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41. FOXSports.com | NHL Player Front Apr 19 2004 jon klemm had abdominal surgery yesterday, to repair a nagging muscleinjury that kept him out of the entire ULTIMATE FANTASY hockey GAME DATA. http://www.foxsports.com/named/FS/NHL/player?statsId=1007 |
42. SLAM! HOCKEY: 2000 NHL PLAYOFFS: THE LOWDOWN D) 3 0 0 0 0 4 7 1 1 2 2 6 klemm, jon (D) 3 http://slam.canoe.ca/2000NHLPlayoffsColPho/low_col.html | |
43. For Sale: 01-02 UD Cup Champs Jon Klemm Newest Items in NHL Trading Cards Trading Cards hockey NHL. 0102 UD Cup Champsjon klemm Make an offer 01-02 UpperDeck Stanley Cup Champs jon klemm (43) in http://www.ioffer.com/i/01-02-UD-Cup-Champs-Jon-Klemm-1117038 | |
44. For Sale: 01-02 UD Cup Champs Jon Klemm 0102 UpperDeck Stanley Cup Champs jon klemm (43) in near mint condition. NewestItems in NHL Trading Cards Trading Cards hockey NHL 2936375. http://www.ioffer.com/i/01-02-UD-Cup-Champs-Jon-Klemm-805628 | |
45. Topps Sports Collectibles | Hockey | Checklist - 2000-2001 Stadium Club Hockey 20002001 Stadium Club hockey Numerical by Card Numerical by Subset Kariya, PaulKariya, Paul Kidd, Trevor Kjellberg, Patric klemm, jon Klesla, Rostislav http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/hockey/01shk/01shkchecklist.html | |
46. FAQs: ESPN NHL Hockey: Updating FAQ PHI) GILL, Todd (CHI) HENDERSON, Matt (CHI) - klemm, jon (CHI)- DAL for making this great game - The ESPN NHL hockey Community - www http://faqs.ign.com/articles/455/455270p1.html | |
47. Jon Klemm jon klemm, 42. Asistent kapitána oslnivé. Juniorská léta strávil v souteÂiWHL (Western hockey League), kde absolvoval 4 sezóny. Sezónu http://www.chicagoblackhawks.nhl.cz/hraci/klemm.html | |
48. PhatNav Directory - Reference/Biography/K Sports/hockey/Ice hockey/Leagues/National hockey League/Players/K/klemm,jon. Arts/Literature/World Literature/Arabic/Kanafani, Ghassan. http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Reference/Biography/K.cat | |
49. Eastside Hockey Manager - HTML Output jon klemm, D. Born 8/1/1970, Age 34, Condition 100 (Healthy). Salary 1.300.000$,Contract left 1 year(s). Status is happy to play for the team. PLAYER SKILLS. http://www.eastsidehhh.com/WOR.html |
50. A To Z Encyclopaedia Of Ice Hockey - Kl Director of hockey Operations for Raleigh Ice Caps 199194 1995-97. klemm,jon (1970- ) Born in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. Defenceman. http://www.azhockey.com/Kl.htm | |
51. Frostback Hockey League - NHL Team Scoring Frostback hockey League. NHL Team Scoring. This 21, 1513, Gainey, Steve,LW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000, 0, 0. 22, 1512, klemm, jon, D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000,0, 0. 23, http://www.frostback.com/FHL/nhl07.html | |
52. Rotoworld.com Clubhouse Page - News He should be recovered in time to play when hockey resumes in Dallas. Marty Turco Goalie, Apr. 27 - 1137 am et. jon klemm - Defenseman, Apr. 19 - 845 am et. http://www.rotoworld.com/content/clubhouse_news.asp?sport=NHL&majteam=DAL |
53. DallasNews.com | News For Dallas, Texas | Hockey: Stars klemm faces old team Defenseman jon klemm, who is questionable for klemm has twogoals and four assists in 58 games hockey violence brings box office clout. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/hockey/stars/stories/040604dnspo | |
54. Untitled Document Drury, Adam Foote, Peter Forsberg, Milan Hejduk, Dan Hinote, jon klemm, Eric Messier VideoCoach), Francois Giguere (Vice President of hockey Operations), Brian http://www.rauzulusstreet.com/hockey/nhltrophies/rosters.html | |
55. Puckjunkie.com Fantasy Hockey - NHL Lineups Steve Ott / Shayne Corson / Aaron Downey D1 Philippe Boucher / Sergei Zubov D2- Richard Matvichuk / Teppo Numminen D3 - Chris Therien / jon klemm G - Marty http://www.puckjunkie.com/scouting/sgl181103b.htm | |
56. INSIDE HOCKEY - Inside Hockey Is The Ultimate Ice Hockey Site. Get Inside! NHL, Dallas defenseman jon klemm and center Pierre Turgeon scored in the Copyright © 2004INSIDE hockey * Privacy Policy * Employment Opportunities * Contact Us. http://www.insidehockey.com/stars/ | |
57. Strat-O-Matic Hockey Report 0 120 68 13 7.5 0 0 JASON SMITH 44 0 4 4 0 0 20 49 6 0.0 0 0 CALLE JOHANSSON 612 1 3 0 0 41 12 -6 4.9 0 0 jon klemm 38 0 1 1 0 0 13 22 -5 0.0 0 0 GLEN WESLEY http://members.rogers.com/avanderburg9569/websitereports/Portland.HTML | |
58. Kuch's House Of Hockey Autographs Rick Meagher Denis Khlopotnov Michal Rozsival WOMEN S hockey SUCCESSES Gretchen YzermanAdam Graves UNSIGNED POSTCARDS Patrick Roy jon klemm Eric Messier http://members.aol.com/njdevilcup/mail.htm | |
59. The Wolf Web Hockey League - Canucks Players Stats Against Other Teams The Wolf Web hockey League Canucks Players Stats Against Other Teams. D 2 0 0 06 0 54 3 -2 Daymond Langkow Canucks C 2 0 0 0 9 14 49 2 -2 jon klemm Canucks D http://www.gribblenation.com/twwhl/VsStatsVAN.html | |
60. COAST TO COAST HOCKEY LEAGUE LosAngeles Players Stats Against Other Teams Translate this page COAST TO COAST hockey LEAGUE LosAngeles Players Stats Against Other Teams. 0 3 3 20 26 0 1 Glen Wesley LosAngeles D 3 0 2 2 4 4 50 4 -1 jon klemm LosAngeles D http://www.skuttlbut.com/ctchl/xtra_stats/xtrastatsfolder/VsStatsLA.html | |
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