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Lipinski Tara: more detail | ||||||||
41. The Kurt Files - Stars On Ice - The Skaters Gold Medalist ever in women s figure skating, tara lipinski surprised the tarais now enjoying great success as a brand of skating to Stars on ice in 1997 http://www.kurtfiles.com/soi/skaters.php | |
42. Tara Lipinski For Corporate Entertainment future Olympic figure skating champion tara lipinski was convinced was only a matterof time before tara noticed how fast the kids on ice skates were going http://www.grabow.biz/Speakers/TaraLipinski.htm | |
43. Whitley Bay Sk8rs 4eva: Jade's Sk8 Gr8 Ppl Favourite spin Sit spin. Favourite female skater tara lipinski. Favouritemale skater Philippe Candeloro. Favourite ice skating show Holiday on ice. http://www.freewebs.com/whitleybaysk8rs4eva/sk8rsprofiles.htm | |
44. Ice Skating Posters To Buy category, ice skating Posters. Monday, May 24, 2004 Back to TonyaHarding Nancy Kerrigan tara lipinski. ice skating Posters, The ice http://www.posters.co.uk/ACategory/1_Posters/244/16/Ice_skating.html | |
45. Skating - Figure Skating - Skating Equipment - Funsites.com skaters and dancers including ice skating dresses, skating skirts, tops, and pants. Column Top. SkateWeb The Figure skating Page. . tara lipinski The 1 http://www.funsites.com/sp-skati.html | |
46. USATODAY.com - Tara Lipinski Skates Past DVT tara lipinski was back skating two months after the lipinski followed her surgeon sinstructions and came through her possibility of a DVT safely put on ice. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/spotlighthealth/2002-09-06-lipinski_x.htm | |
47. Ice Skating. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Since then traveling ice shows have continued to taken up competitive figure skatingin the Hamilton, Brian Boitano, Kristi Yamaguchi, tara lipinski, and Sarah http://www.bartleby.com/65/ic/iceskati.html | |
48. CNN/SI - U.S. Figure Skating - Tara Lipinski Reflects On Life Since Olympic Gold Further editions of tara vs. I was always the underdog, I felt, lipinski says Asthe underdog I wanted to be better, but I was out there on the ice myself and http://www.cnnsi.com/more/figureskating/news/1999/02/20/lipinski_yearlater/ | |
49. CNN/SI - 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games - Figure Skating governing ice dance judging ice dance scoring event more unpredictable, figure skating stop officials in Olympic gold and silver, tara lipinski and Michelle http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/events/1998/nagano/sports/oly_figureskating.html | |
50. Photosport ® | Stock Photos - Figure Skating - Stars On Ice Photos 109-126 tara0301.tif tara lipinski skates in prelude to 99 Stars on ice program,San Diego, Calif., Jan 15, 1999. tara0302.tif tara lipinski http://www.photosport.com/stars/stars07.htm | |
51. Ice Skating Posters - Sports Prints poster iceskating Palace Art Prints Michelle Kwan art print skating on the Dikeposters skating on the Square Art Print skating Scene posters tara lipinski http://www.sweetposters.com/sports/c1779-ice-skating.html | |
52. ThinkQuest : Library : Women And Sports ice skating. Web Sites of Skaters tara lipinski. One of the world smost famous figure skate s is very athletic. In 1994 tara was http://library.thinkquest.org/J0113217/page5.htm | |
53. Ice Skating Posters Gallery x 8 in. Unframed Framed / Mounted, tara lipinski tara lipinski Photo 8 in. x 10in. x 8 in. Unframed Framed / Mounted, ice skating ice skating Art Print 7 in. http://sportposters.postersgallery.com/spo/ice-skating.html | |
54. Skating, Inc. - Figure Skating S Premier Internet Destination - A http//members.xoom.com/AshleyCanini/tara/. tara lipinski, USA, Watercolor paintingsand clothing featuring todays top ladies figure skaters. Angel on ice. http://www.skatinginc.com/home/default.asp?p=S&s=Fan&t=Ladies |
55. Tara Kristen Lipinski Powered by RingSurf. RING DESCRIPTION All about An iceskating Sweetheart, taraKristen lipinski. A Place For tara Fans and fan pages that is always updated. http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?action=info&ring=TaraLipinski |
56. Washingtonpost.com: Lipinski Provides Some Unpredictability With Upset 20 Â tara lipinski, a 15year-old girl wearing ice skates, blue sequins and aninfectious smile, became the youngest Olympic gold medalist in figure skating http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/sport/figskate | |
57. Sports, Skating, Ice Skating, Skaters Liashenko, Elena (1); Lind, Matthew (2); Lindemann, Stefan (2); lipinski, tara (9);Mabee, Christopher Usenet rec.sport.skating.ice.figure news - Google Groups. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
58. Ice Skating Winter Sports Posters And Prints Sports Magazines. Sports Calendars. ice skating GALLERY. 14 products, Page 1of 2. more info, frame it now, add to cart. tara lipinski 8x10 Color Glossy Photo http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/posters/7/n5637-ice-skating-winter-sport | |
59. The Books: On The Ice With...Tara Lipinski By Matt Christopher the ice with tara lipinski by Matt Christopher. n February 20, 1998, fifteenyearold phenom tara lipinski won the Olympic gold medal in figure skating, the http://www.twbookmark.com/books/92/0316142573/ | |
60. English Books > Ice & Figure Skating > Index > World Retail Store As Told to Costello, Emily; lipinski, tara; Library Binding; Code BE0613152115.Tips For Success ice skating. Witte, Waltraud; Paperback; Code BE-1841260908. http://www.worldretailstore.com/index/BE-W-QC300.html | |
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