kolumne Team-Wettbewerbe Davis Cup 2004 Ergebnisse Aufstiegsrunde Fed Cup 2004 Grand Slam Australian Open Herren Damen Roland Garros ... Damen Athen 2004 Olympische Spiele "Mein Sieg gegen Goran" Vor dem Match gegen Goran Ivanisevic glaubte keiner an Alexander Waske, doch der Hesse belehrte im Match gegen den Ex-Wimbledon-Sieger alle Tennisfans eines Besseren. "Dieser Sieg ist einer der bedeutendsten in meiner Karriere, denn Goran hat noch immer diese einmalige Aura", erkl¤rte Waske in seiner EUROSPORT-Kolumne.  Waske exklusiv: "Mein Sieg gegen Goran"  Alex Waske: "Zusammen f¼r Deutschland"  Deutsches Tennis 2004: K¼hnens Analyse Von einem Durchbruch kann man sicherlich noch nicht sprechen. Da braucht man nur auf die Weltrangliste zu schauen, wo sich leider noch nicht soviel getan hat. F¼r die erste Runde in M¼nchen bekomme ich "nur" 15 Punkte. Es wird also ein langer und schwerer Weg, mich unter den besten Spielern der Welt zu etablieren.

    51. Eurosport, Tennis, Live, ATP, WTA, Tour, Masters Series, Davis Cup, Australian O
    den WimbledonSieger von 2001, goran ivanisevic, mit 64, 76 (70). ivanisevicmuss nach Waske Zusammen für Deutschland Deutsches tennis 2004 Kühnens
    OAS_AD('Top'); FuŸball Motorsport Motorrad Tennis ... ATP MœNCHEN Pr¤sentiert von Roland Garros
    ATP-Saison 2004 Diese Woche:
    World Team Cup

    ATP St. P¶lten

    ATP Casablanca
    Letzte Woche:
    Masters-Series Hamburg

    Indesit ATP Race


    ATP Kalender
    WTA-Saison 2004 Diese Woche: WTA Madrid WTA StraŸburg Letzte Woche: WTA Rom WTA-Rankings WTA Kalender Interaktiv Stars hautnah Exklusiv-Interviews Waske-Kolumne Team-Wettbewerbe Davis Cup 2004 Ergebnisse Aufstiegsrunde Fed Cup 2004 Grand Slam Australian Open Herren Damen Roland Garros ... Damen Athen 2004 Olympische Spiele Waske in M¼nchen top Qualifikant Alexander Waske hat beim ATP-Turnier in M¼nchen die zweite Runde erreicht. Der 29-J¤hrige besiegte den Wimbledon-Sieger von 2001, Goran Ivanisevic, mit 6:4, 7:6 (7:0). Ivanisevic muss nach der Niederlage weiter auf ein groŸes Ziel, seinen 600. Sieg, warten. Mit 597 Erfolgen liegt der 32-J¤hrige auf dem 17. Platz der Bestenliste.  BMW-Open: Burgsm¼ller und Blake scheitern zum Auftakt  Alex Waske: "Zusammen f¼r Deutschland"  Deutsches Tennis 2004: K¼hnens Analyse Zuvor hatte der Augsburger Philipp Kohlschreiber sein Auftaktspiel gegen den D¤nen Kenneth Carlsen mit 7:6 (9:7), 6:4 gewonnen. In der zweiten Runde trifft der 20-J¤hrige auf den Sieger des Spiels Paradorn Srichaphan (Thailand/2) gegen Olivier Rochus (Belgien). Kohlschreiber hatte den Sprung ins Hauptfeld durch eine Wild Card geschafft.

    52. Centre Sport Statistics. Tennis. Tournaments
    tennis. Novak, Jiri (CZE) 5, Mantilla, Felix (ESP), 61 6-1. Rusedski,Greg (GBR) 6, ivanisevic, goran (CRO) 2, 6-2 0-6 6-3. Round 2,

    53. Centre Sport Statistics. Tennis. Tournaments
    tennis. Mantilla, Felix (ESP) 8, Ogorodov, Oleg (UZB) Q, 76(0) 6-4. Stepanek,Radek (CZE) Q, ivanisevic, goran (CRO) 2, 7-6(4) 6-2. Round 1,

    54. Tennis Verzamelgids, Tennislinks Actueel Anna Kournikova Tennisbonden Kleding (t
    Haas Tommy. Henman Tim. - ivanisevic goran. - Krajicek Richard. - Krajicek, Richard(fanpage). Medvedev Andre. - Melissa s tennis Site. - Melissa s tennis Site.
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    55. Tennis Male Players - 294 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans
    Lleyton Hewitt Lleyton Hewitt - Australias Future In tennis -Lleyton Hewitt LleytonHewitt Web Page ivanisevic,_goran -AltoSport goran ivanisevic
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    goran ivanisevic goran -goran ivanisevic -goran ivanisevic Forum -gorans Homepage-Jukkas goran Site -The Pats Homepage -Patrick Rafter tennis God -PR

