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Hamilton Scott: more detail | |||
1. Czarina's Figure Skating Page: Scott Hamilton he was adopted by Ernest and Dorthy hamilton, professors of enough to watch his oldersister, Susan, ice skate. scott then thought he should try figure skating http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/5381/fav.html | |
2. ABCNEWS.com : Chat Transcript: Scott Hamilton scott hamilton at 405pm ET The fact that you compared me to Freddy Trinkler is oneof the finest compliments I ve ever had. The first ice skating show was at http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/hamiltonchat_990128.html | |
3. AP Wire 01/27/2003 Ice Skater Scott Hamilton And Wife Announce THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. Olympic ice skating champion scott hamilton and his wife of one month have they are expecting their first child in September, hamilton's publicist said. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/5038360.htm |
4. Figure Skating: Scott Hamilton Olympic champion scott hamilton s personal background is one of the and he was workingon the ice again. scott was inducted into the United States Olympic Hall http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/0108hamilton.htm | |
5. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Ice Skating ice skating, hamilton, scott (1958 ), American figure skater, who won the gold medalin men s figure skating at the 1984 Olympic Games in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia http://encarta.msn.com/related_761561185_1.13/Hamilton_Scott.html | |
6. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Ice Skating Hamill, Dorothy Stuart. hamilton, scott. Heiss, Carol. Schäfer, Karl. scott, BarbaraAnn. Stojko, Elvis. Olympics. pictures of ice skating and skaters. roller skating. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761561185_1/figure_skating.html | |
7. Scott Hamilton, Ice Skating Champion And Cancer Survivor, Creates Electronic Hol Johnson Johnson in the News. News Archive. Press Releases Statements. Note These press releases and statements were accurate, in all material respects, at the time of their issuance. ice skater and testicular cancer survivor scott hamilton is providing encouragement to http://www.jnj.com/news/jnj_news/20031119_150112.htm;jsessionid=EEW515HBQDZNYCQP | |
8. Other Interesting Skating Articles dazzling the crowd 2/21/98 Fire and ice with scott hamilton 10/21/98 Las VegasSun scott Fights Life s Icy Reality 3/21/97 - NY Daily News skating cool work http://www.geocities.com/amyc521/skating_articles.html | |
9. Sports, Skating, Ice Skating, Skaters: Hamilton, Scott Joelle s scott hamilton Fan Page This page is dedicated to scott hamilton, 4 TimeConsecutive US Champion World Champion, Olympic Champion, Undefeated from http://www.combose.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Hamilton,_Scott/ | |
10. Ortho Biotech: Scott Hamilton, Ice Skating Champion And Cancer Survivor, Creates scott hamilton, ice skating Champion and Cancer Survivor, Creates Electronic HolidayGreeting Card for Cancer Patients and Caregivers New York, NY (November 20 http://www.orthobiotech.com/031120.html | |
11. Ortho Biotech: Scott Hamilton, Ice Skating Champion And Cancer Survivor, Creates Contact Us. scott hamilton, ice skating Champion and Cancer Survivor, CreatesElectronic Holiday Greeting Card for Cancer Patients and Caregivers. http://www.orthobiotech.com/text/031120.html | |
12. Scott Hamilton --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia US figure skater scott hamilton overcame childhood health problems to earn four world Helater created the successful ice skating touring company Stars on ice http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=335647&query=ice skating&ct=ebi |
13. Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters Hamilton Scott Ultraspider.com Ice_Skating Skaters hamilton,_scott See also Reference Encyclopedias Infoplease.comBiographies S (94). Daily Celebrations scott hamilton Celebrating http://www.ultraspider.com/dmoz/index.php/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Ham | |
14. Scott Hamilton, Ice Skating Champion And Cancer Survivor, Creates Electronic Hol scott hamilton, ice skating Champion and Cancer Survivor, Creates ElectronicHoliday Greeting Card for Cancer Patients and Caregivers. http://www.jnj.com/news/jnj_news/20031119_150112.htm | |
15. Scott Hamilton & Friends The audience is anticipating the beauty of figure skating right before their eyes. Theman of the evening glides on to the ice scott hamilton shows that he s http://members.aol.com/Revjoelle/02friendsreview.html | |
16. Skating - Scott Hamilton Book Figure Skating Biography SCRAPBOOK Book Tatyana Tarasova 4 times of year 1985 Book Chaykovskaya ice skating 1974 Stars On ice 1980 FIGURE skating book scott hamilton book FIGURE http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs13-465-scott/hamilton/book/figure/skating/b | |
17. Academy Of Achievement: Scott Hamilton Biography was adopted by Ernest and Dorothy hamilton of Bowling When scott was about two, hecontracted a mysterious his older sister Susan on an iceskating outing and http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/ham0bio-1 | |
18. Academy Of Achievement: Scott Hamilton Interview scott hamilton Olympic Hall of Fame It was a Saturday morning junior club atthe brand new ice skating facility at Bowling Green State University. http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/ham0int-1 | |
19. Current Biography Excerpts: Figure Skating was adopted by Ernest and Dorothy hamilton, professors of part of the next few years,scott never really brought renewed interest to women s ice skating in the http://www.hwwilson.com/currentbio/figuresk.html | |
20. Michael Feinstein Plays Classic Songs For "Scott Hamilton & Friends" On NBC Renowned recording artist and composer Michael Feinstein provided the live musicfor scott hamilton Friends, a program of spectacular ice skating with some http://www.gibson.com/whatsnew/pressrelease/2004/jan9b.html | |
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