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61. | Vancouver Canucks Headquarters | Canucks Hockey | Version 9 4. Jim Benning, Ab Demarco, gerald diduck, Greg Hawgood, Randy Holt, John Hughes,Frantisek Kucera, Rick Lanz, Grant Ledyard, Bryan McCabe, Mike Walton, Barry http://www.canuckshq.com/alltimenumbers.html | |
62. Histoire Des Tournois | Championnat Du Monde De Hockey Junior | Hockey | La Pass Yves Courteau,7. 0. 1. 1. Bruce Cassidy, 7. 0. 0. 0. gerald diduck, 7. 0. 0. 0. Gary Lacey, 5.0. 0. 0. http://radio-canada.ca/sports/hockey/dossiers/ChampMondeHockeyJr2004/histoire198 | |
63. FAQs: ESPN NHL Hockey: Renaming FAQ in the ways you could edit the rosters in the game, ESPN NHL hockey allows for 200,CAN) D3 22 Jeff Brown (28, 6 2, 204, CAN) D4 - 04 gerald diduck (29, 6 1 http://faqs.ign.com/articles/455/455268p1.html | |
64. Visual Art Gallery | Original Art For Sale gerald rec.sport.hockey BRAVES FS Phoenix then sent Murray to Hartford forveteran defenceman gerald diduck. /P /CLARI biz.clarinet.webnews.sports http://visual-art.biz/murphy_gerald.shtml | |
65. Championnat Du Monde De Hockey Féminin - 1994 Translate this page donné pour les joueuses, à la fin du championnat mondial de hockey féminin de Judydiduck est la soeur de gerald diduck qui joue pour les Whalers de Hartford http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/french/WWC_1994.html | |
66. Other Team Canada 1994 Pictures Judy diduck is the sister of gerald diduck who plays for the Hartford Whalers. wasgiven for us at the conclusion of the 1994 Women s World hockey Championships http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/country/canada/misc/tc94.html | |
67. Hockey Digest: Changing On The Fly - Hockey Players Discuss Being Traded try to build loyalty and commitment to your new organization, says gerald diduck,one of I played my college hockey in Boston at Harvard, played on the US http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCM/is_5_29/ai_69750734 | |
68. NHL2 - Fantasy Hockey Green Bay Goons Bruce Driver (D). Nathan Lafayette (C). Bill Ranford (G)Doug Zmolek (D). Marcel Cousineau (G) gerald diduck (D). Unassigned List http://www.nhl2.com/retirees.htm | |
69. Items - Nhl Hockey Fights Dvd School tony grimsondarren langdon see such pilon jessie hockey fights, barnaby darren langdon-andrestu grimson-tie janssens-luke richardson gerald diduck-joe steve http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs179-2871-nhl/hockey/fights/dvd/school.htm | |
70. Hockey Trade Rumors - Hockey Information And Rumors - A List Of 2001 Free Agents DALLAS Mike Bales, (UFA) Ed Belfour, (UFA) gerald diduck, (UFA) Ted Donato, (UFA)Benoit Hogue, (UFA*) Brett Hull, (UFA) Mike Keane, (UFA) Grant Ledyard, (UFA http://www.hockeytraderumors.com/article32.html | |
71. 1996-1997 Hockey Players 19961997 hockey Players. 0.0 34 PHO Johnson, Jim 519) 2.7 0.0 26 FLO Laus, Paul 520)2.5 0.2 23 ANA VanImpe, Darren 521) 2.4 0.0 31 HFD diduck, gerald 522) 2.4 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/HPlayers1996.html | |
72. WLUHL Fantasy Hockey League Hacksaws Craig Rivet 5. HIT Waterloo Hitmen Chris Murray 6. JUG Syracuse Jugheads*** No List *** 7. STB Montreal Storm Brngrs gerald diduck 8. SPI Sierra http://www.wluhl.net/wluhl9/dispersal_draft9.html | |
73. HockeySeek.com Diduck,_Gerald hockey Ice hockey Leagues National hockey League Players D Found 1sites about diduck, gerald. gerald diduck - National Team profile http://www.hockeyseek.com/categories/Sports__Hockey__Ice_Hockey__Leagues__Nation | |
74. Into The Storm - Ice Hockey In Canada Selsmer is a local boy who came up through our minor hockey programme first womanto suit up with an NHL team) Judy diduck (sister of gerald) and Hayley http://www.intothestorm.co.uk/canada/home.html | |
75. The Vancouver Canucks Almanac It s fun now, and every shift is exciting, defenseman gerald diduck said. Then whenyou re on the bench, it s great hockey to watch, too, even from the bench http://www.canucksalmanac.hispeed.com/94playoffs/calgary_index.html |
76. University Of Alberta | Daily Media Summaries | March 09, 2000 5. BEARS SKATING FOR CANADA WEST CROWN hockey Bears playing against Saskatchewanfor Carla diduck, gerald s 28year-old sister, was in surgery at U of A http://www.ualberta.ca/~publicas/summaries/00/03/09.htm | |
77. The Canucks Report - Bryan McCabe Other Canucks that have wore 4 Jim Benning, Ab Demarco, gerald diduck, Greg Hawgood Memberof Team Canada at the World hockey Championships in 1998 and 1999. http://www.canucksreport.com/mccabe/ | |
78. GCHL Hall Of Fame Team Stats Player Stats Weekly Stats Schedule / Results Roster Reports League ReportsHall of Fame Playoff hockey Links GCHL Player Register. diduck, gerald, 1. http://www.gchl.net/playerchamps.asp | |
79. 1997 Press Archive - Ottawa Senators Hockey Club (NHL) The Coyotes then sent him to Hartford for defenceman gerald diduck. He played threeseasons with the Kamloops Blazers of the Western hockey League, winning the http://www.ottawasenators.com/news/press/1997/nr105-e.aro | |
80. 1997 Press Archive - Ottawa Senators Hockey Club (NHL) Translate this page lÂex-Glorieux aux Whalers pour les services de lÂarrière-garde gerald diduck. Copyright© 1996-2004 Ottawa Senators hockey Club Find what you are looking http://www.ottawasenators.com/news/press/1997/nr105-f.aro | |
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