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Home - Athletes_Tennis - Coetzer Amanda |
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81. Amanda Gee Tennis N Hupstoot tennis vir juniors in SuidAfrika het onlangs n welkome hupstoot gekry metdie aankondiging dat Standard Bank die nuwe hoofborg van die amanda coetzer- http://www.news24.com/Die_Volksblad/Volksblad-Sport/0,,5-84_1521583,00.html |
82. Amanda Coetzer Besluit Om Eers Te Rus amanda coetzer van SuidAfrika gaan n onbepaalde ruskans van tennis neem en n aankondigingoor haar deelname aan vanjaar se Wimbledon-toernooi word binnekort http://www.news24.com/Die_Volksblad/Volksblad-Sport/0,,5-84_1522757,00.html |
83. TENNIS NOTE tennis NOTE. Thursday, December 27, 223 PM amanda coetzer 2001 winloss record WTA Tour Tournaments Played 22 WTA Tour http://slam.canoe.ca/StatsTEN/BC-TEN-LGNS-COETZER01-R.html | |
84. Index Magazine Interview amanda coetzer is a tennis player who has been ranked in and around the top 20for several years, and lives the grueling, yearround nomadic life of a tour http://www.indexmagazine.com/interviews/amanda_coetzer.shtml | |
85. SA Tennis **** * Subject Happy Birthday amanda coetzer!! Message You are the Best!!See ya, Stephan B. Name Netimage10s. Happy Birthday amanda coetzer!! http://www.satennis.co.za/SSZMessageBoard2.asp?SportCategory=SUPERTENNIS&Message |
86. Amanda Coetzer: The Little Assassin September, 1997. Who is amanda coetzer? amanda coetzer is the greatesttennis player from the Open era to hail from South Africa. She is http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/4504/main.html | |
87. TennisNow.com - Directions tennis Express Directory Pro Player Fan Links Female AmandaCoetzer tennis Web directory. Use the world s first complete http://www.tennisexpress.com/directory/Pro_Player_Fan_Links/Female/Amanda_Coetze | |
88. Amanda Coetzer Webpage With Info About Her Career, Photos, And More. March 3rd 2004 amanda is now back in action but she lost her first match back,a loss to Marta Marrero In the next round, amanda will face Nadia Petrova. http://www.tennisrulz.com/players/coetzer/ | |
89. AmandaÃÂ sandrelli - Risultati amanda coetzer coetzer, amanda, 22/10/1971,Hoopstad, Afs, 1.58m, 54kg, Droitie re, Hoopstad, 1957 Acura Classic http://www.zuccaweb.it/_ricerca.asp?Keywords=amandaÃÂ sandrelli&j=81&rpp=9 |
90. Amanda Coetzer, RSA amanda coetzer, RSA. Coach not available. Portrait Nicknamed the littleassassin , amanda coetzer has over 400 career wins on the WTA Tour. http://www.gotennis.com/protour/Profile.asp?PlayerId=88&Gender=F |
91. Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario Unofficial Home Page from the opening banner) is a Professional Women s tennis Player, WELCOME! WEB SITESDEVOTED TO OTHER PROFESSIONAL WOMEN tennis PLAYERS. OTHER tennis SITES. http://members.tripod.com/~CMSTRONG/ | |
92. Tennis.startkabel.nl Harkleroad 5. Barbara Schett - 6. Maria Kirilenko - 7. Serena Williams - 8. AmandaCoetzer - 9. Julia Vakulenko - 10. Olga Barabinschikova. Meer tennis babes, http://www.startkabel.nl/k/tennis/ |
93. -= Ik Wil Het =- Startpagina Tennis: Jouw Gids Op De Digitale Snelweg! = Ik Wil Het =- Startpagina tennis Jouw gids op de digitale snelweg!, tennis, tennis,tennis.ikwilhet.nu, tennis Heren, Rankings Heren, tennis Medisch, Prof. http://www.ikwilhet.nu/index2.asp?siteid=465 |
94. Turbo Tennis - 1998 Pilot Pen Championships Photos Turbo tennis 1996 ATP World Doubles Championships Photos Latest Turbo tennisArticle. Turbo tennis Archive. The tennis Server HOME PAGE. tennis FEATURES http://www.tennisserver.com/turbo/pilotpen98photo.html | |
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