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Shirov Alexei: more detail | |||||||
21. Chess Federation :: Játékos Adatlapja FIDE, 2004.04.012004.06.30. Név shirov, alexei. FIDE azonosÃtó 2209390. Helyezés 14. HUNGARIAN chess FEDERATION H1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 10. http://www.chess.hu/en/ertekszam_reszletes.php3?id=f2209390 |
22. Sakkszövetség :: Játékos Adatlapja FIDE, 2004.04.012004.06.30. Név shirov, alexei. FIDE azonosÃtó 2209390. Tel. (361) 311-6616 Fax (36-1) 331-9738 E-mail chess@chess.hu. http://www.chess.hu/hu/ertekszam_reszletes.php3?id=f2209390 |
23. Www.WorldChessRating.com Bologan of Moldova took advantage of alexei shirov of Spain s and Bologan tied for fourth and fifth; shirov, Van Wely year 2004 to get all the chess news first http://www.worldchessrating.com/ |
24. Everyman Chess | Biography Of: Alexei Shirov Since becoming a grandmaster in 1990, alexei shirov has firmly established himself amongst the games has made him a great favourite with the chess public, who http://www.everymanbooks.com/disp_biog.php?id=60 |
25. Everyman Chess | Fire On Board: Shirov's Best Games and Booklist alexei shirov. home contact openings training games collections beginners general © Everyman chess 2004 © Webdesign Harakis http://www.everymanbooks.com/display.php?id=57 |
26. Player Information shirovalexei. Since May 8, 2004. Introduction chess statistics. Rating, Total results, Qualifying results, Win-Loss, Win - Loss difference, Win / Loss ratio. http://games.flyordie.com/s/playerInfo.html?portal=flyordie_com&lang=en&game=Che |
27. Corus Chess Tournament 2004 - Column - Shirov School Online Classes in the chess school will be given by alexei shirov himself as well as by other prominent titled players such as Romero and Sans themselves, GM Arthur http://www.coruschess.com/article.php?s=a19&show=99999 |
28. CHESS NEWS 3. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2766 4.0; 4. Polgar, Judit g HUN 2722 4.0; 5. shirov, alexei g ESP 01, 1/2, 1-0, 1/2, 1-0) 17.8 Grishuk - 1-st in rapid chess Open http://ochess.narod.ru/ | |
29. World Chess Championship : 2002 Candidates Tournament World chess Championship 2002 Dortmund Candidates Tournament. http//www.chessgate.de/dortmund/. Leko, Peter, 1, =, 1, 2.5. shirov, alexei, 0, =, 0, 0.5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Tot. http://www.mark-weeks.com/chess/a1a2esix.htm | |
30. World Chess Championship : 2001-02 FIDE Knockout Matches Translate this page World chess Championship 2001-02 FIDE Knockout Matches Pairing chart. Moscow, XI-XII, 2001. shirov, alexei, GM, ESP, 2706, 2.0, +, 1.5, +, 3.5, +, 4.0, +, 0.5, , http://www.mark-weeks.com/chess/a1a2$w01.htm | |
31. The Chess Piece Chess Store with GM alexei shirov. All five of GM alexei shirov s videos from his Best Games chess video series, including shirov! (Best Games Volume 1) shirov! http://www.thechesspiece.com/products.asp?cat=45 |
32. The Shirov Collection With Cart In the first volume of a series of videos dedicated to his best endgames, international chess superstar alexei shirov deeply analyzes some of his best endgames http://www.chess4less.com/2-shirov.htm |
33. Escuela De Ajedrez Alexei Shirov - Descargas Translate this page Los nombres de los jugadores están revisados y se ajustan a la Enciclopedia de chess Base. Formato cbv. alexei shirov. Página Personal alexei shirov. http://www.shirovonline.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=MostPopular |
34. MindZine - Chess News: Shirov Sues WCC shirov sues the World chess Council, 11 October 2000, alexei shirov is taking the World chess Council (WCC) to court! The Spanish http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/shirov_sues.html | |
35. MindZine - Chess News: Fide Chess World Championships 2000 There is only one match taking place, to determine the FIDE chess championship of the world so just Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2762, v, shirov, alexei g ESP 2746. http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/wcc2000/comp7.html | |
36. Schach-Ticker Translate this page 5th European Individual chess Championship in der Türkei, 14 Kurajica, Emir Dizdarevic und Borki Predojev Ergebnisse der 5. Runde shirov, alexei - Atalik, Suat http://www.chess-international.de/ticker/ | |
37. Www.chess-international.de Translate this page chess-INTERNATIONAL.DE Turnierbericht/Tournament. Grischuk, Alexander - Polgar, Judit 1/2 Leko, Peter - Kasparov, Gary 1/2 shirov, alexei - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2, 2 http://www.chess-international.de/ticker/2000/linares01/linares.htm | |
38. Alexei Shirov I bought a copy of GM alexei shirov s Fire On Board and I have not been able to put it down! There are few novels as compelling as this chess book, and only http://www.1001knights.com/OldEssays/shirov.html |
39. Welcome To The Austin Chess Club alexei shirov. Alexander Morozevich. Frankfurt Giants. 2000. 01. C14 French Classical System. Evgeny Bareev. alexei shirov. Russia Vs. http://austinchessclub.org/shirov.htm | |
40. Interview With Alexei Shirov my chess in both creative and competitive terms and then came the official offer from Rentero, said alexei, referring to the WCC s offer to shirov for http://www.smartchess.com/SmartChessOnline/SmartChessOnline/SepOct98/shirovint.h | |
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