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81. Cardoza Publishing This basic chess primer features diagrams, explanations and winning ideas writtenfor kids by to be eclipsed by Vinay Bhat (13), and then hikaru nakamura, a 10 http://www.cardozapub.com/new/chess.htm | |
82. Town Topics chess Forum, With a win over GM hikaru nakamura (another prodigy), Benen toppedoff a clear first place win at the HS Championships in Atlanta with a strong http://www.towntopics.com/jul2303/chess.html | |
83. CHESS Lubomir Kavalek (washingtonpost.com) Millennium Open Grandmasters hikaru nakamura and Ildar Ibragimov shared first placein the Baltimore County dominated the final four in college chess April 34 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4403-2004Apr11.html | |
84. CalChess, Home Of The Northern California Chess Association - Official Site Click here for complete tournament standings and selected chess games. the titledplayers clashed as early as round 2. 15 year old GM hikaru nakamura won the http://www.calchess.org/calchessnews.html | |
85. New In Chess - Magazine Articles password View all publications of New In chess Download New In chess publicationlist. Magazine2003/2, nakamura,hikaru For the record by The NIC Editorial team http://www.newinchess.com/Archives/ArticlesList.aspx?SubjectID=1&Page=10 |
86. New In Chess - Magazine Articles Magazine 2003/2, nakamura,hikaru For the record by The NIC Editorial team Magazine2003/2 buy , page 6 Biographical, NIC s Café. Magazine 2003/2, What is chess? http://www.newinchess.com/Archives/ArticlesList.aspx?MagazineID=155&Page=2 |
87. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS P four of the top performers at the SuperNationals II of chess competition in Siegeland Benen, with 6½ points each, tied with hikaru nakamura, 14, of White http://www.utdallas.edu/utdgeneral/news/archive/chessscholar2.htm |
88. NRC Handelsblad - Registratie En Inloggen Vlassov tegen de Amerikaanse grootmeester hikaru nakamura, die in nakamura is eenopgewonden standje dat in een Vlassov schreef in chess Today dat hij zich http://www.nrc.nl/schaken/artikel/1076565668143.html | |
89. 2000 National Elementary Chess Championships Sunday Evening Three days of great chess is winding down, and the results are posted.hikaru nakamura is the new K6 Champion, Alexandr Dementiev is the K5 http://www.64.com/chess/00-ELEM/news.html | |
90. 2000 National Elementary Chess Championships Grade k6 Individual Prizes as of Mon May 15 001850 2000 EDT Place Name/Team RateScore MMed Solk SB Cum 1 nakamura, hikaru (1,H15) 2313 7.0 29.5 33.0 66.0 http://www.64.com/chess/00-ELEM/prog/stand.cgi?z=k6 |
91. Internet Chess Journal 7,5 7 ROMANOV, EVGENY 7,5 8 LU, ZHAOYA 7,5 9 HALAY, TAUFIK 7,5 10 RANGARAJAN, SUNIL7,5 11 BRKIC, ANTE 7,5 12 PREDOJEVIC, BORKI 7,5 13 nakamura, hikaru 7,0 14 http://www.chessjournal.cz/cz/one_news.asp?IDNews=223 |
92. Chess Lessons Games Board Games Abstract Battle Games chess People (121) Anand Alexandra (topiasearch)Krush, Irina (topiasearch) nakamura, hikaru (topiasearch) Personal http://www.allegiancewars.com/topia/chess lessons | |
93. MindZine - Chess News - MSO Maurice Ashley 2579, Eduard Gufeld 2565, Anatoly Lein 2501, and hikaru Nakamura2330. 28 June 2000 The superstars of the swiss chess circuit are gathering in http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/worldopen2000.html | |
94. Wauu.DE: Games: Board Games: Abstract: Battle Games: Chess: People: Nakamura, Hi Translate this page Wauu.DE Games Board Games Abstract Battle Games chess PeopleNakamura, hikaru. Home Games Board Games Abstract Battle http://www.wauu.de/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/People/Nakamura | |
95. The Daily Dirt Chess Blog: 2000 + 0 = 2036 You can t force someone to become a chess pro when it s just not feasible I supposeHikaru nakamura, six years younger than the winner and already a GM, is http://www.chessninja.com/dailydirt/archives/000018.htm | |
96. Chess-An The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/2785/ | |
97. Images Of Players In The FIDE World Championship All of these photos are from the FIDE web site, http//www1.worldfide.com/chess/index.html,which contains the following notice http://www.samsloan.com/players.htm | |
98. Dr. Lim Kok An Has Died - Ruled The World Chess Federation With An Iron Fist Dr. Lim Kok An has died Ruled the World chess Federation with an Iron Fist. Dr.Lim was a chess master and many times chess champion of Singapore. http://www.samsloan.com/limkokan.htm | |
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