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41. Accelerated Reader Test List Report Test Book Reading Point Number 1291EN Howie Has a Stomachache Johnny Ray moore 1.0 0.5 Beverley Randell 1.0 0.5 1196ENSamuel bobb Katz 1.0 Wash Beverley Randell 1.0 0.5 1365EN soccer at the http://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/departments/media/arlists/fresleve.txt |
42. RootsWeb: GUYANA-L Some Notable Sanchos Of Guyana-Surnames- Story The Sancho Fam Michael A. Back Legg Sancho {soccer},Oswald Sancho Barnwell, Bayne, Baynes, Benn,bobb, bobbSemple, Bradshaw McIntosh, Mckenzie, Michael, moore, Moses, Munro http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GUYANA/2003-11/1069271367 | |
43. AKRON, OHIO COUNCIL AGENDA OF OCTOBER 22, 2001 for the construction of Valley View soccer Field; approving D3, D3A liquor permitsto bobb A Louies Assistant Director of Law; John moore, Zoning Administrator http://ci.akron.oh.us/City_Council/Agendas/2001/Agenda 10-22-01.html | |
44. News On Oak Hill, Ohio bobb targets agency officials Nov 7, 2003 removed or reassigned soccer Tech shutsout Sartell, 10 01 Oct 2003 of the field to an open Noah moore, who then http://www.us-news-watch.com/Ohio/Oak_Hill.html | |
45. Untitled Document to have the help of volunteers Jerry moore, Jim Walker include Robot, Niles Reynolds;Inventor, bobbi bobb; MPAT board soccer camp starts tonight at AES field. http://www.modocrecord.com/Archives2003July.html | |
46. The Legends Of Austin EMail Page The Legends of Austin soccer meet annually to compete and relive the former glory days at a much reduced pace and even less intensity Mark Miller. Odd Stokdal. Ben bobb. Essi Ghadessy. Mohammed http://www.thundercloud.com/legends/email.htm |
47. CollegeSports.com Interactive Beverly, Kevin, RB, 5 11 , 195, Signed, Maryland, Kent. bobb, Cameron,WR, 6 6 , 195, Signed, Ohio, Kent. moore, Brian, DB, 6 1 , 200, Signed,Florida, Kent. http://interact.fansonly.com/recruiting/searchrecruit.cfm?sport=football&dbyear= |
48. RADIO BROADCASTING IN GUYANA Baptiste, Mark Bhagwandin, Frankie bobbSemple, Rafael Mann, Cuthbert Monchoir, StanleyMoore, Joseph (Reds Fred Wills Football (soccer) Cassian Mittelholzer http://www.silvertorch.com/g_radio_bcast.htm | |
49. UMBC - Track - Outlook Sprints Coach bobb has brought in an infusion of talent to combine with junior 400The team of Jones, Muir, Melanece moore, and Diane Metger won the NEC 4 x http://www.umbcretrievers.com/sports/track/review/womenreview/outlook2001.asp | |
51. Madison Magazine - The Magazine Of Lifestyle And Business the pipes on boys varsity hockey and girls varsity soccer. Sure and steady, Bobbbrings strong perspective to the male Andy moore Producer, WHA s WeekEnd. http://www.madisonmagazine.com/index.php?story_id=123794&xstate=view_story |
52. TheIowaChannel.com - College Football - Kent State 1, Anthony Henriquez, LB, 511, 225, Kent State. 1, Cameron bobb, WR, 6-6, 195,Kent State. 16, Joey Mendoza, QB, 6-0, 185, Kent State. 16, Brian moore, DB, 6-1,200, Kent State. http://www.theiowachannel.com/cfoot523/2380620/detail.html | |
53. The University Of Southern California Trojans - Official Athletic Site - Men's T Doubles (worth one point) 1. GotteslebenKukal (USC) def. Skorin-Tishler (UNLV) 8-62. moore-Rainey (USC) def. bobb-Zivkovic (UNLV) 8-6 3. Hill-Park (USC) def. http://www.usctrojans.com/sports/m-tennis/recaps/012399aaa.html | |
54. JJHuddle.com: Northern Ohio League And bobb,u probably should leave Sickel alone. and you were correct in mentioningsoccer, golf, and Loughridge5th 8-2 over Travis moore Mansfield Madison 1st http://www.jjhuddle.com/discus/messages/36110/109028.php | |
55. Anderson University Athletics: Football News: Hanover Women s Teams. RT 71 Fox,Brian WR 20 bobb,Clint WR DT 98 Baker,Phil DE 41 moore,NathanLB http://www.anderson.edu/athletics/mfoot/hanover.html | |
56. Northcarolina.ihigh.com Time 1 Gonzalas, Indi EES 12.10 2 Cooper, LaQua EES 12.10 3 moore, Shayne 11 Barnett,Darryl HOKE 10.50 2 Marks, Terrenc RMON 10.60 3 Hatchell, bobb JACK 10.60 http://www.northcarolina.ihigh.com/0,1673,1_3_1_88751,00.html |
57. Untitled Document McKee, Huntington, 127; 5. Rachel Jacobsen, Unioto, 12-6.25; 6. Taylor bobb, PaintValley 4-6; 5. Sarah Jenkins, Huntington, 4-4; 6. Rachael moore, Waverly, 4-2 http://www.the-sportspage.com/jrhtrackgirls.htm | |
58. DePauw University - Intercollegiate Athletics - News bobb caught eight passes for 78 yards, while Lyon and John Spurlock each caught with13 stops, followed by Tad Brittingham with 11 and Nathan moore and Scott http://www.depauw.edu/ath/news.asp?id=144 |
59. North East Stars. clubÂs entry into bigtime local soccer three years Later, substitute Devon Bobbwould also get between Alexander and Referee Cassie moore thought otherwise. http://www.socawarriors.net/north_east_stars.htm | |
60. SI.com - College Football - Golden Flashes Team Roster 30, Jason Blake, DB, 5 9 , 205, Jr, Coconut Creek, FL. 1, Cameron bobb,WR, 6 6 , 195, Fr, Ashtabula, OH. 16, Brian moore, DB, 6 1 , 200, Fr,Sunrise, FL. http://www.cnnsi.com/football/ncaa/rosters/2003/kentst/ | |
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