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61. GURS Parte I N. 7 Del 2001 Supp. Ordinario orlando, Tennis, 1.109.500. 51373, CIRCOLO ANSPI gaetano GREGORIO,Centro addestramento, 2.267 Centro addestramento, 1.619.800, hockey e pattinaggio, http://gurs.pa.cnr.it/gurs/Gazzette/g01-07o-f.htm | |
62. Kampfakta Landskamp I Ishockey 1998/99 2.periode 20 (25.31) Per à ge Skrøder (Ole Eskild Dahlstrøm), 2-1 (27.01) LucioTopatigh (gaetano orlando), 3-1 (33.50) Andre Manskow Hansen (Martin Knold http://www.hockey.no/history/statisti/internas/1999/kama0336.htm | |
63. Any-Day-in-History PAGE Of SCOPE SYSTEMS. Johann Baptist Wanhal composer 1751 gaetano Manna composer Pail Kids) 1973 StefanoMargoni hockey forward (Team RECOVERED 1972 OSTERMEYER WILLIAM H. orlando FL http://www.scopesys.com/cgi/today2.cgi?askmonth=05&askday=12 |
64. Any-Day-in-History PAGE Of SCOPE SYSTEMS. van Houten Dutch cocoa manufacturer 1808 gaetano Gaspari composer Baltimore Ravens)1976 Laurent Gras hockey forward (Team WMFE TV channel 24 in orlando FL (PBS http://www.scopesys.com/cgi/today2.cgi?askmonth=03&askday=15 |
65. Jefferson County New York Declarations Of Intention Index (1906 & After) NYJEFFERSON-SC-DOI 2-221 BURNETT, ALFRED orlando ONTARIO NY NY-JEFFERSON-SC-DOI3-272 GOLORDO, gaetano ITALY NY NY-JEFFERSON-SC-DOI 3-28 hockey, JAMES HENRY http://www.sampubco.com/nats/ny/nyjefferson-newdoi01.htm | |
66. Oxygen Directory: Sports > Hockey > Ice Hockey > Leagues > Professional Minor Le Web Sites Gates orlando Archive for gaetano orlando, NHL and Europeanhockey star. Photos, career summary, fan interactive area. http://www.oxygen.ro/Top/Sports/Hockey/Ice_Hockey/Leagues/Professional_Minor_Lea | |
67. WM-Archiv Translate this page in den Play-Offs der International hockey League zwar der italienische NationaltrainerAdolf Insam, daà Mannschaftskapitän gaetano orlando seinen Rücktritt http://www.ehwm.de/archiv/news1999.htm | |
68. F.I.Cr. Belluno - Classifiche 23^ TransCivetta - Alleghe (20 Luglio 2003) Translate this page TEAM FASSA, MARCHETTI Giovanni, GS hockey ASIAGO, 2 71, ZULLATO Ivano, ATLETICA MOTTENSE,orlando Andrea, ATLETICA 150ª, 238, CABRINO Giancarlo, TASSI gaetano, 242.49. http://digilander.libero.it/cronobl/atletica/transcivetta2003/ | |
69. CHUMCity Christmas Wish of Vaughn Aquatics Super Style Chesterfield gaetano Caruana Ryan Group Mimico RedOldtimer hockey, Thursdays Shawna Marc Longtin Marina Paul orlando Igram Neal http://thewish.ca/wishCore.cfm?Page=XmasWish&SubPage=Donors List |
70. Orlando, Gates Gates orlando Archive for gaetano orlando, NHL and European hockeystar. Photos, career summary, fan interactive area. http//www http://www.checkburst.com/Sports/Hockey/Ice_Hockey/Leagues/Professional_Minor_Le | |
71. Bats Balls And Bouncers sg 1 vol 4 4, interrupted gia girl, gaetano donizetti roberto bear movie, thieftakers, tom green 2 tonsil hockey laurel and little princess, orlando, lola. http://www.dvd-vhs.net/bats-balls-and-bouncers.html | |
72. Bingo! Pats Brown Scores Big At Gillette Fund-raiser Shyamalani, Magdalena Wrobel, Sante DÂOrazio, gaetano Veloso, Darren hockey playersfrom Martha s Vineyard. begin at Disney World in orlando this weekend. http://bostonbrat.net/brady/offfield.html | |
73. Timeline 1841-1849 on Pushkin s Russianized version of Ariosto s orlando Furioso. (WSJ 1843 Jan 4,gaetano Donizetti s opera Don Pasquale an early form of hockey, behind Kings http://timelines.ws/1841_1849.HTML |
74. Walhello Web pages 1. gates orlando archive for gaetano orlando, nhl and europeanhockey star. photos, career summary, fan interactive area. http://www.walhello.info/top/sports/hockey/ice_hockey/leagues/minor_league/playe | |
75. The "Great Gates" Orlando: Multimedia Fan Area to meet and greet others with the international language ofgreat hockey. This unofficial web site is written and maintained http://www.geocities.com/gatesweb/VIDEO-AUDIO.html | |
76. The "Great Gates" Orlando! Fan resource for gaetano orlando The WWW Home Of. Gates orlando! " " ! http://www.geocities.com/gatesweb | |
77. Official Site Of The AHL Powered By SLAM! Sports Benoit Hogue, Jim Jackson, Don Lever, Bob Logan, gaetano orlando, Jayson Meyer, Jeff Parker, Ken Priestlay, Andy Ristau http://www.ottawalynx.com/AHLCalderCup/rosters.html |
78. San Bernardino Mountain Trails (Book) By John J. Robinson - / Sports Equipment Senior hockey Set 6 Blue And 6 Yellow Senior hockey Sticks, 2 Charm - SterlingSilver Jewelry *Teva Rs Universal (Wood) - Men s *gaetano *Illinois Fighting http://www.locate-massachusetts.com/Tracy_McGrady_Autographed_Orlando_Magic_Leat | |
79. 1997 World Championship Statistics Nylander SWE 6 + 5 = 11 Pavel Patera CZE 3 + 8 = 11 Roger Dube FRA 7 + 3 = 10 OlegsZnaroks LAT 3 + 7 = 10 Bruno Zarillo ITA 5 + 4 = 9 gaetano orlando ITA 5 http://www.hockeynut.com/9798/wcstats.html | |
80. All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Skate: 2/12/02 You hockeyplaying Italian Americans out there might Remember Sabres center GatesOrlando, a Montreal native in Italy and resurfaced in Nagano as gaetano . http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/02-02/02-12-02/c02sp095.htm | |
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