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21. Zigmund Palffy's Career Hockey Statistics At Hockeydb.com Player statistics search. Player Name Click Here. zigmund palffy, RightWing Born May 5 1972 Skalica, Slovakia Height 5.10 Weight 185, http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/players/data09/00004119.html | |
22. Zigmund Palffy - Hockey-Stats.com June 20, 1999 New York Islanders traded zigmund palffy, Bryan Smolinski, MarcelCousineau not affiliated with or licensed by the National hockey League, the http://www.hockey-stats.com/players/zigmund_palffy.shtml | |
23. Hockey Pool 2K3 - Player Infomation Player Information. Player zigmund palffy. Team Los Angeles. Games Played, Goals,Assists, Points. 76, 37, 48, 85. Last 10 Games. Against, Date, Goals, Assists,Points. http://hockeypool.zasx.com/previous/hockeypool2k3/player-info.html?PlayerID=402 |
24. Ogie Ogilthorpe Fantasy Hockey League - Skaters Individual Statistics palffy, zigmund, LW G. A. PTS. FPTS. SAL. 16. 25. 41. 140.00. 7,163.TEAM Reijo s Ruotsalainen NHL TEAM LOS. NOTE ABOVE FANTASY POINTSSTATS http://www.origindesigngroup.com/fantasy_hockey_league/s_detail.asp?intID=1284 |
25. Hockey Card Zigmund Palffy New York Islanders zigmund palffy hockey Card Picture Gallery - Tin Signs - Refrigerator Magnets- Light Switch Platse - Thermometers - Free E Card - Free Classified Ad http://www.famousfoto.com/hockey/zigmund-palffy-a.htm | |
26. Hockey Cards - Leaf - '96-'97 Preferred Steel if interested in this set of hockey cards. Owen Nolan Right Win, Owen Nolan 1996 1997 Leaf Steel Cards Right Wing San Jose Sharks. zigmund palffy Right Wing, http://www.famousfoto.com/hockey/leaf-steel-cards.htm | |
27. TQStats - Everything You Need For Your Fantasy Sports League. Team hockey Teams. Results for palffy, zigmund, Page 1 of 2 . http://news.tqstats.com/index.php?sport=hockey&type=playernotes&name=player_506 |
28. Zigmund Palffy Posters - Hockey Prints zigmund palffy Posters and hockey Prints. LA Kings Team framed posters Ziggypalffy - éPhotofile Photo. Home Sports hockey zigmund palffy. http://www.sweetposters.com/sports/c15168-zigmund-palffy.html | |
29. USATODAY.com - Fantasy Sports News Team hockey Teams. Results for palffy, zigmund, Page 1 of 3 . http://fantasyhockey.usatoday.com/index.php?sport=hockey&hssport=&type=playernot |
30. Sports, Hockey, Zigmund Palffy Animals, College, Fantasy, Movies, Music, Sports, Television, Travel, Home, Sports,hockey, zigmund palffy, Browse, A hockey Gallery. Adam Deadmarsh. Adam Foote. AdamGraves. http://www.poster-shopping.com/cat-15168/Sports/Hockey/Zigmund-Palffy/ | |
31. GCHL Welcome Page Welcome to the Great Canadian hockey League, a simulation hockey league establishedin 1996 but we re not all Canadians palffy, zigmund, 653. http://www.gchl.net/index.asp | |
32. The GCHL Routing Page Welcome to the Great Canadian hockey League, a simulation hockey league establishedin 1996 but we re not all Canadians palffy, zigmund, 651. http://www.gchl.net/ | |
33. ESPN Fantasy Hockey 2004: Player News Archive zigmund palffy S PLAYER NEWS ARCHIVE. Just bear in mind that it will be palffy, whowill be the Officially Licensed Product of the National hockey League Players http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fhl/playernewsarchive?statsId=882 |
34. NHL-FT : Hockey En Reseau Translate this page Résumé de la saison. zigmund palffy (ailier droit). Los Angeles Kings,M, Bu, Pa, Pt, SP, IF, Et. TOT, 56, 25, 26, 51, 8, 0, 8. LHO, /, 28e, 27e,27e, 16e, /, 108e. http://nhl.lfjr.net/?link=lhod_joue&id_joueur=1252&type=J |
35. NHL-FT : Hockey En Reseau Translate this page Résumé de la saison. zigmund palffy (ailier droit). Los Angeles Kings,M, Bu, Pa, Pt, SP, IF, Et. TOT, 62, 27, 28, 55, 9, 0, 8. LHO, /, 31e, 26e,25e, 10e, /, 126e. http://nhl.lfjr.net/index.php3?link=lhod_joue&id_joueur=1252&type=J |
36. Topps Sports Collectibles | Hockey | Checklist - 1999-2000 Gold Label Hockey 19992000 Gold Label hockey Numerical by Card Numerical by Subset Nieuwendyk,Joe Nolan, Owen Nolan, Owen Osgood, Chris palffy, zigmund palffy, zigmund http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/hockey/00glhk/hkgl01c0.html | |
37. Topps Sports Collectibles | Hockey | Checklist - 1999-2000 Premier Plus NHL® Ho 19992000 Premier Plus NHL ® hockey Numerical by Card Numerical by Owen Novoseltsev,Ivan Osgood, Chris Ozolinsh, Sandis palffy, zigmund palffy, zigmund http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/hockey/00pmphk/00pmphkchecklist.html | |
38. NHL.com Players zigmund palffy 33 Right Wing palffy has represented both Slovakia and Czechoslavakiain topflight com is the official Web site of the National hockey League. http://www.nhl.com/lineups/player/8458540.html | |
39. SearchCeleb.com - Palffy, Zigmund SearchCeleb. palffy, zigmund. Discuss at the forums. NHLPA zigmundpalffy Profile, career history, statistics, and article. http://www.searchceleb.com/celebrity/Sports/Hockey/Ice_Hockey/Leagues/National_H | |
40. Zigmund Palffy Posters Posters Sports Posters hockey Posters zigmund palffy Posters View moreposters in this category at AllPosters.com Search Ziggy palffy Poster, http://sports-posters.junglewalk.com/Zigmund-Palffy-Posters.asp | |
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