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Home - Athletes_Ice_Hockey - Lecavalier Vincent |
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26. Sporting News, The: Bonus Baby - Hockey Player Vincent Lecavalier - Brief Articl You are Here Articles Sporting News, The Nov 9, 1998 Article. Bonus Baby.(hockeyplayer vincent lecavalier)(Brief Article) Sporting News, The, Nov 9, 1998 http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1208/1998_Nov_9/53224198/p1/article.jhtml | |
27. USATODAY.com - Baseball Salaries Database Top 25. Player. lecavalier, vincent. Year, Team, Total Salary, Position. 200304,Tampa Bay Lightning, $ 2,625,000, C. 2002-03, Tampa Bay Lightning, $ 2,000,000,C. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/hockey/nhl/salaries/playerdetail.aspx?lname=L&pla |
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