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61. GALLERY Maple Leaf Collectibles Presents soccer Cards. Please click on any picture for fulldetails and ordering information. SOC35, $3.95. sir stanley matthews Tea Card. http://www.mlcollectibles.com/UltiWeb/soc/Gallery.htm | |
62. Sportz Tawk: Newz Forum - SOCCER: Thierry Henry Wins Another Award soccer Thierry Henry wins another award Arsenal s Thierry Henry has become the andonly six other players had won it twice sir stanley matthews, sir Tom Finney http://www.sportztawk.com/thread2486/page1.html | |
63. XTRAMSN: Sport: Soccer: Thierry Henry Makes History You are here XtraMSN Sport soccer, Tue 11 May 2004. won it in successive seasonsand only six men had won it twice sir stanley matthews (1948 and 1963 http://www.xtramsn.co.nz/sport/0,,3951-3332651,00.html | |
64. Untitled Document 2. Stavro with jockey Llyod Duffy and soccer immorta, sir stanley matthews. Stevebrought matthews to Canada to play for his Toronto City soccer team. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/heirloom_series/volume4/402-403.htm | |
65. New Zealand Sports News - General - Soccer: Larsson Has The Final Say soccer Larsson has the final say 24.05.2004 Just as sir stanley matthews inscribedhis name upon Wembley half a century ago, so Celtic s talisman embellished http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sports/sportsstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=3568105&thesecti |
66. Coerver Coaching SYNOPSIS sir stanley matthews, Charlie Cooke and others join Coach Coerver inthis soccer clinic, considered to be one of the best methods in the world. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/CoerverCoaching-1052008/about.php | |
67. Guest Commentary: Template talk about 1953, when sir stanley matthews and Stan destroyed Bolton Wanderers, givingsir stanley the only the most romantic figures in soccer, Gary McAllister http://www.therightreport.com/articles/Guest/kelly021204.htm | |
68. Tvnz.co.nz SPORT SOCCER Henry Recognised Again and only six men had won it twice sir stanley matthews (1948 and 1963), sir TomFinney Racing Cassidy handed six week ban. soccer Gray leaves post at http://tvnz.co.nz/view/sport_story_skin/425197?format=html |
69. Henry Wins, Pens Down - MAY 12, 2004 Only six other players had won it twice sir stanley matthews, sir Tom Finney, DannyBlanchflower, Kenny Dalglish, John Barnes and EPL, INTERNATIONAL soccer. http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/sports/story/0,4136,60995,00.html | |
70. King Kenny soccer, it s no wonder! Many said Pele was the greatest player ever, some Alfredodi Stefano, others George Best and yet more nominated sir stanley matthews http://www.ultimatenzsoccer.com/id745.htm | |
71. CanadaSoccer.com | Site Officiel De L'Association Canadienne De Soccer Translate this page du Mérite de la FIFA pour son dévouement pour le soccer au Canada qui inclue Pelé,sir Bobby Charlton, Franz Beckenbauer, sir stanley matthews, Bobby Moore http://www.canadasoccer.com/fr/media/viewArtical.asp?Press_ID=506 |
72. CanadaSoccer.com | Official Site Of The Canadian Soccer Association of Merit for his dedication to the sport of soccer in Canada recipients includingPele, sir Bobby Charlton, Franz Beckenbauer, sir stanley matthews, Bobby Moore http://www.canadasoccer.com/eng/media/viewArtical.asp?Press_ID=741 |
73. DeviantART: Forums: Re: What's Your Favorite Soccer Team?and Your Favorite Playe SCFC and i love sir stanly matthews ..although he YEs ya twats its football NOT(soccer) american twats there best players is giggs sir stanley mathews was http://forum.deviantart.com/entertainment/sports/162017/2578954 | |
74. Patrons sir John Harvey Jones UK Industrialist of the Year. Virginia Wade OBE WimbledonTennis Champion. sir stanley matthews soccer Legend. Diane Feinstein USA Senator. http://www.corporate-games.com/newweb/eng_pages/patrons.asp?LANGUAGEID=1 |
75. My Football Forum - World Wide Football / Soccer Forums - View Profile: X-Lurker Fav. Player sir stanley matthews. Your Team Chelsea. www.soccersites.com,Click the logo to go to the free soccer only search engine. http://www.myfootballforum.com/member.php?u=2022 |
76. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide best international soccer coverage including stats scores standings transactionsschedules rosters odds and analysis; stanley matthews matthews, sir stanley http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Recreation_Sport_Sport_Football_Players.shtm | |
77. Football Poets - Crispin Thomas for sir Stan was a true soccer star and some here among you will nod and agree andto some it is nowt but a name but the ghost of the sweet stanley matthews http://www.footballpoets.org/p.asp?Id=3 |
78. Soccer-Galaxy.de - Die Wichtigsten Fussballer Deutschlands, Europas Und Der Welt Translate this page Mattern, Wolfgang, Morientes, Fernando. Matthes, Paul, Morinas, Igoris.matthews, sir stanley, Morioka, Ryuzo. Matthias, Bernd, Morishima, Hiroaki. http://www.soccer-galaxy.de/register/reg_sportler_800.php?js_check=0&&kat=230&&n |
79. Unreliable Facts From The Brains Trust sir stanley matthews Doorknob stanley matthews on October Siamese soccer ChelseaPratt In 1974 Siamese twin brothers Hector Sancho Hernandez who http://www.thebrainstrust.co.uk/unreliable/Sport_and_Recreation/Team_sports/Foot |
80. Stanley Matthews - Anagrams stanley matthews anagrams. Rearranging the letters of 'stanley matthews'( soccer player) gives What messy talent. ( by William TunstallPedoe using Anagram Genius)( 1995) My talents swathe. ( Click http://www.anagramgenius.com/archive/stanle.html | |
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