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Home - Athletes_Ice_Skating - Candeloro Philippe |
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1. Nicole Bobek, Philippe Candeloro, Improv-Ice 1999 Photos By Tracy Marks, Webwi Improv ice 1999 Nicole Bobek. copyright 1999 by Tracy Marks of Webwinds ice skating Gallery. http//www.webwinds.com/skating/skating. htm. Please do not reproduce without permission. , , http://www.webwinds.com/improv/improv4.htm | |
2. Sports, Skating, Ice Skating, Skaters: Candeloro, Philippe philippe candeloro Gallery A comprehensive fan site featuring photographs,schedule, news, and program information. Help build http://www.combose.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Candeloro,_Philippe/ | |
3. Blades On Ice - Figure Skating News Briefs & Results including Victor Petrenko, Rudy Galindo, Elvis Stojko and philippe candeloro are also in the tour girls a powerful afterschool ice skating and educational enrichment program that http://www.bladesonice.com/mag/blaweb1.htm | |
4. Philippe Candeloro Gallery: Links plug!) Grand Slam Photos at the Figure skating Calendar site official page) MastersMiko More Photos ice Arena philippe candeloro CHAMPIONS ON ice http://members.aol.com/toutcandel/links.html | |
5. Philippe Candeloro Gallery: Television 811pm EST (LIVE ) IMPROV-ice FIGURE skating CHALLENGE Know where philippe candeloro is scheduled to be? Search television listings here. Figure skating Television Schedules http://members.aol.com/toutcandel/TV.html | |
6. Sports Skating Ice Skating . ice skating. This category contains links and subcategories associated with ice skating Oksana, Browning Kurt, Butyrskaya Maria, candeloro philippe, more.. skating Clubs and Rinks http://www.aodr.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating | |
7. Webwinds Ice Skating Photo Gallery By Tracy Marks, Figure Skating Photos, Photog Nicole Bobek and philippe candeloro, copyright 1999 by Tracy Marks, Ensemble Starson ice 98 Paul s Last SOI Ensemble (3) Finale (2) Goodbyes (2) http://www.webwinds.com/skating/skating.htm | |
8. PhilippeCandeloro Blades On ice Magazine. SkateWeb General skating links. International Figure skating Magazine Holiday On ice 2000. philippecandeloro.com. The philippe candeloro Gallery http://www.philippecandeloro.homestead.com/philippelinks.html | |
9. Wauu.DE: Sports: Skating: Ice Skating: Skaters: Candeloro, Philippe Candel de Coeur Unofficial philippe candeloro fan page. Mostly written in Japanese,but has some English pages including news, photos and information. http://www.wauu.de/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Candeloro__Philippe/ | |
10. Wauu.DE: Sports: Skating: Ice Skating: Skaters candeloro, philippe (2). website for Lauren Flynn and Leif Gislason, Canadian icedancers http//www.flynnandgislason.ca. Charisma s skating Page Dedicated to all http://www.wauu.de/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
11. Ice Skating - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Browning, Kurt (3); Butyrskaya, Maria (1); candeloro, philippe (2); http//www.icedance.com/grushina- size 1k. 5. Polk s Lady Figure skating Pages Fan site with http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Ice_Skating |
12. Philippe Candeloro Figure Skating Photos philippe candeloro Champions on ice 2003 figure skating photos. photoscopyright 2003 by Tracy Marks Selected photos available for purchase. http://www.windweaver.com/coi2003/philippe2003.htm | |
13. Philippe Candeloro keep on skating, you can be D rtangan or who ever you want, we love you and are gladyou are back on the ice. Fiona An Ode to philippe CandeloroMy Favorite http://members.tripod.com/~walkingcow/Philippe_Candeloro.htm | |
14. My PHILIPPE Page he went with his school class to a local ice rink the to bring him to skating practice Brunetremains candeloro s coach today philippe loved soccer http://members.tripod.com/~Candeloro/index-4.html | |
15. Champions On Ice philippe candeloro Tour I One of the most popular performers on the ice, philippecandeloro is noted as much for his acting as his skating skills. http://www.championsonice.com/skaters.php?Skater=12 |
16. SLCentral Directory - Sports - Skating - Ice Skating - Skaters Browning, Kurt (3); Buttle, Jeffrey (3); Butyrskaya, Maria (1); candeloro, philippe(1); Russian (7). Usenet rec.sport.skating.ice.figure news - Google Groups. http://www.slcentral.com/directory/index.php/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
17. Lisa's Favorite Ice Skaters & Figure Skaters With wonderful skaters like Scott Hamilton, Kurt Browning, Viktor Petrenko, RudyGalindo, philippe candeloro and Jozef J. Barry Mittan s ice skating Photos. http://www.icesk8.com/favorite.htm | |
18. Ice Skating 2002!! ice skating 2002!! Mens, Alexei Urmanov (RUS), Elvis Stojko (CAN), philippe candeloro(FRA). ice Dance, Grichuk/Platov (RUS), Usova/Shulin (RUS), Torvill/Dean (GBR). http://groups.msn.com/IceSkating2002/olympics19922002.msnw | |
19. ► Skaters [Sports: Skating: Ice Skating] - WorldSearch.com Gymnastics. Handball; Hiking; Hockey and ice skating; Apparel and Accessories; skatingand Skateboarding; Kurt; Buttle, Jeffrey; Butyrskaya, Maria; candeloro, philippe; http://www.worldsearch.com/sports/skating/ice_skating/skaters/ | |
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