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21. SearchBug Directory: Sports: Soccer: Players: United_States Playing for Philadelphia Charge of the Women s United soccer Association (WUSA lassiter,roy http//www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/8548/index.html The man http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States/ | |
22. Williams F.C. | Soccer Commentary: April 2000: MLS Starts Out On The Wrong Foot professional soccer in the United States, letÂs hope the former is the case! Thefirst two weeks exposed something else about the MLS. roy lassiter stepped http://www.williamsfc.com/commentaries/april00.shtml | |
23. Www.a-league.com -- For The Fans, By The Fans The Virginia Beach Mariners signed roy lassiter for the During his sevenyear professionalcareer, lassiter has scored the history of Major League soccer (MLS http://www.a-league.com/news/2002/news,2002,0756.shtml | |
24. Www.a-league.com -- For The Fans, By The Fans will feature a matchup of the two top scorers in Major League soccer history Beachplayers ready to take the field will be forward roy lassiter, goalkeeper Matt http://www.a-league.com/news/2004/news,2004,0040.shtml | |
25. USL Discussion Zone: Lassiter Is Gone I m sure Mr. lassiter has already won the hearts t think 35 defines the continuumwhere soccer players retire roy in the forefront forced the opposition to play http://www.usldiscussions.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=00 |
26. Virginia Beach Mariners roy lassiter wears 10 for the Mariners. He is 5Â8Â tall, weighs 165 and comesfrom Raleigh, NC roy is the leading goal scorer in Major League soccer http://www.marinerssoccer.com/press2/releases/releases.asp?ID=187 |
27. Sports, Soccer, Players, United States Beyer, Shawn. The official site of the Major Indoor soccer League s (MISL) San DiegoSockers player. lassiter, roy. The man with the golden foot, roy lassiter.. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States/ | |
28. Penalty Spot Soccer Cards The 1997 MLS Standard Set. The first set of Major soccer League cards features5 players from the 10 clubs. Frankie Hejduk 44. roy lassiter 45. http://www.nhsoccer.com/cards/mlscards.htm | |
29. Penalty Spot Soccer Cards 1999 MLS soccer Cards. The 1999 set is brought to you as a collaboration of UpperDeck and BanDai. Your Name Marco Etcheverry 46. roy lassiter 47. AJ Wood 48. http://www.nhsoccer.com/cards/99cards.htm | |
30. Index Of Soccer Pictures Our Collection Of soccer Pictures. US Men s Team. Jeff Agoos. Marcelo Balboa. MikeBurns. Alexi Lalas 2. Alexi Lalas 3. roy lassiter. roy lassiter 2. Joe Max Moore. http://www.netreach.net/~lmsc/pictures.htm | |
31. Campus Journal roy lassiter Bounty On The Mutiny by Desmond Armstrong. roy lassiter thought thiswas his time to show the world just how bad a soccer player he really was. http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/cj/cj-12-14-96.html | |
32. CBS.SportsLine.com - Soccer 28, Curtis, Ali, F, 59, 165. 10, Etcheverry, Marco, M, 5-10, 160. 27,lassiter, roy, F, 5-8, 165. 24, Ludwig, Dennis, F, 6-0, 185. 21, Mapp,Justin, M, 5-10, 140. http://cbs.sportsline.com/soccer/teams/page/DC | |
33. Lukol Directory - Sports Soccer Players United States Playing for Philadelphia Charge of the Women s United soccer Association (WUSA).http//www.kellysmithsoccer.com. lassiter, roy The man with the golden foot http://www.lukol.com/Top/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States/ | |
34. Wauu.DE: Sports: Soccer: Players: United States com/. Beyer, Shawn The official site of the Major Indoor soccer League s (MISL www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/4848/jovankirovski.html.lassiter, roy The man http://www.wauu.de/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States/ | |
35. D.C. United Descent Can Be Linked To Lassiter Departure Some players don t have enough fight. said lassiter concerning United s woes. Amen,roy. John Haydon is soccer columnist for the Washington Times and can be e http://www.soccertimes.com/oped/2000/aug17.htm | |
36. MLS: Little Sympathy For Lassiter's Plight. Major League soccer champion DC United and its fans play tough off the field too ofstink when recently on these pages I sympathized with roy lassiter, over his http://www.soccertimes.com/oped/1999/dec13.htm | |
37. Soccer-Nicknames soccer Player Nicknames. Alexi (usa) The Red Bull Larsson, Henrik (swe) Henke, TheGold Pearl Laseroms, Theo (hol) De Tank (The Tank) lassiter, roy (usa) The http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/RobinvWijk/index-24.html | |
38. Wuup.de - /Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States lassiter, roy The man with the golden foot, roy lassiter. Patrick, Kim - Homepage in honor of University of North Carolina Women s soccer player Kimberly http://wuup.de/index.php/Sports/Soccer/Players/United_States |
39. Roy Lassiter Youth His youth club team, Raleigh United, lost in the McGuire Cup U19 nationalfinals in 1989. High School Played basketball and soccer in high school. http://www.angelfire.com/mn/ultimatefutbol/bioslassiter.html | |
40. MLS Cup Soccer 1999 Major League soccer Cup Sunday, Nov The United boasts three of the league s most explosiveoffensive threats in roy lassiter, Jaime Moreno and Marco Etcheverry http://www.infoplease.com/spot/99mlssoccer1.html | |
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