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61. Pakistan Chess Player International chess Tournament 2004, Dominican Republic The event took place 23rd 2572GM GER; Goloshchapov, Alexander 2572 GM UKR; nakamura, hikaru 2571 GM USA http://pakchess.cjb.net/ | |
62. US Chess Federation Press Release #6 Of 2003 hikaru nakamura of White Plains, NY has broken the great Bobby hikaru was born December9, 1987 and final GM norm at the Bermuda International chess Festival on http://www.uschess.org/news/press/uspr0306.html | |
63. Association Of Chess Professionals | ACP News note that after the deadline for the receipt of the Players Undertakings for theWorld chess Championship 2004 nakamura, hikaru (USA) Americas Qualifier 64. http://www.chess-players.org/eng/news/viewarticle.html?id=100 |
64. Pejmanesque: CHESS NEWS A Game In chess NEWS A game in the United States Championship tournament between Boris Gulkoand hikaru nakamura is covered here by the estimable chess columnist Robert http://www.pejmanesque.com/archives/000732.html | |
65. 122nd Annual New York State Chess Championship Springs, New York Tiebreak Systems America s LongestRunning chess Tournament 12W 13 5.0 18.5 21.0 17.0 78.5 $622 4 nakamura, hikaru ..2300 12641216 http://www.nystar.com/chesscenter/saratoga00/nys00.htm | |
66. Centre Sport Statistics. Chess. Ratings Autosport Bandy Basketball Football Hockey Catalogues People About Me. chess. nakamura, hikaru (USA), 2003, 1.46556652, 49.450, 24.845, 75.685. http://www.sport-stat.km.ru/chess/ratings.php?y=2003&p=7 |
67. ChessNinja.com & TWIC Message Boards: The Libyan Lotto Zvjaginsev, Vadim (RUS) Goldin, Alexander (USA) Morovic, Ivan (CHI) nakamura, hikaru(USA) Bruzon chess Fan Bishop Member 598, Icon 1 posted April 22, 2004 08 http://www.chessninja.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=13;t=000025 |
68. Coffee Break Chess No. 32 tournament is organised by the MechanicÂs Institute chess Club (director Fedorowicz,as well as two young players Varuzhan Akobian and hikaru nakamura. http://www.marochess.de/cbc/cbc-32.htm | |
69. List Of Notable Chess Players - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 2 Female players. 3 Famous people who were/are avid chess players. 4 Computers. 5External Links. Aaron Nimzowitsch (Latvia, 1886 1935); hikaru nakamura (USA, 1987 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chess_players | |
70. Third Millennium Chess Signature Series   Personally Autographed By Notabl tournaments, member of US World chess Olympiad Team in 1994 1998 12 total produced3MSS030525AS $26.95 +$5.00 USPM Shipping. GM hikaru nakamura In February http://www.magnategames.com/signature_series.htm | |
71. Corus Chess Tournament Translate this page Corus chess Tournament. 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 8.5/13 3. Fressinet,Laurent GMFRA 2636 +4 ½ ½ * 0 1 0 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 ½ 8.0/13 4. nakamura,hikaru GM USA http://www.clubedexadrez.com.br/news/art.asp?cmd=view&articleid=2236 |
72. Online-Poker-Winner.com - Board Games/Abstract/Battle Games/Chess/People/Nakamur Board Games/Abstract/Battle Games/chess/People/nakamura, hikaru. Resourceshikaru nakamura rate review Offers links, history, and news. Search. http://www.online-poker-winner.com/res/7897/ | |
73. USJI Photos 2001 United States Junior Invitational. chess Championship. Photos.hikaru nakamura is the 2001 US Junior Champion. Front row, left http://www.greencountrychess.com/Archive/USJI2K01/USJI_Photos.htm | |
74. PROFESSIONAL WORLD CHESS RANKING 143, 220, Johansen,Darryl K, 04.02.1959, AUS, 2504, 175, 221, nakamura,hikaru,USA, 2504, 201, 222, Vorobjev,Evgeny, 13.12.1976, RUS, 2503, 180, 223, http://www.ruschess.com/Ratings/WCC/04_04_rus.php | |
75. Wiener Zeitung - Turnierdatenbank Translate this page 0 GM SUTOVSKY Emil 2 4 7 GM nakamura hikaru 1 - 0 GM PELLETIER Yannick 1 schach.wienerzeitung.atDer österreichische Schachserver / The Austrian chess Server. http://schach.wienerzeitung.at/asp/turniere.htm?tnr=1462&art=2 |
76. Wiener Zeitung - Turnierdatenbank Translate this page 1 7 GM nakamura hikaru 1 - 0 GM Fressinet Laurent 14 2 8 GM Hamdouchi schach.wienerzeitung.atDer österreichische Schachserver / The Austrian chess Server. http://schach.wienerzeitung.at/asp/turniere.htm?tnr=1559&art=2&tsel=1558,1559,15 |
77. Www Guseinov, Gadir g AZE 2571 20 198605-21 17 nakamura, hikaru g USA The Swiss tobaccocompany Dannemann has announced that the chess World Championship between http://www.sigschess.com/newsletterFeb2004.html | |
78. GIẢI VÃ ÃỊCH CỜ VUA TRẺ THẾ GIỚI GI?I VÃ Ã?CH C? VUA TR? TH? GI?I. The World Youth chess Championships2001. Home page. 2, FOMINYKH, Maria, RUS, 8.5, 2, nakamura, hikaru, USA, 8.5. http://www.vietnamchess.com/Tournament/Inter/2001/world youth chess.htm |
79. ÂGÂñÂÃ9 http//www.bermuda.bm/chess/gmb.html 2.nakamura, hikaru, m, USA, 2520, 7.5. 3. Perelshteyn, Eugene, m, USA, 2442,7.0. http://members.aol.com/bayonetkw/zappou/zappou9.html | |
80. Corus Chess Tournament 2004 10 up until January 25, 2004, the 66th Corus (formerly Hoogovens) chess Tournamenthas GM Arkady Naiditsch GER 2576 181 2510-1985 GM hikaru nakamura USA 2571 http://www.euronet.nl/users/cor/host2004.html | |
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