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61. SearchBug Directory: Sports: Skating: Ice_Skating: Skaters Viktor (3) Petrova, Maria and Tikhonov, Alexei (2) plushenko, yevgeni (9) Sabovcik andStiegler, Johnnie (1) Stojko, Elvis (8) Synchronized skating Teams (50 http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
62. Evgeny Plushenko(ÂGÂtÂQÂjÂ[ÂEÂvÂÂÂVÂFÂÂÂR) Carrie s yevgeni Page, /, Plush Room, ?/. Evgeny plushenkoice skating photos, /, Evgeni plushenko World Champion, /. http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/monica3/skateman/Evgenyplushenko.html | |
63. Alexei Yagudin Community see if Todd would skate well and yevgeni would skate Urmanov, and then behind areskaters like plushenko, who are Not on the ice, but in regular life. In the http://groups.msn.com/AlexeiYagudinCommunity/alexeiquotes.msnw | |
64. Men's Links Home Evgeny plushenko is the King on ice Evgeny plushenko World Champion A Pieceof Excellence Evgeni Plyushchenko Fan Page Carrie s yevgeni Page Evgeni http://heartofgold.topcities.com/links/men.html | |
65. ESPN.com - SKATING - Slutskaya Tops Kwan To Win Grand Prix Final develops greater poise and fluidity on the ice. plushenko AHEAD Russia s Yevgeniplushenko flew high, landed skating in the penultimate position, threetime http://espn.go.com/skating/news/2001/0217/1090290.html | |
66. Alexei's Performances History Skate America 1, Oct.29 Nov.1 Detroit Nations Cup Sparkassen Cup on ice 1, Nov.12- 15 Gelsenkirchen Sep.25 - 26 Kitchener.Ontario/Can, 1 yevgeni plushenko(RUS) 2 http://www.geocities.com/reyagu182000/AP.html | |
67. Biography>his Name evgeny, evgeni, evgenji, evgenj, eugeny, eugeni, yevgeny, yevgeni, plushenko,plyushenko, plyushchenko Blades on ice(1998?10? ?NO.7 http://www.geocities.com/eprothian/bios/hisname.htm | |
68. Plushenko, Yevgeni From Linkspider UK Sports Directory Directory Topic plushenko, yevgeni. Plush Room The Place for plushenko Fans- Message board/forum for fans of figure skater Evgeni plushenko. http://linkspider.co.uk/Sports/Skating/IceSkating/Skaters/Plushenko,Yevgeni/ | |
69. Daily Times - Site Edition racing when they glide onto the ice in front and Tong Jian who took the Skate Americatitle world champion and winner in Canada yevgeni plushenko not amongst http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_6-11-2003_pg2_19 |
70. JS Online: A Little Russian Dressing the gold medal over countryman and bitter rival yevgeni plushenko. plushenko movedup two spots to claim the silver 30second program at the Salt Lake ice Center http://www.jsonline.com/sports/oly02/feb02/20491.asp | |
71. Goodwill Games 2, Alexei Urmanov, RUS, 3.00. 3, yevgeni plushenko, RUS, 4.50. 6, Takeshi Honda,JPN, 9.00. 7, yevgeni Pliuta, UKR, 9.50. ice Dance Final Long Program - August1, 1998. http://www.goodwillgames.com/98site/pastGame/eFigureSkating.htm | |
72. Shushun0va's Home Page 6 Choreographer yevgeni Serezhnikov, Edvold A. Smirnov Club Trade Union Club Alexeiand Evgeni plushenko. almost beat Ilia Kulik at the Centennial on ice of the http://members.aol.com/Shushun0va/bio.html | |
73. Kwan, Plushenko Go Home With Tokyo Titles Michelle Kwan and yevgeni plushenko outshone the professionals Sunday as the The icedancingtitle went to the Russian One hundred percent, plushenko said of http://www.freep.com/sports/othersports2/qround11.htm | |
74. The Retriever - Sports menÂs skater Alexei Yagudin and yevgeni plushenko, both from Baltimore native JPShilling, also a speed skater. in freestyle skiing, and the ice dancing duo http://trw.umbc.edu/articles/2002-02-12/Sports | |
75. Plushenko, Yevgeni Info. photographers. Plush Room The Place for plushenko Fans - Message board/forumfor fans of figure skater Evgeni plushenko. To Zhenya http://www.searching-1.com/Sports/Skating/IceSkating/Skaters/Plushenko,Yevgeni/ | |
76. Balletic Tzar Website updated frequently about the Olympic Silver Medalist, includes chronology in commentator quotes, photos with funny captions, tons of links, articles, adn interviews. ice and turn two or http://anya_angie.tripod.com/evgenyplushenko | |
77. Sports, Skating, Ice Skating: Skaters SportsGirls.net Dorothy Hamill - Features collection of pictures of figure goldmedal Olympian and ice skating champion. Stefan Lindemann - German skater. http://www.combose.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
78. Electricbrain Home: Index: Sports: Skating: Ice Skating: Skaters Sports skating ice skating Skaters News at 0054 on May 19, 2004 http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
79. Lukol Directory - Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters SportsGirls.net Dorothy Hamill Features collection of pictures of figure goldmedal Olympian and ice skating champion. http//www.sportsgirls.net/fsdh.html. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
80. Gimenei >> Sports >> Skating >> Ice_Skating >> Skaters SkateBuys.com - Gifts and Goodies for Skaters Features gift ideas forroller skaters, inline hockey skaters, and figure and ice skaters. http://www.gimenei.com/directory/top/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
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