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41. TDN-ee, Sports Section ,February 26 , 2000 sir stanley matthews A legend passes. The death of the soccer star does notmark the end of an era but we will never see his like again. Michael Severn. http://www.turkishdailynews.com/old_editions/02_26_00/sport.htm | |
42. This Is Staffordshire - News, Entertainment, Jobs, Homes And Cars sir stanley matthews, the son of Hanley s famous boxingbarber, Jack Bolton becameknown as the matthews final. referred to as the first gentleman of soccer . http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=104946&command=displ |
43. Singapore Soccer Community - Henry Scoops Writers' Award soccer covers a wide range of soccer topics including soccer News, Free and onlysix other players had won it twice - sir stanley matthews, sir Tom Finney http://www.singaporesoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6731 |
44. IHT: When Sportsmen Deserve Acclaim He may feel flattered that he has become English soccer s fifth knight, after Ramsey,Charlton and two of the older legends sir stanley matthews and sir Tom http://www.iht.com/IHT/RH/98/rh061398.html | |
45. Welcome To MVC.co.uk Trolley. Trick soccer, Trick soccer DVD E. Trolley. sir stanley matthews1915 2000, sir stanley matthews 1915 - 2000 DVD E stanley matthews. http://www.mvc.co.uk/common/search/posearch.jhtml?sf=CATEGORY&sv=cat1000465&medi |
46. Sir Stanley Matthews - International Appearances sir stanley matthews International Appearances. FIFA 4-4 as full internationals,matthews lost 2 caps Mamrud for the Rec.Sport.soccer Statistics Foundation. http://www.rsssf.com/miscellaneous/matthews-intl.html | |
47. Soccer Books Limited Summer Sale Part 2 Welcome to soccer Books Limited s OnLine Catalogue. matthews  The Way It Was ÂMy Autobiography The autobiography of the late, great sir stanley matthews. http://www.soccer-books.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Summer_Sale_Part_2_160.h | |
48. Soccer Books Limited Video Biographies Shankly  The Story of a soccer Legend A look at the life and time greats tellof their memories of Billy including sir stanley matthews, sir Bobby Charlton http://www.soccer-books.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Video_Biographies_68.htm | |
49. The Examiner - Soccer - 24, February, 2000 soccer legend stanley dies. sir stanley matthews, one of EnglandÂsgreatest footballers, has died aged 85. soccer legend stanley dies. http://archives.tcm.ie/irishexaminer/2000/02/24/current/ppage_3.htm | |
50. Kim Du Toit - General Topic Essays In fact, some of soccer s greatest players have been less than 5 8 in height (DiegoMaradona and sir stanley matthews, to name but two), yet their prowess http://www.kimdutoit.com/dr/essays/essays.php?id=P79 |
51. Coventry Web - Writers Corner - AN ECHO OF HEROES ' in the old North American soccer League when I was a correspondent for a popularmagazine. I played one which featured sir stanley matthews, who came to Los http://www.coventryweb.co.uk/editorials/writers/StanleyMatthews.html | |
52. WCSC History U12 Rangers tie a team from Sweden at Heather Farms park sir stanley matthews,England s legendary player, comes to Walnut Creek to supervise two soccer camps http://www.wcsc.org/clubinfo/History.htm | |
53. Global Football Club Championship For Soccer Fans, Chat, News, Campaigns, Images introduced in 194748, no-one had previously won it in successive seasons and onlysix other players had won it twice - - sir stanley matthews, sir Tom Finney http://www.globalfc.com/news_story.aspx?val=154 |
54. Stoke City F.C. - Encyclopedia Article About Stoke City F.C.. Free Access, No Re Famous players sir stanley matthews sir stanley matthews (February 1 1915 sir GeoffHurst sir Geoff Hurst, MBE or to be one of the best soccer goalkeepers in http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Stoke City F.C. | |
55. Blackpool F.C. - Encyclopedia Article About Blackpool F.C.. Free Access, No Regi but largely unused name Association Football), also called soccer and occasionallyknown (in the socalled matthews sir stanley matthews (February 1 http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Blackpool F.C. | |
56. Collector Cafe - Register were presented with a letter of provenance from sir stanley which read, ÂTo mygood pal, I am sending you my soccer boots, best wishes stanley matthews 1953 http://www.collectorcafe.com/article_archive.asp?article=750&id=1953 |
57. BigSoccer Boards - The Game Of Their Lives My understanding is that resting sir stanley matthews had a lot to do with it, too. http//www.ksdk.com/video/video.asp?id=42476 bw=hiThe soccer looks pretty http://www.metrofan.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16939&goto=lastpost |
58. HoustonChronicle.com - in the history of soccer s oldest individual award had won it in consecutive seasons.Since its inception in 1946, only sir stanley matthews, sir Tom Finney http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/sports/2572247 | |
59. Februar 2000 - SoccerAge Translate this page soccer Store. Beckham im Blitzlicht der Presse Spanien fiebert dem Spitzenspiel entgegen24/02/2000 England trauert um sir stanley matthews England trauert um http://www.soccerage.com/de/22/00039.html | |
60. Soccer Days -England Football soccer Days England Football Record FA Hall Of Fame Players. ?·?/sir stanley matthews, 15?02?01, 54 http://www.soccerdays.com/england/record/hall_of_fame.html | |
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