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81. USA - Leading Goalscorers In US Professional Soccer, 1922-1999 Professional soccer, 19221999. Regular Season games only Year Player (Team,league)Games Goals Pts 1999 Stern John (Columbus Crew, MLS) 28 18 38 roy lassiter ( http://www.rsssf.com/tablesu/usatops.html | |
82. Major League Soccer Vermes, Mike Burns, Kerry Zavagnin, Matt McKeon, Francisco Gomez (Mo Johnston 45),Chris Brown (Andrew Gregor 81), Onandi Lowe, roy lassiter (Gary Glasgow 61 http://hospitalball.com/mls/9_30_01_miami_advance.htm | |
83. Austin Pro Soccer NEWS - Forums Powered By WWWThreads PHP Ezra Hendrickson and roy lassiter, just to name a few. On opening night back in earlyApril, House Park Stadium was packed with thousands of local soccer fans. http://forums.hornfans.com/php/wwwthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=othersports&Nu |
84. News Headlines Posse soccer Camps to be held this Summer Camp Director is roy lassiter (Posse AssistantCoach), Former US National Team Memeber and MLS All time leading scorer http://www.austinposse.com/news/ | |
85. The Miami Herald 04/25/2004 Where-are-they-now Guide To Fusion Bavarians of the US Adult soccer Association. Â Jeff Bilyk Plays for the ALeagueVirginia Beach (Va.) Mariners, which was also home to roy lassiter until a http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/2004/04/25/sports/soccer/8514444.htm |
86. SoccerAmerica.com: April, 1998 Poll Results: Pick The U.S. Roster For France '98 America s No. 1 soccer Magazine. David Wagner%0A, 1174 (47.3%). Gregg Berhalter%0A,1005 (40.5%). roy lassiter%0A, 1003 (40.4%). Chris Henderson%0A, 936 (37.7%). http://www.socceramerica.com/article.asp?Art_ID=15527&area=1 |
87. SoccerAmerica.com: SA Online Poll Results: December, 1995 ('Overage' Olympic Cho The following are the results of the recent soccer America Online Poll in which 533soccer fans gave their three choices for the overage 13. roy lassiter 35. http://www.socceramerica.com/article.asp?Art_ID=13743&area=1 |
88. US Major League Soccer Fans says Don Garber, the man in charge of America s Major League soccer. the likes ofJohn the Juggler Harkes and roy Lights Out lassiter were given http://www.footballculture.net/fans/feat_ussoccer.html | |
89. ESPN.com - SOCCER - MLS Must Take Risks In Order To Survive Some have expressed the view that all soccer really needs to survive in this teamsto succeed, and no matter how many times you trade roy lassiter, it s not http://espn.go.com/soccer/s/2000/0202/331176.html | |
90. The Austin Chronicle: Columns: Soccer Watch BY NICK BARBARO Austin s new pro soccer team, the Austin Posse, started with a surprisewas the inclusion of longtime US National Team star roy lassiter in the http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/dispatch/2004-04-09/cols_soccerwatch.html | |
91. Major League Soccer 1999: Year In Review - Dvd > Soccer In Review is a complete video diary of Major League soccer s fourth season. See goalscoringsuperstars like Jason Kreis, roy lassiter, Jaime Moreno, Joe-Max http://dvd-shop.yellowpages.pl/123R26P938_Major-League-Soccer-1999-Year-in-Revie | |
92. Roy Lassiter: Goals Come In Bunches For United Player On The Move. United directory. roy lassiter goals come in bunches for United player on the move. By Gary Davidson. SoccerTimes. WASHINGTON, D.C. ( Saturday, August 15, 1998) During his short tenure with D.C . http://www.soccertimes.com/mls/1998/aug15.htm | |
93. USL Discussion Zone: Roy Lassiter to the austin posse s website, it appears that Assistant Coach roy lassiter is coaching http://www.usldiscussions.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=00 |
94. BigSoccer Boards - All Time Goal Scoring Leaders... Code lassiter, roy 88 0.575 Kreis, Jason 86 0.416 Diaz Arce, Raul 82 0.594 Preki77 0.357 Razov, Ante 73 0.572 Moreno, Jaime 71 0.494 Cerritos,Ronald 63 0.434 http://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110548 |
95. CanadaSoccer.com | Site Officiel De L'Association Canadienne De Soccer Translate this page roy lassiter a profité de lÂoccasion pour battre Theo Zagar à sa http://www.canadasoccer.com/fr/media/viewArtical.asp?Press_ID=1125 |
96. Mariners Cite Declining Skills For Cutting Lassiter (HamptonRoads.com/Pilot Onli 2003 earned the team national publicity in the soccer community You appreciate whatRoy gave our as Hamisi AmaniDove or Jakob Fenger, into lassiterÂs striker http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?story=68415&ran=52920 |
97. US Soccer Federation - Editorial - Full Story - 5/20/2004 30426 Even the trivia buffs in the US soccer Communications Department would be hardpressed A3Roy lassiter, who scored six goals for Tampa Bay in 1996 and seven http://www.ussoccer.com/editorial/fullstory.sps?iNewsid=23194&itype=4129&iCatego |
98. United States National Soccer Players Association September will be US Youth soccer Month. http://www.ussoccerplayers.com/latest_soccer_news/usa_soccer/mls/395197.html | |
99. United States National Soccer Players Association The Players The Team Latest soccer News Resource Center soccer Store Fun | |
100. USA - All-Time Leading Goalscorers In US Professional Soccer, 1922-2000 MAJOR LEAGUE soccer Leag Years Player, primary team Seas GP GOALS MLS 9600 *RoyLassiter, Tampa Bay Mutiny 5 142 81 MLS 96-00 *Raul Diaz Arce, DC United 5 136 http://www.rsssf.com/tablesu/usatops-allt.html | |
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