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Home - Athletes_Ice_Skating - Corwin Amber |
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21. Ice Skating International: Online day and fell down one after the next, the senior ladies generally wiped up the ice from first to last, with only amber corwin coming close to a standup skate. http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/results/pacific01.htm | |
22. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Skating > Ice Skating > Skaters corwin, amber (1); Cousins, Robin (2); Cousins, Steven (2); Delmore, Derrick (1 ice skating Synchronized or Precision skating Clubs and Teams (47); People K http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=73946 |
23. Links Pages more figure skating links; ice skating/ Beanie Babies; Charisma s Figure skating Page -very organized site. Tara page and a seperate amber corwin page. http://members.tripod.com/~GoNicole/links.html | |
24. :: Ez2Find :: Skaters 3) Butyrskaya, Maria (2) Candeloro, Philippe (1) Cohen, Sasha (5) corwin, amber (1) Cousins of pictures of figure gold medal Olympian and ice skating champion. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/S | |
25. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results successfully balance her education and skating. amber corwin Born Dec. 21, 1978 Championships. ice chips corwin began skating at the age of 5. Her http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
26. Any Search Info - Directory: Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters . Skaters@ 27, Synchronized skating Teams@ 47. 7 Contreras, Humberto 1 corwin, amber 1 Cousins......Top Sports skating ice skating Skaters (333) http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
27. Seattle Thunderbirds Hope Witih A Heart is an entirely new concept in ice skating that blends headliners, featuring US Figure skating Hall of Four Continents Silver Medalist, amber corwin; local US http://www.seattlethunderbirds.com/events/hope.html | |
28. Barry Mittan .:. Skating Articles skating Sketches, Volume 5, Number 1 (October 1999), 67. Blades on ice, Volume 10, Number 2 (December 1999), 18. corwin s in Fashion (amber corwin - USA). http://www.jbmittan.com/art1999.htm | |
29. Skaters In Sports > Skating > Ice Skating skaters, inline hockey skaters, and figure and ice skaters. 15); Speed Skaters@ (27); Synchronized skating Teams@ (48). 7); Contreras, Humberto (1); corwin, amber (1 http://ilectric.com/glance/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
30. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Ice Skating: Skate America Friday Reading, Pa. Men Free Skate 1. Takeshi Honda, Japan, 136.62 points. 4. amber corwin, United States, 54.66. ice Dance Original Dance 1. Isabelle http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Oct/10252003/Sports/105240.asp | |
31. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Figure Skating: Skate America Tests New Point System scoreboard unveiled the marks for Chinese ice dancers Yu Skate America is the first big test for American amber corwin, who finished seventh at Nebelhorn and http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Oct/10242003/sports/104985.asp | |
32. Day 4 - Wednesday, January 17th, 2001 amber corwin looked pretty good, landing quite a few triple parade, a performance from the Boston ice Theater, and a performance by the Sychronized skating team http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/3143/nationals2001/day4.html | |
33. Welcome To My World. I Am Glad That You Are Visiting. Just Some Other skaters I enjoy watching are Michelle Kwan, Paul Wylie, amber corwin, Angela Nikodinov, and Sarah Hughes. I find the best ice skating stuff on The United http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/2857/index2.html | |
34. SkateGuard Protected Sites Northern ice skating Club, Member Since Monday, April 09, 2001. http//www.angelfire.com/il3/northernice. Official amber corwin Website, http://www.skatinginc.com/SkateGuard/Sites.asp |
35. Ladies Figure Skating role in Pocahontas on ice in mid US Singles Competitor, Coaches in Massachusetts, skates professionally. 80s Canadian competitor, Coaches amber corwin in Southern http://www.skatinginc.com/lfs/Main.asp?p=WATN |
36. Great Links Project - Sports amber corwin! corwin s Corner! Stojko Figure skating Images Figure skating Magazine Gallery of Skaters Gordeeva and Grinkov ice skating International Interview http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/schools/es/lowell/library/sites/sports.htm | |
37. Skaters Directory Flynn and Leif Gislason, Canadian ice dancers Skaters Dedicated to all aspects of figure skating. Also includes fan pages for Tara Lipinski and amber corwin . http://dir.jayde.com/37207.html | |
38. Skate Boarding 705 Up One Level Topia! Sports skating ice skating Skaters (306) Abt Philippe (topiasearch) Cohen, Sasha (topiasearch) corwin, amber (topiasearch) Cousins http://www.allegiancewars.com/topia/skate boarding | |
39. Fan Pages 916 Up One Level Topia! Sports skating ice skating Skaters (306) Abt Philippe (topiasearch) Cohen, Sasha (topiasearch) corwin, amber (topiasearch) Cousins http://www.allegiancewars.com/topia/Fan Pages | |
40. News-Archive - 2004 World Figure Skating Championships, Germany Figure skating Championships in Hamilton. Cynthia Phaneuf surprised on second place ahead of amber corwin. Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Augusto won the ice Dance http://www.worlds2004.de/ww/en/pub/newsmedia/content782.htm | |
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