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21. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Skating > Ice Skating > Skaters Weber, Lindsey (1); Weir, Johnny (4); weiss, michael (1); Wing, Megan and Lowe Iceskating Synchronized or Precision skating Clubs and Teams (47); People K http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=73946 |
22. Washingtonpost.com: Live Online michael weiss I first started skating at the age of 8. Starting as a the rink oneday and followed my older sister onto the ice. I have been skating ever since http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/00/sports/general/weiss022400.ht | |
23. Webwinds Ice Skating Photo Gallery By Tracy Marks, Figure Skating Photos, Photog used up 35mb of web space here, skating photos are See Stars on ice 2001 index athttp//www 5) Todd Eldredge (4) Timothy Goebel (5) michael weiss (3) Johny http://www.webwinds.com/skating/skating3.htm | |
24. Sports, Skating, Ice Skating, Skaters Weir, Johnny (4); weiss, michael (1); Wing, Megan and Lowe, Aaron (1); Winkler, Katiand Lohse, Rene (2 Usenet rec.sport.skating.ice.figure news - Google Groups. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
25. GoCityKids Washington DC Ice Skating Rinks Fairfax, VA Public skating, lessons, and hockey await those in search of freezingfun at Fairfax ice Arena. US national champ michael weiss has trained here http://www.gocitykids.com/browse/subcat.jsp?area=193&category=1373 |
26. Articles And News About Skating - SkateLog.com - Inline Skating A May 2004 interview with United States ice figure skating champion michael weiss,threetime US National Men s Champion and two-time World s bronze medalist. http://www.skatelog.com/2004/05/17.html | |
27. JHB Online: Figure Skating **. Stars On ice 2004 photo page now up! ***. Naomi Lang expecting; splits withskating partner. michael weiss Foundation Offers Scholarships to Young Skaters. http://kurtkountry.tripod.com/skate.html | |
28. PhatNav Directory - Reference/Biography/W Arts/Literature/Authors/W/Weaver, Robert. Sports/skating/ice skating/Skaters/weiss,michael. Arts/Literature/Authors/W/Whistler, Laurence. http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Reference/Biography/W.cat | |
29. ► Skaters [Sports: Skating: Ice Skating] - WorldSearch.com Golf; Gymnastics. Handball; Hiking; Hockey and ice skating; Stojko, Elvis; Synchronizedskating Teams; Torvill and Lindsey; Weir, Johnny; weiss, michael; Wing, Megan and http://www.worldsearch.com/sports/skating/ice_skating/skaters/ | |
30. The Gardens Ice House | Adult Hockey League Year michael weiss Performance Highlights Celebration. LAUREL, MD The GardensIce House is proud to present the fourth annual New Year s skating celebration http://www.thegardensicehouse.com/release_jan1_skating.asp | |
31. The Gardens Ice House | News As michael weiss has discovered in the past year, there are a lot of to Bloom in theGardens Stateof-the-Art ice Rink Wants to Be skating Center By Amy http://www.thegardensicehouse.com/gardens_news.asp | |
32. USATODAY.com michael weiss My office training consists of Pilates three days aweek, focusing most of my exercises on figure skating positions. http://cgi1.usatoday.com/mchat/20031209001/tscript.htm | |
33. :: Ez2Find :: Skaters Dean (9) Urmanov, Alexei (3) weiss, michael (1) Winkler and international figureskaters in ice dance, lady s singles, men s singles and pairs skating. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/S | |
34. Endorsements | Walt Disney Network Television specials for ABC, Reflections on ice Michelle Kwan in the special were Philippe Candeloro,michael weiss, and Elizabeth Along with the skating, clips from the http://heatherw.com/mk/endorse/disney.htm | |
35. Ice Skating Magazine Issue Two-Skater Index Translate this page ice skating Magazine Issue Two-Skater Index 01.jpg (27205 Skater Index Abt, Alexander62-67, 73 Agosto, Benjamin 30 31, 55 Weir, Johnny 33 weiss, michael 54, 57 http://skatinginc.com/Magazine/Ice Skating/2002/08/default.asp |
36. Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) Puccini Music + Ice Skating! Giacomo Puccini (1858-1 how much Puccini music is appearing this year in ice skating competitions? I loveskating and watch quite a bit of it. USA skaters, michael weiss and Sarah http://classicals.com/music/GiacomoPuccini(1858-1924)hall/cas/250.html | |
37. WebRing: Hub Only one of two michael weiss pages on the net! . Milton Keynes ice skating ClubWeb site of the Milton Keynes ice skating Club, providing information and http://n.webring.com/go?ring=icesk8ing&id=207&random |
38. Other Great Ice Skating Show Programs 1995 Halloween On ice (Fleet Center Grand Opening numerous photographs of major skatingstars including Rosalynn Sumners, Yuka Sato, michael weiss, Punsalan http://www.icesk8.com/collect/progrm05.htm | |
39. Ice Skating Links & Figure Skating Links Page IV Wow!) The Ultimate Figure skating Page By Sonaite Unoffical michael weiss Fan Page- Bio A Web ice skating Rink - Cool Crescendo Music Lots of skating Links http://www.icesk8.com/links4.htm | |
40. Weiss Dreams Of Gold - Sports - Alexandria Gazette Packet - Connection Newspaper Olympic Games at Salt Lake City  Fairfax s own michael weiss. the facility is ownedby weiss coach and Weisiger, the goal medal hopeful s ice skating coach http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?archive=true&article=641&paper=5 |
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