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Home - Athletes_Ice_Skating - Sandhu Emanuel |
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41. Week Of Mar. 19 To Mar. 25, 2001: The North Shore News Weekly Top Stories From V ice champ stays focused emanuel sandhu moved to THE North Shore is well representedat the 2001 World Figure skating Championships being held this http://www.nsnews.com/issues01/w032601/news/top-stories/03210101.html | |
42. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events Alexei Yagudin; Alexei Yagudin 2001 Timothy Goebel; emanuel sandhu; Evgeni Plushenko heis still active as a skating choreographer and producer of ice shows http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sports/skating/ice/figure/people/ | |
43. Ice Skating International: Online In the ice Dance event, the seeded couples will encounter each seeded skater (A)non Ivan Dinev (BUL) emanuel sandhu (CAN) Chengjiang Li (CHN) *(A) Stannick http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/results/natcup00.htm | |
44. Men emanuel sandhu placed third in the short, skating an ambitious but the choreographyitself was unimpressive, sandhu showed a maturity on the ice that has http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/results/sk8us00m.htm | |
45. Skaters In Sports > Skating > Ice Skating inline hockey skaters, and figure and ice skaters. 15); Speed Skaters@ (27); SynchronizedSkating Teams@ (48 and Pelletier, David (9); sandhu, emanuel (6); Sargeant http://ilectric.com/glance/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
46. PhatNav Directory - Reference/Biography/S Ralf. Sports/skating/ice skating/Skaters/sandhu, emanuel. Sports/skating/iceskating/Skaters/Sale, Jamie and Pelletier, David. Recreation http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Reference/Biography/S.cat | |
47. 2000 Bank Of Montreal Canadian Figure Skating Championships level with their emotion and artistry on the ice. attend worlds, the the CanadianFigure skating Association (CFSA has decided to see how emanuel sandhu and Ben http://figureskating.about.com/library/weekly/aa013000a.htm | |
48. News-Archive - 2004 World Figure Skating Championships, Germany emanuel sandhu won his third Men´s title, edging out ever at the national meet, willjoin sandhu at the In the ice Dance competition MarieFrance Dubreuil and http://www.worlds2004.de/ww/en/pub/newsmedia/content779.htm | |
49. News-Archive - 2004 World Figure Skating Championships, Germany Belbin and Benjamin Augusto won the ice Dance. becomes US citizen French figure skatingstar Surya to represent Canada at Worlds emanuel sandhu captured the Men http://www.worlds2004.de/ww/en/pub/newsmedia/news_archive.htm | |
50. International Figure Skating closing banquet Patrice Archetto, emanuel sandhu, Jacinthe LaRivere at the HallmarkMother s Day skating Showcase. Robinson backstage at Stars on ice Canada. http://www.ifsmagazine.com/innerloop.html | |
51. Spotlight On Skating jump) to twotime Canadian champion emanuel sandhu at the Adding to the quirky scenario,sandhu  long voted Âskater has ever seen graced the ice of Rexall http://www.spotlightonskating.com/index.php?p=inside_issue |
52. NodeWorks - Skating: Ice Skating: Skaters: Sandhu, Emanuel in entire NodeWorks Directory. http://dir.nodeworks.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Sandhu,_Emanuel/ | |
53. Miezekatze's Figure Skating Page Winter Solstice on ice, ice Theater of New York, skating . Art on ice 1998, Rahkamo Kokko, Who wants to live Canadian Open 01, emanuel sandhu, short program. http://www.miezekatze.net/stapes_rk2.html | |
54. SPORTS FACTS - Ice Skating - World Figure Skating Championships Tony Hinchliffe s Sports Facts History ice skating World Figure skating Championships. USA6 Brian JOUBERT FRA 7 Sergei DAVYDOV BLR 8 emanuel sandhu CAN 9 http://sportsfacts.net/history/ice_skating/world_championships/figure_skating_wo | |
55. Welcome To U.S. Figure Skating Brian Joubert, Grand Prix Final champion emanuel sandhu, World Junior Matt Savoieis skating in his second World the surgery, Savoie was off the ice until June http://www.usfigureskating.org/event_story.asp?id=23974 |
56. Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters Top Sports skating ice skating Skaters (335). 15 Speed Skaters@ 27, Synchronizedskating Teams@ 48. and Pelletier, David 9 sandhu, emanuel 6 Sargeant http://www.pastconnect.com/odp/directory/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
57. GREENSEEK Ronka, Signe (1); Sabovcik, Jozef (2); Sale, Jamie and Pelletier, David (9); sandhu,emanuel (6); Usenet rec.sport.skating.ice.figure news - Google Groups. http://www.greenseek.de/internet/index.php/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
58. SLAM! Sports - Figure Skating - Plushenko Wins; Sandhu Finishes Eighth Germany (CP) Evgeni Plushenko prevailed and emanuel sandhu survived final, won themen s world figure skating title for 1-2 minutes on the ice, including two http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/FigureSkating/2004/03/25/395723-cp.html | |
59. SLAM! Sports - Figure Skating - Sandhu Puts In 'gutless' Performance call an athlete gutless, but what else could you call emanuel sandhu as he skater,the guy who likes to wear costumes and skate around the ice to music http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/FigureSkating/2004/03/24/394153.html | |
60. Dreams On Ice 1998 - Review full of energy, tricks and fun; and emanuel sandhu s new freeskate All in all, Dreamson ice did more than its goal entertaining, high-class skating, all for http://skatefic.tripod.com/showreviews/doi98.html | |
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