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Bertuzzi Todd: more detail |
81. Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League bertuzzi fans. Because what I saw from todd bertuzzi had absolutleynothing to do with hockey and people are still defending him. http://www.sjhl.sk.ca/sjhltalk/messages/4409/4409.html?1083408921 |
82. Sports Betting King - Live News, Scores, Stats And Matchups - Guide To Online Wa punished with jail time. What a great influence todd bertuzzi is havingon our kids that play hockey. Posted by todd s shameful http://www.sports-king.com/player.php?sport=NHL&pid=197 |
83. The Hammer - A Statement From Todd Bertuzzi: "I Only Meant To ca is Canada s favourite tool for hardhitting headlines, Canadian stories and over-the-topSatirical News todd bertuzzi, cheap shot, hockey, hitting, sprain http://www.thehammer.ca/content/2004/0315/filler_bertuzzi.html | |
84. Canucks Fans Rally To Support Steve Moore And Todd Bertuzzi - HardCOREware Forum On Thursday todd bertuzzi was suspended by the league for the remainder of the regular likelybe banned from competing in this summerÂs World Cup of hockey. http://www.hardcoreware.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14456 |
85. Todd Bertuzzi Posters Posters Sports Posters hockey Posters todd bertuzzi Posters View moreposters in this category at AllPosters.com Search todd bertuzzi Poster, http://sports-posters.junglewalk.com/Todd-Bertuzzi-Posters.asp | |
86. East-lake.net : Todd Bertuzzi Is A Prick I used to like todd bertuzzi, but after seeing what he did page of the USA Today,we re talking about bertuzzi. We all agree that hockey is a pretty cool sport http://www.east-lake.net/past/2004/03/todd_bertuzzi_is_a_prick.php | |
87. Newsday.com - Hockey By JOHN WAWROW AP Sports Writer March 12, 2004, 1001 AM EST TORONTO todd bertuzzi ssuspension until at least next Fighting in the game of hockey has been http://www.newsday.com/sports/hockey/sns-ap-hkn-bertuzzis-punch,0,7629137.story? |
88. Todd Bertuzzi Autographed Hockey Puck todd bertuzzi $99.00 $89.10 Status Available. Official Vancouver CanucksHockey Puck autographed by todd bertuzzi Free Shipping For Online Orders. http://www.grandstandsports.com/pages/17372.htm | |
89. Buy Vancouver Canucks: Canucks Todd Bertuzzi 2004 NHL All Star Game Used Net Pho Buy Vancouver Canucks Canucks todd bertuzzi 2004 NHL All Star Game Used Net Photomintonline! Tophockey-Shop.com presents this offer in affiliation with Shop http://www.top-hockey-shop.com/buy/NHL-04ASNET-001 | |
90. Todd Bertuzzi Suspendat Pina La Sfirsitul Sezonului (cel Putin) bb9df9f289d8cc) anunta ca atacantul todd bertuzzi (Vancouver Canucks In cazul luibertuzzi se speculeaza ca acuzatia va headline-ul a fost hockey is so sick http://www.onlinesport.ro/forum/showthread.php?t=2235 |
91. Teal Sunglasses: Todd Bertuzzi And Steve Moore. March 09, 2004. todd bertuzzi and Steve Moore. It is a difficult dayto be a hockey fan today. I just happened to be watching (on http://www.plaidworks.com/chuqui/blog/001363.html | |
92. Hockey Pictures View All Items. Links Link with us. hockey Pictures . Your Price $49.00.bertuzzi, todd Framed Picture, Vancouver Canucks. enlarge - more info - buy. http://www.accentfurniture.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=581 |
93. Index Of /2004/hockey/nhl/03/10/bc.hkn.bertuzzi.spunch.ap/ DIR Parent Directory index.xml 17Mar-2004 0011 4K......Index of /2004/hockey/nhl/03/10/bc.hkn.bertuzzi.spunch.ap/. Name Last modifiedSize http://www.cnnsi.com/2004/hockey/nhl/03/10/bc.hkn.bertuzzi.spunch.ap/ |
94. CBC Sports Online: Indepth: The Bertuzzi Incident: Bios t long before the young teen took his skill and size to the Guelph Storm of the OntarioHockey League. RELATED Player stats todd bertuzzi. bertuzzi played two http://www.cbc.ca/sports/indepth/bertuzzi/bios/ | |
95. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas NHL on FSU. Vancouver Canucks Clubhouse. Fantasy Games. bertuzzi, todd(F). Skater Stats. G, AST, SH. 17, 43, 156. PEN, +/, HAT. 122, 21, 0.FSU NUMBERS. http://www.fantasysportsunlimited.com/nhl/VAN/bio.asp?ID=1108 |
96. 2003-04 - Black Dia Dia 183 Todd Bertuzzi save on order, cash may be card auctions and check, money is the this diamondhockey todd bertuzzi or. will add made by 183 of 1.00 diamond 4 shipping. http://www.1boomersplace.com/page/crs78-44903-black/dia/dia/183/todd/bertuzzi.ht | |
98. Straight.com: In Todd They Trusted, With Little Return todd bertuzzi, the brooding, scowling office figure, seemed to be the only personcapable of stopping todd bertuzzi, the best power forward in hockeyand, in http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=1604 |
99. Bertuzzi GM Place. Participants todd bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks hockeyteam and Steve Moore of the Colorado Avalanche. Event In a http://www.cd-b.com/bertuzzi.htm | |
100. Todd Bertuzzi Suporter's Petition View Current Signatures. The todd bertuzzi Suporter s Petition to National HockeyLeague, Colin Campbell was created by and written by Alain Johnstone. http://www.petitiononline.com/Bertuzzi/petition.html | |
He made a public statement, tears coming down his eyes. He has probably not slept much in the last few days and he most certianly did NOT mean to injure anyone as bad as he did. Quite a touching speach that he said from his heart, not off some Q cards or a letter. Letting the Moore family, the fans, young hockey players, the Canucks, and the rest of the world know that he was truly sorry for what he did. Let us back Bertuzzi up. Show your true support for him! Anyone could have made such a mistake and let the better get of them. Remember Marcus Naslunds statement about him saying that Todd is really a great guy, just because he does not want to talk to the media it does not make him a bad person. | |
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