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61. Ice Hockey: USA - Italy, The 1994 Winter Olympics Lillehammer (NTB) The Winter Olympics Ice hockey Monday, Group B USA Italy 7 1.50)peter Ciavaglia (Matthew Martin) 2-0 (3.59) peter ferraro (Matthew Martin http://www.oslo.net/historie/OL/21/18.html | |
62. Ice Hockey: France - USA, The 1994 Winter Olympics Lillehammer (NTB) Winter Olympics Ice hockey, group B Sunday France USA 4-4 (1-2 M.Beaufait), 1-1 (15.16) F. Saunier, 1-2 (17.43) peter ferraro (C. Johnson http://www.oslo.net/historie/OL/13/18.html | |
63. The Hockey Rodent 1992 ENTRY DRAFT. The Rangers picked peter ferraro 24th overall that year andMatthias Norstrom 48th. Twin brother Chris ferraro was a laterounder. http://www.leaderboard.com/RODENT52.htm |
64. The Hockey Rodent a repot card of Entry Draft performances published by The hockey News in The Rangerspicked peter ferraro 24th overall that year and Matthias Norstrom 48th. http://www.leaderboard.com/RODENTJN.htm |
65. Joueurs Par Excellence | Championnat Du Monde De Hockey Junior | Hockey | La Pas Ãquipes d étoiles. 2004. Janne Gronvall. Alexei Kovalev. peter ferraro. 1991. http://radio-canada.ca/sports/hockey/dossiers/ChampMondeHockeyJr2004/equipe_etoi | |
66. Centre Sport Statistics. NHL. Teams hockey. NHL. Wright, Tyler, 82, 3, 4, 7, 112, 6, 0, 1, 1, 4. ferraro, Chris, 46,3, 4, 7, 43, , -, -, -, -. ferraro, peter, 29, 3, 4, 7, 12, -, -, -, -, -. Moran,Ian, 37, 1, 6, 7, 19, 6, 0, 0, 0, 2. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/hockey/teams.php?c=001&y=1998&t=0024 |
67. Centre Sport Statistics. NHL. Teams hockey. NHL. Corrinet, Chris, 8, 0, 1, 1, 6, , -, -, -, -. Ciernik, Ivan, 6, 0,1, 1, 2, -, -, -, -, -. ferraro, peter, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0, -, -, -, -, -. ferraro,Chris, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -, -, -, -, -. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/hockey/teams.php?c=001&y=2002&t=0033 |
68. FAQs: ESPN NHL Hockey: Updating FAQ Sega for making this great game The ESPN NHL hockey Community - www FERENCE, Brad(PHX) FERGUSON, Scott (EDM) ferraro, Chris (PHX) ferraro, peter (PHX) FIBIGER http://faqs.ign.com/articles/448/448493p1.html | |
69. RDS - Repêchage LNH 2003 Translate this page frontières pour inclure les jeunes joueurs qui avaient joué professionnellementpour la défunte Association mondiale de hockey. ferraro, peter, 24e, 1992, http://www.rds.ca/hockey/repechage2003/repechage.html | |
70. RDS - Championnat Mondial De Hockey Junior Translate this page Mike Dunham (USA), Janne Gronvall (Fin). peter ferraro (USA), Scott Niedermayer(Can). Alexei Kovalev (CEE), Michael Nylander (Swe). STATISTIQUES OFFENSIVES. http://www.rds.ca/hockey/junior2004/historique_1992.html | |
71. Atlantic Hockey The Crusaders remain undefeated in Atlantic hockey action and extend their winning intothe third period followed by a goal from peter ferraro minutes later. http://www.atlantichockeyonline.com/news/20031124_weeklyrelease | |
72. Atlantic Hockey ever threegame conference losing streak in the MAAC-turned-Atlantic hockey by turning OthersNominated Rob Godfrey, Holy Cross; peter ferraro, Sacred Heart. http://www.atlantichockeyonline.com/news/20031207weeklyrelease | |
73. Waterloo Black Hawks - Press Release Team, which commemorates a quartercentury of America s best junior hockey. thatwere selected are Jason Blake, Rod Taylor, peter and Chris ferraro. http://www.waterlooblackhawks.com/news/nw040204_allstar.shtml | |
74. Online Stores (Hockey Cards) - Selleazy.com 1 Available from EJs Sports Cards Buy Now $8.00. 199899 Be A Player (Autographs)- peter ferraro AU 1 Available from EJs Sports Cards Buy Now $4.00. http://www.selleazy.com/stores/index.php?CatX=Collectibles&CatA=Hockey Cards |
75. Hockey - Bentley Athletics in front at 1710 on freshman peter ferraro s (Pleasantville, NY initial shot, butthe rebound found ferraro s stick for 1 overall and 44-1 in Atlantic hockey. http://www.bentley.edu/athletics/varsity_sports/hockey/view_event.cfm?id=3014 |
76. UMaine Athletics - Men's Hockey UMaine hockey Alumni In Professional hockey. NHL Keith Carney Anaheim AHL) Chrisferraro - Springfield Falcons (AHL) peter ferraro - Springfield Falcons (AHL http://www.goblackbears.com/hockeym/archives/alumni.html | |
77. Hockey Digest: Quick Quiz - Hockey Teams And Players - Brief Article Weight? 6. At which university did peter ferraro play collegiate hockeyBoston College, Maine, Michigan State, or Harvard? 7. Which http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCM/is_5_29/ai_69750080 | |
78. Hockey Digest: Names And Numbers - Hockey - Statistical Data Included and numbers hockey - Statistical Data Included hockey Digest, Feb Donald Audette43 Points Ray ferraro 120 Andrew Yelle 432 Joe Sakic 426 peter Forsberg 419 http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCM/is_4_30/ai_81465968 | |
79. Hockey Trade Rumors - Hockey Information And Rumors - Jennifer Ferraro Foundatio Chris and his brother peter as well as older brother Joe, have put together The tournamentwith be hosted by Chris ferraro himself and will feature members of http://www.hockeytraderumors.com/article3309.html | |
80. Hockey Trade Rumors - Hockey Information And Rumors - Waiver Draftees D; Pete Vandermeer, F; peter White, F; Neil Little, G. Phoenix Coyotes Frank Banham,F; Chris ferraro, F; peter ferraro, F; Bryan Helmer, D; Brian Savage, F http://www.hockeytraderumors.com/article3641.html | |
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