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Bertuzzi Todd: more detail |
61. SPERTS.net - Bertuzzi Brings Out The Hockey Haters - Thursday, March 11th, 2004 This is about todd bertuzzi screwing up royally, not the sport of hockey.bertuzzi apologzing for ending Moore s season (and his own). http://www.sperts.net/editorial.php?page=60&author=Pete Sweigard |
62. Canucks Central | Vancouver Canucks Hockey | Www.canuckscentral.com todd bertuzzi 44 Considering that Linden would now not fetch any one of those elements,the bertuzzi deal has to Canucks Central is hosted by hockey s Future http://www.canuckscentral.com/bertuzzi.shtml | |
63. Damn Foreigner: Comment On Todd Bertuzzi Damn Foreigner. Comments todd bertuzzi. I ll be the first to admit that I m nota sports fan. Yes, hockey will always be a rough game, but why fight at all? http://www.damnforeigner.com/cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=457 |
64. Damn Foreigner: March 2004 Archives todd bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks was handed down a suspension until the endof the Let me first say that cheapshots have no place in hockey whatsoever. http://www.damnforeigner.com/archives/2004_03.html | |
65. Top Shelf Playoffs 2004 - WHEN HOCKEY PLAYERS CROSS THE LINE He never makes it, as he is suckerpunched to the head and tackled to the ice bybig Vancouver Canucks All-Star, todd bertuzzi. Moore s hockey future is in http://www.webthumper.com/topshelf/issues/200404/hockey.html | |
66. AltaVista News: Sports todd bertuzzi not selected to play for Canada in World Cup of hockey CALGARY (CP) Suspended Vancouver Canucks forward todd bertuzzi was left off Canada s http://www.altavista.com/news/cats?q=&nc=8&sc=309 |
67. [Todd Bertuzzi (guy Who Broke Someone S Neck In A Hockey Game)] todd bertuzzi (guy who broke someone s neck in a hockey game). (Clickhere to view the original thread with full colors/images). Posted http://cellphoneforums.net/archive/topic/113017.html |
68. Hockey, Al Qaida, Et Al - A Day Later Perspective - Www.ezboard.com then as far as I m concerned, todd bertuzzi is a Then I watched Markus Naslund sayingbertuzzi is really sorry I ve always felt that hockey is a wonderful sport http://denverpost.ezboard.com/fdenverpostsportsfrm8.showMessage?topicID=29.topic |
69. NHL-FT : Hockey En Reseau Translate this page Résumé de la saison. todd bertuzzi (ailier droit). Vancouver Canucks,M, Bu, Pa, Pt, SP, IF, Et. TOT, 42, 42, 26, 68, 12, 2, 41. LHO-M, /, 1er,26e, 6e, 2e, 39e, 2e. http://nhl.lfjr.net/?link=lhom_joue&id_joueur=1644&type=J |
70. NHL-FT : Hockey En Reseau Translate this page Résumé de la saison. todd bertuzzi (ailier droit). Vancouver Canucks, M,Bu, Pa, Pt, SP, IF, Et. TOT, 47, 18, 17, 35, 3, 2, 20. LHO, /, 76e, 112e,93e, 96e, 31e, 29e. http://nhl.lfjr.net/?link=lhod_joue&id_joueur=1644&type=J |
71. This Just In: Hockey's More Than Fights (& Bertuzzi) com s database. This Just In hockey s More than Fights (and todd bertuzzi)By Nicholas Hirshon Published March 14, 2004. Finally, the http://www.hockeyzoneplus.com/nh/nh006.htm | |
72. Howard Chang: Who Is Todd Bertuzzi? todd bertuzzi is a hockey player for the Vancouver Canucks. Who is todd bertuzzi?Most people will say he represents hockeya bloodthirsty, violent sport. http://ccic.org/mv/howchang/archives/000061.html | |
73. FREEBERT.COM TODD BERTUZZI'S INDEFINITE SUSPENSION MUST CHANGE! SAVE BERT! This site believes that the NHL sought to make an example of todd bertuzzi in orderto appease the fringe hockey fans and mainstream media that has turned an http://www.freebert.com/ | |
74. Filipino.ca : Sports And Recreation : What Punishment Should Todd Bertuzzi Get? What punishment should todd bertuzzi get? Option, Votes. None. It s part of hockey.1 vote 5.56%. 10 games. 3 votes - 16.67%. Season, 2 votes - 11.11%. http://www.filipino.ca/forum/thread-view.asp?threadid=17841&start=1 |
75. JJHuddle.com: Vancouver's Todd Bertuzzi's Sentence... JJHuddle » Ice hockey » Vancouver s todd bertuzzi s sentence http://www.jjhuddle.com/discus/messages/36108/194507.php | |
76. FindLaw's Writ - Lynch: Prosecuting Professional Sports The same should be true for professional hockey players. todd bertuzzi exploitedhis profession in order to commit a violent crime, hoping it would be shielded http://writ.news.findlaw.com/student/20040324_lynch.html | |
77. The Roto Times Sports Team hockey Teams. Results for bertuzzi, todd, Page 1 of 1. http://excite.rototimes.com/index.php?sport=hockey&type=playernotes&name=player_ |
78. Internet Sports Ranking DB - NHL Hockey Player - Todd Bertuzzi NHL Player todd bertuzzi ( Vancouver Canucks ). DOB 2/2/75 POB Sudbury,ON Squad 44 Position RW Height 6-3 Weight 245 lbs. http://www.isrdb.com/hockey/player/Todd_Bertuzzi | |
79. The Greater Nomadic Council Comment On Todd Bertuzzi And The The Greater Nomadic Council. Comments todd bertuzzi and the Phenomenologyof Sporting Violence. Here s the link When Is hockey Violence Illegal? http://blog.monkeymask.net/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=278 |
80. Links todd bertuzzi, 10year NHL veteran and the league s Moore collapsed immediately andbertuzzi put his hands on given the market equity that hockey has relative http://blog.monkeymask.net/archives/000278.html |
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