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61. Soccer Players : USStudentAthletes soccer players. Akers, Michelle; Chastain, Brandi; Ducar, Tracy Noonan; Fluharty,Brandon; Foudy, Julie; Hamm, Mia; Kirovski, Jovan; lassiter, roy; Lilly, Kristine; http://www.usstudentathletes.com/articles/soccer_players.html | |
62. CSSC Arsenal The U11 division of this tournament will be playing 11 v. 11 soccer. THANK YOU Coachlassiter CSSC Arsenal would like to thank Coach roy lassiter for the two http://www.eteamz.com/csscarsenal/ | |
63. Virtual Soccer's Column For 12/05/99 # 192 87 in a penalty kick shootout last weekend in Aukland, New Zealand to win the under-17world soccer championship and Former DC United star roy lassiter. http://www.virtual-soccer.com/colum99/colum192.html | |
64. Stoichkov Returns To Soldier Field For Opener And finally, will the moody roy lassiter come to play after Last week lassiter wasremoved in the 69th minute In the end the Chicago soccer fans simply want to http://www.virtual-soccer.com/metro00/metro416.html | |
65. Players/Concacaf/USA @ Alpha Soccer roy lassiter, Man With The Golden Foot (Hits 134 Rating 1.00 Votes 1) Rate It. TheMichelle Akers soccer Page (Hits 77 Rating 10.00 Votes 1) Rate It. The http://www.alphasoccer.net/soccerli/sites/Players/Concacaf/USA/ | |
66. CyberSoccerNews.com - MLS League News important things to say about the World Cup, the United States, soccer fans old andnew, and the clash with Germany tomorrow morning, but roy lassiter STOLE MY http://www.cybersoccernews.com/columnists/loney/2002archives/020620loney.shtml | |
67. Play.it USA - MLS - 1996 - Nasce La MLS Translate this page lega decise di assegnare Carlos Valderrama e il nazionale USA roy lassiter ai Tampa eRoberto Donadoni furono i nuovi pionieri del soccer professionistico che http://www.playitusa.com/articolo.php?id=1650 |
68. The Sports Gaming Network - Soccer: Preview: FIFA 2000 (PC,PSX) Realistic soccer chants and crowd noise. Motioncaptured sequences of numerousprofessional players including roy lassiter (US National Team/DC United http://www.sports-gaming.com/soccer/fifa_2000/preview.shtml | |
69. Al Sinclair's Bookmarks ARCHIVE OF A INTERNATIONALS Ronaldo s Home Page roy lassiter, Man With The GoldenFoot RSS Results SIS College Selections SmokeFree Kids and soccer is an http://members.aol.com/soccerlist/web.htm | |
70. National Soccer Hall Of Fame - Honda Player Of The Year American Honda donates $5,000.00 in the name of the winner to the American YouthSoccer Organization (AYSO). 1996, Eric Wynalda, Kasey Keller, roy lassiter. http://www.soccerhall.org/history/HondaPlayeroftheYearAward.htm | |
71. Kansas City Wizards - Home - The Official Site With his penalty kick last Sunday in Colorado, forward roy lassiter became just the4th player in team history to In Making soccer History at Arrowhead Stadium. http://www.kcwizards.com/news/interiornewspage.asp?story_id=RNP8YMD34XCGDCQBU5N7 |
72. Kansas City Wizards - Home - The Official Site With his penalty kick last Sunday in Colorado, forward roy lassiter became just the4th Kelly s in Westport to host Wizards soccer Bash Wizards fan s can enjoy http://www.kcwizards.com/news/interiornewspage.asp?story_id=JW9UH7B8ATA3PB8JRVVE |
73. MLS' All-time Leading Scorer Kick-starts Mariners' New Era (HamptonRoads.com/Pil ALeague soccer interest. More vital to the teamÂs future are the new names onthe roster. Of those, the most recognizable belongs to roy lassiter, whose http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?story=52959&ran=177062 |
74. I-une.com: Players > United States lassiter, roy The man with the golden foot, roy lassiter. Patrick, Kim Home page inhonor of University of North Carolina Women s soccer player Kimberly Patrick http://dir.i-une.com/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States/ | |
75. Writing Sample - Tampa Bay Mutiny Contracted At Kenn.com But seriously, folks, even after six years in the supposed soccer hotbed that ScoringChampions (two apiece), an MVP, a Coach of the Year, and roy lassiter. http://www.kenn.com/work/writing/mutiny.html | |
76. Football Results, Statistics And Live Scores From SoccerSTATS.com 14, lassiter, roy, Forward, 0, 0, 0, 0. Their site offers superior design, clearnavigation, indepth soccer statistics, easy and secure money transactions http://www.soccerstats.com/2kteam.asp?league=usa2&teamid=9&homeaway=3&round=0 |
77. Font Size=2 JOE POSNANSKI /font Br Wizards Are A Team That Can biggie, they traded for roy lassiter, the alltime leading scorer in league history,the Mark McGwire of MLS, the one and only professional soccer player we http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/sports.pat,sports/3acc9724.412,.html | |
78. City Newspaper: The Evolution Of Soccer With a defense as strong as the Rhinos , even soccer Sam could do well Notable newcomersTwo little strikers named roy lassiter and Dante Washington, who rank http://www.rochester-citynews.com/gbase/Gyrosite/Content?oid=oid:1868 |
79. Fwd: FW: Soccer: Iran Vs Canada, Aug 17, To Benefit Iran's Earthquake Victims Since the Canadian soccer Association is unable to stage an event on that Zague, JoaquimDel Olmo, Luis Garcia (Mexico); Ernie Stewart, roy lassiter (USA) Own http://www.payk.net/mailingLists/pnw-iranians/html/1997-1999/msg00034.html | |
80. US Soccer Federation - Editorial - Full Story - 5/20/2004 23547 you wonÂt see in a generic, nutsand-bolts US soccer press release with Galaxycaptain Robin Fraser being rode to the ground by roy lassiter and suffering a http://www.ussoccer.com/editorial/fullstory.sps?iNewsid=23181&itype=4129&iCatego |
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