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Carlos Roberto: more detail |
61. Roberto Carlos Pictures, Posters, Bio, Wallpapers, Screensavers, Photos, Desktop roberto carlos picture and posters. Auto Racing Baseball - Basketball - Boxing- Football - Golf - Gymnastics - Hockey - Skating - soccer - Tennis http://www.sport-gallery.com/pages/robertocarlos01.html | |
62. The Herald - Zimbabwe News Online soccer fraud unearthed. William Antonio Torres Cabrera,Julio Alexander Castro,GilbertoAlfredo Murgas,Selvin Hernán González,roberto carlos Vásquez,Edwin http://www.herald.co.zw/index.php?id=27915&pubdate=2004-01-06 |
63. Sports Personalities - Football/Soccer Category - MouthShut.com . Sports Personalities. Football/soccer, Â, Bhaichung Bhutia, Â, BobbyCharlton. Â, carlos Dunga, Â, carlos roberto. Â, David Batty, Â, DavidBeckham. http://www.mouthshut.com/read.php?cid=926171 |
64. AmIAnnoying.com soccer Player. The Resume. (April 10, 1973 ) Born in Garça, Brazil Birth nameis roberto carlos da Silva Runner-up for FIFA s Footballer of the Year (1998 http://www.amiannoying.com/(5xcknh45f042o5ysjdioix55)/view.aspx?id=4867&collecti |
65. Saturday 5 JUN. Brazil - Holland 2-2 27 Amoroso 1-0 45 Giovanni Octavio Mangabeira Stadium, Salvador da Bahai) Referee Gonzalez (Paraguay) BrazilDida; Evanilson, Aldair, Antonio carlos, roberto carlos; Emserson, Djair http://soccer.boa.nl/oranje/friend/99bra-h |
66. Global Soccer News Home soccer News You re Here roberto carlos banned for two matches Posted bysha (03 Mar 2004) Real Madrid infamous leftback has been handed a two match http://www.cmfaq.com/soccer1.php?subaction=showfull&id=1078295210&archive=&start |
67. Real Madrid In Spain - Typically Spanish photos from trainings in Nyon(CH).(Raul,Hierro,Real Madrid,carlos roberto,McManaman,futbal HomeFelino s web Real Madrid, the Best soccer Club in the History http://www.typicallyspanish.com/html/ENGLISH/Sport/Football/Real_Madrid/ | |
68. Roberto Carlos Translate this page desktop themes, and links. altoSport, main soccer roberto carlos.- roberto www.altosport.com/c/roberto-carlos/ - 26k -. http://search.win.it/ricerca/r/roberto_carlos.html | |
69. Roberto Carlos Name, Born, Height, Position. roberto carlos, 10.04.1973 (Garca), 1.68m,Defender. Career Highlights. 2 x Brazilian Championship 1993, 1994. http://soccer-europe.com/Profiles/RCarlos.html | |
70. Soccer Sportsbook - The Sportsbook Place Horseracing and earth certain see barclaycard barclaycard proline david beckhamhorseracing soccer sportsbook, roberto carlos betonsports com euro 2000 wayne http://www.berwickrangers.com/soccer-sportsbook/ | |
71. FIFA Soccer 2003 / Xbox Hints & Cheat Codes - CheatCodesGalore.Com Goalie Oliver Kahn Defender roberto carlos (Real Madrid) Defender Fernando Hiero(RealMadrid Click Here to Submit Cheats or Comments For FIFA soccer 2003. http://www.cheatcodesgalore.com/xbox/showcheat.php?title=FIFA Soccer 2003 |
72. New Zealand Sports News - Worldcup - Brazil's Star Defender Roberto Carlos Brazil s star defender roberto carlos 01.01.2002 ADVERTISEMENT -. Email storylink to a friend, Print story, Top. World Cup soccer soccer South Africa to host http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sports/sportsstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=2042419&thesecti |
73. SoccerAge Nepal: Soccer Portal Nepal : Club League Match Previews Analysis Lives soccer Portal for Nepal, From ICN Pvt. Ltd. International News Spanish League.Liga Report roberto carlos Inspires Madrid To Victory. Sunday 04 April 2004. http://www.socceragenepal.com.np/int/index.php?action=news&sno=8 |
74. Carlos Flores Sworn In As President carlos roberto Flores Facusse Is New Honduras President. to tackle rising crime andendemic poverty, carlos Flores Facusse a cheering throng in a soccer stadium http://ldbelveal.net/articles/Flores_sworn_in.htm | |
75. ATL World Cup Soccer. All The Top World Soccer News Daily. News From Internation roberto carlos (Brazil) Plays well all over the pitch but is recently in Spain forReal Madrid carlos will be All content copyright World soccer News.com 1996 http://www.wldcup.com/newteams/players/ROBERTO_CARLOS:.html | |
76. Sports Online: Browsing Carlos, Roberto Autographed Jersey roberto carlos is known all around the world for his excellent soccer skillsand achievements. His ball handling skills are second to none. http://www.sportsonline.com.au/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=12&User_ID=1023496&st=8891& |
78. IOL : Pele Names His Top 100 Soccer Players Pele names his top 100 soccer players Pele said Frenchmen Zinedine Zidane and DavidTrezeguet stood out, along with fellow Brazilians roberto carlos and Ronaldo http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?sf=19&click_id=19&art_id=vn20040305094148563C6163 |
79. Figo Roberto Carlos Translate this page roberto www.deportespain.com/numeros1/robertocarlos - June 8, 2003 - 35 KB.3. roberto carlos - 411 soccer - Surf to football links for roberto .. http://security.sniffed.info/figo_roberto_carlos.html | |
80. Players: Brazil: Roberto Carlos Players Brazil roberto carlos. http://www.puredirectory.com/Sports/Soccer/Players/Brazil/Roberto-Carlos/ | |
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