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21. DallasNews.com | News For Dallas, Texas | Local News doesn t pull punches, said Merrick bobb, a Los Schools Colonial/Golf Motor SportsBurn/soccer West s Breeders NFL/Gosselin NHL/Heika NBA/moore Olympics/Harasta http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/050604dnmetme | |
22. Hanover College - Hanover, Indiana IN) was named the HCAC women s soccer player of bobb scored on 18, 25 and 41yardtouchdown strikes Senior lineman Nathan moore (Shepherdsville, KY) and junior http://www.hanover.edu/sports/hcfootball.htm | |
23. DVD Movies Music CDs At Songsearch Internet CD Store BattBett Bett-Blac Blac-bobb bobb-Brid Brid Major League Ii Major League soccer MajorPayne Majorettes Lipscomb Manchester United Mandela Mandy moore Manetles http://catalog.songsearch.net/catalog/dvd_movies_0041.html | |
24. Football - National Team WC Preparations the matches as warmups for their upcoming CONCACAF Champions Cup match against UnitedStates Major League soccer (MLS) team S Joseph, O bobb. F Baptiste, W moore. http://www.spiceisle.com/grenadasports/Football - National Team WC Preparations. | |
25. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Sports - Scoreboard Master Relay1. Dean Smith and Julie Rosenheimer, 3801; 2. Paula Carroll and PeteSchlegel, 4346; 3. Patrick moore and Win Straube soccer. bobb Ankeney, 3507 http://starbulletin.com/2004/01/20/sports/scoreboard.html | |
26. USA - Details Of International Matches 1970-1979 Buzz Demling, bobby Smith, Al Trost, bobb Matteson (Dave Barry Barto, Rudy Getzinger,Johnny moore, William Roy for the Rec.Sport.soccer Statistics Foundation. http://www.rsssf.com/tablesu/usa-intres-det70.html | |
27. Notes a choreographer for halftime shows for a soccer team when too busy with acting andrapping, bobbÂeJ loves The Weatherman in The Mary Tyler moore show, James http://movieweb.com/movies/download.php?id=720&q=notes.htm |
28. Barn Burners 1871 - News lines of forwards RazovKirovski, moore-McBride and day back for students. Whitfieldand bobb both said stop on the United States soccer team s surprisingly http://barnburners.com/news/01/mls/0622.html | |
29. Bobby Hull Hockey Shooting &Amp; Scoring (Directed By Jr. Bobby Hull) starring robert redford, demi moore, woody harrelson vogelsinger s dribbling feinting(soccer series) (starring shootihg directex hockeu bobb y shootiny http://vhs-video.net/bobby-hull-hockey-shooting-&-scoring-(directed-by-jr.-b | |
30. Archive Jan 2004 - April 2004 Along Came Polly), 14year old soccer Star, Freddy Theismann, Loon Friday, January16 Mandy moore, Anthony Anderson 27 ABC anchor Diane Sawyer, Actor bobb e J http://www.petersreviews.com/archive_jan_2004_-_april_2004.html | |
31. Carleton College Geo Alums And Students bobb Carson 65 recently retired as Dean of the Rock Bottom Ranch, a wildlife preserve;Andy moore 90 worked Josh Bookin 98 coaches soccer; Martha Carlson 98 http://www.acad.carleton.edu/curricular/GEOL/Links/geoalumstudntlinks.html | |
32. The Greenville News Surviving are one son, Michael moore of New Orleans, La High School and a member ofthe soccer team Randy Black, Bright Griffin, Lee Foster, Donnie bobb and Joe http://greenvilleonline.com/obits/archives/062500.htm | |
33. Scholarships And Awards - General Announcements Jean Blocker Endowed Scholarship Paul Frederick bobb Award Beverly Scholarship inWomenÂs soccer George Martin in Engineering Thomas W. moore Scholarship in http://www.rice.edu/catalog/2002_2003/undergraduateinfo/scholarships_awards.html | |
34. Fondren Library - Rice University Archives Information Files of Trustees of Governors lists bobb, Reverend Paul Storey Reynolds, Sally Reynolds,Walter moore Rhodes, HR Snow, Edward Sobel, Robert soccer Social Change http://www.rice.edu/fondren/woodson/archives/infofiles.html |
35. Ephibian: Page Not Found Thomas moore Society board of directors Title Managing artistic director ResidencePhoenix Email bobb@vyt.com. Received a scholarship to play college soccer. http://www.ephibian.com/articles/news/bizjournals_40_under_40/ | |
36. JuneauEmpire.com: Neighbors: Thank You 07/03/02 Recreation for course cones and to Martha moore and Alice Romeo Loafers, RayJen Cajun,The bobb Family Band The Boys and Girls Club ran soccer and basketball http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/070302/nei_thanks.shtml | |
37. Contra Costa Times 10/04/2003 Prep, JC Scoreboard R Porter 2377, Puloka 8-39, Rogers 5-25, Shephard 2-3, moore 3-2. soccer.JC MEN. BOD Patrick bobb 4, Tom Bowerman 3, Brad Kitts 2, Alex Keith. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/sports/6931874.htm |
38. News Archive Irvin J. bobb, pastor June 28, 1916, in Watonga, the daughter of John Sherman andFrancis Pearl (moore) Tyson soccer We are still taking sign-ups for fall soccer http://www.poncacitynews.com/NewsArchives/0900folder/lo090100.html | |
39. News Archive Tulsa under the direction of mooreÂs Eastlawn still being determined between basketball,volleyball, and soccer. Irvin bobb Jr., sends the following message http://www.poncacitynews.com/NewsArchives/0600folder/lo060200.html | |
40. Your New Country Favorite Busch (AmandaClearcreek) Linebacker Drew bobb (Paint Valley Westfall s Mike Angle,Mike Robinson David moore. David Bowers nominated by soccer coach John http://www.wcho.com/sportsarchives_nov03.html | |
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