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Polgar Zsuzsa: more detail | ||||||
41. US Chess Federation NY. 2597. 18. Becerra, Julio J. NC. 2591. 19. De Firmian, Nick E. 2587. 20. polgar, zsuzsa. NY. 2577. 21. Stripunsky, Alexander. NY. 2574. Wojtkiewicz, Alek. MD. 2574. 23. http://www.uschess.org/ratings/top50/jun03/jun03_quick.html | |
42. US Chess Federation 2548. 38. Ivanov, Igor V, UT, 2546. 39. Kraai, Jesse, NM, 2543. 40. polgar, zsuzsa, NY, 2542. 41. Khachiyan, Melikset, CA, 2541. 42. Blatny, Pavel, NY, 2540. 43. Lapshun, Yury, NY, http://www.uschess.org/ratings/top/feb04/overall.php | |
43. ChessHub.com LIST) Note The 1999 FIDE World chess rating came late and contained errors. 2593. 47, Andersson, Ulf, SWE, 2623, polgar, zsuzsa, 2592. http://www.chesshub.com/faq/chess/?L=top100 |
44. Chess Trivia A chess club for lady players lasted in New York from 1894 to the men s Grandmaster title Nona Gaprindashvili, Maya Chiburdanidze, zsuzsa polgar, Judith polgar http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/w.html | |
45. Information About Chess hold the men s Grandmaster title Nona Gaprindashvili, Maya Chiburdanidze, zsuzsa polgar, Judit polgar, and Pia Cramling. . Source http//chess.liveonthenet.com http://www.chess-poster.com/english/mail/mail_2001/information_about_chess.htm |
46. US Chess Federation United States chess Federation Top 100 US Women for April 2003. This list only include current USCF members. Rank, Name, State, Rating. 1. polgar, zsuzsa, NY, 2546. http://mysite.verizon.net/pulsar/Library_Ref/People_page/Chess_Women/US Chess Fe | |
47. Suara Merdeka 050300 There have been seven women world chess champions but several of them never married. The exception was Judit s eldest sister zsuzsa polgar. http://www.chessgoddesses.com/cgjpolgaraticle050300.htm | |
49. Jerome Bibuld And The 100 Free Rating Points Murder In Russia in which he again defends the award by FIDE of 100 Free Rating Points to Every Woman chess Player in the World except for zsuzsa polgar. http://www.samsloan.com/bibuld-p.htm | |
50. Mechanics Institute Chess Room Newsletter #183 Named after the longest serving Mechanics Institute chess Director (16 years zsuzsa polgar made her first appearance in California and Elliott Winslow achieved http://www.chessdryad.com/articles/mi/article_191.htm | |
51. Mechanics Institute Chess Room Newsletter #179 Open 2) Shipman and Thornally lead TNM 3) Nick deFirmian ties for first in Denmark 4) More on Osmand Palos 5) Bay Area chess History 6) zsuzsa polgar wins in http://www.chessdryad.com/articles/mi/article_187.htm | |
52. File Library At Channel 1: All-Platform Chess 2022, 96zsu_ca.zip, 6868, 1204-96, zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Games. chess. 2023, 96zsu_pg.zip, 5275, 12-04-96, zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Games. chess. http://www.filelibrary.com/Contents/Multi-Platform/88/57.html | |
53. Interesting Stories In Chess Media online version). Interesting piece on GM Susan (zsuzsa) polgar s tireless efforts at promoting chess in Queens, New York. The four http://www.thechessdrum.net/newsbriefs/2004/NB_Stories.html | |
54. Koneru Humpy - Humpy In 2001 Humpy (2539) is practicing chess in Pentium III Laptop Computer for Hours together Fourth behind GM Judit polgar (2677) of Hungary, GM polgar zsuzsa (2565) of http://www.koneruhumpy.com/rahul.html | |
55. Best Lady Players One of three amazing chessplaying sisters of the Laszlo polgar family. Hungarian ( The other two sisters being zsuzsa {Susan} and Zsofia. http://www.geocities.com/lifemasteraj/best_lady_players.html | |
56. USCF POLITICS PAGE By WGM ANJELINA BELAKOVSKAIA my way of supporting woman s chess has been to give women equal opportunities to play. For example, when FIDE was trying to force zsuzsa polgar to play in http://pw2.netcom.com/~usqueen/saslo.html | |
57. Exeter Chess Club: Trawled From The 'Net misc Subject Re Kasparov s Boycott Against Judit polgar Date Tue understood more about my game with zsuzsa in those I d never planned on being a chess pro http://www.ex.ac.uk/~dregis/DR/Trawl/Plogar.html | |
58. Chess Direct Ltd. P autobiography of the eldest of the famous polgar sisters describes zsuzsa provides many insights into her childhood and the politics of the chess world. http://www.chessdirect.co.uk/acatalog/CATALOGUE___SHOP_P_18.html | |
59. Chess Direct Ltd. Player Game Collections early age they were destined to become chess players Tibor Karolyi, who helped train Judit s sister zsuzsa, annotates 89 a lot of time with the polgar family he http://www.chessdirect.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?PRODREF=b8890&NOLOGIN=1 |
60. The Pillowfight: Packing Bricks til you hear how the Women s World chess Championship is going. Let s start at the beginning, a couple of years ago, with zsuzsa (Susan) polgar as reigning http://www.1001knights.com/ChessChick/pillow.html | |
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