    57. Goran's Day At Wimbledon
    Table of Contents, tennis. goran s day at Wimbledon. Playing against all odds,goran ivanisevic bags the Wimbledon trophy and proves that perseverance pays.
    Volume 18 - Issue 15, Jul. 21 - Aug. 03, 2001
    India's National Magazine
    from the publishers of THE HINDU
    Table of Contents
    Goran's day at Wimbledon
    Playing against all odds, Goran Ivanisevic bags the Wimbledon trophy and proves that perseverance pays. NIRMAL SHEKAR
    in Wimbledon ONE of the most extraordinary Wimbledon championships of all time climaxed last fortnight amidst soccer-stadium-like scenes of emotional outpouring in the oldest and most famous tennis stadium in the world, with a 125-1 outsider crowned the new men's champion on what is popularly known as People's Monday. ADAM BUTLER/AP
    Goran Ivansevic with the Challenge Cup on Centre Court on July 9. Goran Ivanisevic's spectacular five-set victory over Pat Rafter in a final that was the best witnessed on the famous grass court in 20 years was a fitting end to a tournament that featured one of the most eventful men's championships in the long history of Wimbledon. Although the All England Lawn Tennis Club has had to extend the championship before to the third Monday because of the famously fickle English weather, this was the first time that a men's final was actually scheduled for that day. Perhaps electrified by the atmosphere on the centre court the 29-year-old Croatian, who became the first wild card to win a Grand Slam championship, and the 28-year-old Australian served up a wonderful treat. The women's event, for once, rode piggyback on the men's championship and, in terms of dramatic twists, had very little to offer as Venus Williams extended her lease on the famous Venus Rosewater Dish, beating the gifted little Belgian Justine Henin in the final.

    58. Grand Slam Tennis Matches On DVD Including Wimbledon, US Open, Australian, Frenc
    Chang 1996 US Open qtr goran ivanisevic Stefan Edberg Davis Cup r1 Fish/Blake ivanisevic/Ljubicic2002 final Andre Agassi Andy Roddick tennis Master Series and

    59. MSNBC - Ivanisevic Only 'ideal For Women's Tennis'
    ZAGREB, Croatia Former Wimbledon champion goran ivanisevic says his serve is nowso weak that he would struggle to beat Now I am ideal for women’s tennis.
    MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money document.write('') Web Search: logoImg(""); MSNBC News Alerts Newsletters Help ... MSNBC Shopping Search MSNBC: Advanced Search   RESOURCE GUIDE Buy Life Insurance Yellow pages Shopping ... Small Business Tips More news and other features Ivanisevic only 'ideal for women's tennis' Ex-Wimbledon champ says his serve has gotten weak Updated: 11:47 a.m. ET May 16, 2004 ZAGREB, Croatia - Former Wimbledon champion Goran Ivanisevic says his serve is now so weak that he would struggle to beat the Williams sisters. advertisement
    document.write(' On Wednesday the 32-year-old lost in a first round doubles match in a Zagreb challenger tournament when he was playing with a 15-year-old fellow Croat. Instead of cursing and smashing rackets the trademark of his 13-year career the 2001 Wimbledon champion explained that time and injury had taken their toll on his once feared serve. “My serve is not as good as it used to be. Other guys hit much harder... Now I am ideal for women’s tennis. “Serena, Venus and me what a fight that would be,” he was quoted as saying in the daily Jutarnji List on Thursday. Ivanisevic still dreams of playing one more time at the All England Club. However, his injured left arm is becoming increasingly troublesome, making him wonder if he should just rest before this year’s Wimbledon tournament.

    60. Tennis Compress Match-Statistik
    Translate this page tennis Compress. Stand 17.11.97 ASSE Matches -1. ivanisevic, goran 1048 71 2. RUSEDSKI, GREG 989 71 3. KRAJICEK, RICHARD
    TENNIS Compress
    Match - Statistik
    zur Homepage
    Ranglisten der 15 Top-Spieler 1997
    Spieler Rangliste nach Anzahl der geschlagenen Asse
    Stand: 17.11.97 ASSE Matches - 1. IVANISEVIC, GORAN 1048 71 2. RUSEDSKI, GREG 989 71 3. KRAJICEK, RICHARD 987 68 4. PHILIPPOUSSIS, MARK 886 65 5. GOELLNER, MARC-KEVIN 646 55 6. SAMPRAS, PETE 627 60 7. NORMAN, MAGNUS 596 67 8. RAFTER, PATRICK 588 84 9. HENMAN, TIM 565 70 10. RADULESCU, ALEX 527 50 11. STARK, JONATHAN 481 40 12. ROSSET, MARC 481 62 13. KUERTEN, GUSTAVO 480 56 14. LARSSON, MAGNUS 456 61 15. KORDA, PETR 456 74
    Rangliste nach gewonnenen 1. Aufschlägen
    Stand: 17.11.97 % Matches - 1. KRAJICEK, RICHARD 86% 68 2. RUSEDSKI, GREG 84% 71 3. IVANISEVIC, GORAN 83% 71 4. SAMPRAS, PETE 82% 60 5. HENMAN, TIM 80% 70 6. PHILIPPOUSSIS, MARK 80% 65 7. GOELLNER, MARC-KEVIN

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